299 research outputs found

    Technology Affecting the Service Quality of Commercial Banks in Vietnam

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    Purpose: The study studies the factors affecting the quality of banking services of commercial banks, commercial bank branches operating in Vietnam. The authors proposed policy implications based on research results that improve the quality of commercial banking services.   Theoretical framework: Service quality measurement is difficult because of its characteristics: intangibility, heterogeneity, and inseparability. The concept of service quality has been researched and developed in many recent decades through customer satisfaction.   Design/methodology/approach: The authors conducted quantitative research in 2 phases. Phase 1 is a preliminary quantitative study: collecting data to check the reliability of the scales in the research model and completed in October 2022. Phase 2 is the official quantitative research: collecting data on a large scale after building and perfecting the appropriate scales, to be carried out from November to February 2023. Processing data by statistical methods, analyzing EFA and CFA, using the structural equation model analysis (SEM) method to test the fit of models and hypotheses with SPSS 20.0 software and Amos.   Findings: The article’s findings showed that technology factors affect commercial banks’ service quality in Vietnam. At the same time, it introduces some changes in Vietnamese banks in the context of current technological breakthroughs.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Practical implications enhanced the service quality of commercial banks in the context of digital technology breakthroughs. The amount of information that can be encoded and the tools were available to process it has increased dramatically.   Originality/value: The paper’s originality and value help bank managers invest in digital technology as the way forward to better serve their customers. Besides, the article has systematized the theory of service quality and factors affecting the quality of commercial banking services

    Empirical Analysis on Non-Performing Loans of Listed Banks in Vietnam

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    Non-performing loans has always been a serious concern for the banking system in Vietnam over the years, especially after the financial crisis year 2008. The huge volume of non-performing loans may lead to severe consequences for the whole economy at both macroeconomic and microeconomic level. The determinants of the NPLs problems are identified by building up models that explain non-performing loans by macroeconomic factors and bank-specific factors which are adjusted from the earlier studies to fit with the context in Vietnam. In short, the level of NPLs is primarily contributed by bank-specific factors. Also, it is recommended that banks should improve lending policies to prevent the increase in non-performing loans. Last but not least, it is urgent for the State Bank of Vietnam in general and banks themselves in particular to conduct a strict procedure in implementation, control, management, and supervision of all activities in order to carry out solutions in time before the problems are getting worse. Keywords: NPLs, macroeconomic, banks DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-6-03 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Programm zur didaktischen E-Kompetenzentwicklung in Niedersachsen

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    Seit nunmehr acht Jahren wird die Implementierung von E-Learning in den Hochschulen Niedersachsens durch diverse Projekte forciert. Hierdurch sind verschiedenste Kooperationen entstanden. Durch die Diskussion in diesen Kooperationen  zwischen Lehrenden, Mediendidaktiker/innen und Mitarbeiter/innen von IT-Supportstellen hat sich gezeigt, dass die fachdidaktische Weiterbildung zum E-Learning nicht aufgebaut ist. Diese Lücke wird durch das Projekt „Multimedial & aktiv“ geschlossen. Neben der Konzeptentwicklung zur landesweiten Verbreitung von fachlichem E-Learning Know-how bietet die Auslobung eines Lehrpreises für multimediale Lehre eine weiteren Ansatzpunkt zur Integration von E-Learning in der Lehre. 22.03.2010 | Thanh-Thu Phan Tan & Gisela Prey (Braunschweig

    Factors Affecting Firms’ Performance: The Case of Vietnam construction firms

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    In the context of Vietnam's international economic integration, improving the performance of enterprises is increasingly important because it not only affects businesses but also affects the development prospects of the economy. The purpose of the paper is to consider the impact of factors on the performance of listed construction companies in the period of 2012-2018. By means of an empirical analysis, this study uses Eviews econometric software and table data techniques. This study found the factors that positively impact on performance are asset structure, capital structure and firm size that negatively impact the performance of Vietnam listed construction firms. These findings support business administrators in selecting appropriate business and production plans to increase the operating performance of businesses in the construction industry. Keywords: Profitability, construction firms DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-2-15 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Financial Capacity Affecting the Credit Lending Activities at the Commercial Banks Post-Covid-19 in Vietnam

