97 research outputs found

    Recognising: 'A' Levels in Design and Technology: A Correspondence

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    Economy: Announcement of [G5] Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors (the Plaza Agreement)

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    Announcement the Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors of France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Plaze Accord

    Extracts from Ministerial Statements

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    Summary Extracts from speeches by the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington, Minister of State at the Foreign Office Douglas Hurd and the Minister for Overseas Development Neil Marten. Resume Extraits des déclarations officielles Extraits des discours de Madame Thatcher, premier ministre, de Lord Carrington, ministre des affaires étrangères, de Douglas Hurd, ministre d'état au Foreign Office et de Neil Marten, ministre du développement d'outre?mer. Resumen Extractos de las declaraciones ministeriales Extractos de los discuros del Primer Ministro, Margaret Thatcher, el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Lord Carrington, el Ministro de Estado de Asuntos Exteriores, Douglas Hurd y el Ministro de Desarrollo Exterior, Neil Marten

    Rediseño de la intranet de la empresa Controltek S.A.C. usando servidores redundantes open source sobre vlan´s para optimizar el flujo de información

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    La empresa de la cual será objeto de estudio tiene problemas frecuentes desde hace algunos años con su Intranet, lo cual genera problemas de conexión internas en la red de la empresa, perdida de información, caídas repentinas de los servidores y virus informáticos que llegan desde el exterior de la Intranet. La presente tesis se focaliza en el objetivo de proponer un rediseño de la Intranet con el cual se podrá mejorar el rendimiento de la red para optimizar el flujo de información y minimizar los agentes infecciosos para la empresa, con el único propósito de que todos los trabajadores puedan estar conectados a la red sin interrupciones y poder acrecentar la productividad. Esta propuesta de mejora se da utilizando los Simuladores Riverbed Modeler Academic Edition y Packet Tracer, en donde se puede diseñar la actual topología de red Star con muchos dominios de broadcast y rediseñar la nueva topología de red con VLAN´s limitando estos dominios. Estos diseños realizados nos llevan a poder confrontar las dos Topologías, apreciando las deficiencias en la red actual y las mejoras en el nuevo rediseño planteado. Se utiliza también los programas XAMPP y Workbench para elaborar la base de datos con el Modelo Relacional y por último Linux para llevar a cabo los servidores redundantes; Todo eso para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos. Este rediseño planteado permite organizar y gestionar mejor la red, garantizando el ancho de banda, prioridad de la transmisión y fragmentando el dominio de broadcast al utilizar switches; obteniendo un progreso significativo en el rendimiento de la red, permitiendo una fácil y fluida circulación de información para cada uno de los trabajadores que son parte de en las áreas o departamentos de la empresa y a los eslabones que constituyen la pirámide jerárquica de la administración. Eso sí, con apego a las mejores especificaciones técnicas y a la mejor visión futurista que en el momento sea posible. Palabras clave: red, switch, router, VLAN, broadcast, ancho de banda, latencia, base de datos.Tesi

    Ecophysiology of Moringa oleifera Lam in function of different rainfall conditions

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    Drought conditions cause behavioral changes in plants, which proportions vary according to genotype, duration, severity and stage of development. One of their defense strategies is the accumulation of organic solutes, decreasing their osmotic potential to absorb water. This study aimed to compare the levels of photosynthetic pigments and soluble proteins in Moringa oleifera Lam plants grown in different rainfall conditions. Moringa leaves were collected in Recife-PE, with 227 mm.month-¹ as average month rainfall during plant growth and in Pirauá, with 87 mm.month-¹ in the same period, located at Natuba-PB. Solutes were quantified from leaf extraction in 80% acetone, followed by analysis at wavelengths 447, 595, 645 and 663 nm. Data were submitted to ANOVA and means were compared by Tukey test (p <0.05). Moringa extracts from Pirauá presented the lowest chlorophyll b content; therefore carotenoid and soluble proteins concentration was higher than the extracts from Recife. Moringa oleifera plants grown in sites with lowest rainfall regime may have their higher soluble proteins and carotenoids accumulation as a physiological adaptation to prolonged water scarcity

    Radiation Induces Metabolic Dysregulation in Pulmonary Fibroblasts

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    Rationale: Exposure of the lung to ionizing radiation, such as during radiotherapy, can result in pulmonary fibrosis (PF), which has few treatment options. PF is characterized by an accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins that form scar tissue, resulting in dyspnea, disruption of gas exchange, and even death. We and others have shown that metabolic reprogramming is a hallmark of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). IPF lung tissue, and lung fibroblasts treated with TGF-β, exhibit increased aerobic glycolysis with increased expression of lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) and excess production of lactate, leading to reduced extracellular pH that activates latent TGF-β. Here, we hypothesized that ionizing radiation would cause aerobic glycolytic metabolic dysregulation in primary human lung fibroblasts. Results: Primary non-fibrotic HLFs exposed to irradiation exhibited significant upregulation of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase (PDK1 (0.5 – 3-fold, p\u3c0.05) and LDHA (1.4-fold, p\u3c0.05). Cell viability was unaffected by increased radiation dose. Conclusions: Radiation increased fibroblast expression of genes involved in fibrotic phenotypes (αSMA) and aerobic glycolysis (PDK1 and LDHA), in a similar pattern to that seen in IPF fibroblasts. The metabolic changes are closely associated with creating a profibrotic extracellular environment in IPF by promoting an acidic environment. Our evidence suggests this phenomenon can be driven by radiation in lung fibroblasts and affirm that glycolytic reprogramming may also be a hallmark of radiation-induced fibrosis. Further understanding of the common mechanisms that create this metabolic shift could provide novel therapeutics for fibrosis treatment.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1158/thumbnail.jp

    Human rights and community work. Complementary theories and practices

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    Much effort has been placed on developing international understandings of human rights without the corresponding attention to responsibilities. The authors argue that a community development framework may be useful in re-conceiving human rights in a more holistic way, and that social workers and community development workers are well placed to be 'grass roots human rights workers

    Mapping of regional land-use/land-cover distribution according to soil types in the semiarid region of Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Geotechnology is a tool with high potential for management, processing, analysis and automatic representation of georeferenced data, providing fast and accurate information about land cover with low cost. Therefore, this study aimed to quantify the land-cover/land-use area of three mesoregions of Pernambuco State, Brazil. We used cross-checking analysis of the land-cover/ land-use and soil type classification maps for Agreste, São Francisco, and Sertão mesoregions to obtain the most predominant soil-type/land-use classifications. The main classes observed in these mesoregions were: Dense Caatinga under Ustorthent (497,841 ha) and Utilsoils (291,984 ha. In the Agreste mesoregion was bare soil under Ustalfs (316,214 ha). Finally, in the sertão mesoregion the most important class was the Dense Caatinga under Ustorthent (497,841 ha) The results obtained in this study could be helpful as a tool to guide new modeling work in the semiarid region of Pernambuco State in Brazil