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    Writing skill is an important part of communication, which helps people express ideas, experiences, and feeling exactly. Good writing skill allows them to communicate their message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience than through face-to-face or telephone conversations. However, students often face some difficulties when writing. This survey research presents the process of the study of “Difficulties in writing essays of English majored sophomores at Tay Do University”. It was conducted to find out some difficulties in learning writing of 53 sophomores from 12A and 12B classes at Tay Do University. The questionnaire, interview questions, and essay samples were instruments of this research. The results showed that sophomores had many difficulties in writing essays such as vocabulary, grammar structures, idea arrangement, background knowledge, and others. Basing on the research results, students could recognize their difficulties and find ways to overcome them. Article visualizations

    Integrierte e-Learning-Services als Grundlage von qualifiziertem e-Learning an Hochschulen: Das Beispiel Hannover - Braunschweig

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    Die Anforderungen an Lehrende, die auf qualifizierte Weise e-Learning in ihren Lehr­veranstaltungen einsetzen wollen sind erheblich. Um zu technisch, didaktisch und organisatorisch innovativen Lehr-/Lernszenarien zu gelangen, muss nicht nur der einzelne Lehrende Kompetenzen aufbauen. Auch die mit der Lehre befassten Organisationseinheiten müssen hier Entwicklungen vollziehen. Wie können die Lehrenden und deren institutioneller Hintergrund bei diesen Prozessen unterstützt werden? Im Rahmen eines Förderprogramms des Landes Niedersachsen, dem e-Learning Academic Network (ELAN), haben sich die Technische Universität Braun­schweig, die Universität Hannover und die Medizinische Hochschule Hanno­ver zu einem Netzpiloten zusammengeschlossen. Einen Teil dieses Verbundes bildet das e-Learning Service Team (eST). Der Handlungsansatz des eST zielt sowohl auf die individuelle Kompetenzbildung des einzelnen Lehrenden, unter­stützt organisatorische Veränderungsprozesse und versteht sich selbst als Teil eines hochschulübergreifenden Entwicklungsprozesses, in dem Serviceeinheiten wie das eST komplementäre Aufgaben für die Hochschullehre übernehmen. Grundlage dafür bilden integrierte e-Learning-Services, also die Verknüpfung der verschiedenen Handlungsdimensionen des e-Learnings in einem Angebot, sowie ein prozessorientiertes Beratungsmodell, das Projekte und Organisationseinheiten dabei unterstützt ein so genanntes qualifiziertes eTeaching zu gestalten. 25.02.2007 | Rainer ALBRECHT, Uwe FROMMANN & Thanh-Thu PHAN TAN (Braunschweig, Hannover

    Investigating the elements influencing the psychological issues of reform school students

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    Reformatory students are those whose deviant behaviors and habits prevent them from receiving education under normal educational conditions. These students frequently lead a careless, undisciplined lifestyle, being unwilling to work and learn eager to play and demanding. Therefore, when they are admitted to reformatories with severe study and lifestyle requirements, they have great psychological difficulty adjusting to their new environment. Students’ psychological issues in adapting to reformatory learning and living regimes are difficult and psychological deficits make it challenging for students to adapt to reformatory learning and living conditions. In Vietnam, 665 students from reformatory schools were polled to determine the causes of psychological issues. According to the findings, a variety of elements contribute to students’ psychological difficulties. Individual student conditions such as health, awareness, attitudes and actions as well as inappropriate habits, living without goals or aspirations, etc. are on the subjective side of the equation. On the objective side are the students’ conditions, family, education and psychological obstacles brought on by less-than-ideal circumstances which will make it more difficult for community students to adapt. Both the new school and society must pay more attention to reformatory students in order to establish the conditions necessary for successful integration into the new school and ultimate readmission into society for these students

    Dynamic association between energy transition technologies, renewable energy production, trade openness, green investment, carbon tax, and carbon neutrality: empirical evidences from China

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    The existing millennium documents the most adverse consequences of global warming which in contrast to pre-industrial era are more devastating. Thus, these prevailing consequences raise numerous concerns regarding the well-being of future and current generation. Scholars, in this regard, are putting efforts punctiliously towards methods that could halt the surging emissions. This paper also attempts to contributes to existing literature by reporting the empirical evidences regarding the role of energy transition technologies, renewable energy production (REP), trade openness, green investment, and carbon taxes in carbon neutrality in Chinse economy covering the time span of 1980–2020. By employing Dynamic Auto-regressive Distributed Lags (DARDL) model to check the association, findings exposed that electricity production from water sources, electricity production from solar sources, REP, trade openness, green investment, and carbon taxes are negatively correlated with CO2 emissions. Study offers policymakers a help in formulating policies related to achieve carbon neutrality using renewable sources of energy production, carbon taxes, and green investmen
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