380 research outputs found

    Some Solutions for Online Teaching of Literature at the Center of Vocational Education-Continuous Education

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    Pengajaran daring merupakan konten sentral dalam Arahan 800/CT-BGD?T tanggal 24 Agustus 2021 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Pelatihan tentang Pelaksanaan Tugas Tahun Pelajaran 2021-2022 dalam Penanganan Wabah Covid-19. terus menerapkan inovasi, bertahan dalam tujuan pendidikan dan pelatihan yang berkualitas. Pembelajaran Sastra online selama siswa tidak hadir di Sekolah Vokasi dan Pendidikan Berkelanjutan karena wabah Covid-19 bertujuan untuk menggantikan pengajaran tatap muka dan membantu Balai meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran. mempelajari dan menyelesaikan program pendidikan. Artikel ini menyebutkan beberapa kelebihan dan kekurangan belajar-mengajar Sastra online di SMK- melanjutkan pendidikan selama siswa absen dari pusat karena pandemi Covid-19. Dari situ, diusulkan beberapa solusi pembelajaran Sastra online selama siswa bolos sekolah di pusat karena wabah Covid-19 di Pusat Pendidikan Vokasi dan Pendidikan Berkelanjutan


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    In this study, sulfonation of polystyrene waste was investigated of the possibility of the removing Cu (II) ions in solution. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) of sulfonation polystyrene waste was performed to study the material characteristics and the results showed the presence of sulfonic group bands. The efficiency of Cu (II) ion removal in ion exchange column experiments indicated that the quality of sulfonation of polystyrene waste depended on some factors as the reaction time, height of the column and the velocity of the flow rate. Ion exchange experiments were carried out with the columns of 8 and 6 mm internal diameter, of which 10 cm of column bed height in the 8 mm-diameter column obtained the highest efficiency of 74.13 % at 1 hr reaction time, and flow rate of 1.48 mL per min. The experimental data were consistent with Thomas and Yoon-Nelson kinetic models

    Teacher Professional Development in the Context of Education Reform in Vietnam: Policy and Practice

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    Teacher Professional Development (TPD) plays an important role in the Fundamental and Comprehensive Education Reform in Vietnam. The goal of this study is to describe the situation of TPD in the context of education reform in Vietnam: Describe both the reform policies and practice in school. This study emphasized that Vietnam has actively implemented education policies relating to TPD. Three-dimensional evaluation of TPD included: (i) Teaching plans and materials; (ii) Organization of learning activities; and (iii) Students’ activities. The research results showed a positive moderate to the high correlation between teaching plans and materials and organization of learning activities and Students’ activities. The research results showed an inverse correlation between the average teacher age and the Organization of learning activities. The older teachers tended to underestimate the extent of implementation of Organization of learning activities. This finding led to recommendations to provide older teacher groups with professional development activities

    Startup Learning Community Approach: Case Study in Vietnam

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    Group B: Quality of Education and Educational Polic

    Analysis of Corporate Governance Index Using ASEAN Balanced Score Card and Firm Performance

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    Governance plays a crucial role in most activities of socio-economic life. For any organizations, units, businesses or higher, a country, a community, the role of governance becomes more important than ever. For businesses, with globalization taking place and market becoming more competitive than ever, good Corporate Governance is now considered as a factor of success. Good corporate governance will help the company improve its ability to access to various sources of capital and operate more efficiently. However, in Vietnam particularly, Corporate Governance system still need to enhance and improve. Therefore, with the aim of surveying the current situation of Corporate Governance practices in Vietnam and giving the analysis of its impacts on businesses’ performance, this research is conducted from a sample of 60 listed-companies in both Construction and Food & Beverage industry for the time 2015, 2017 and 2018. By using the tool of ASEAN balanced scorecard to evaluate Vietnam Corporate Governance practices on 05 aspects: Rights of shareholders, Equitable treatment of shareholders, Roles of stakeholders, Disclosure and transparency and Board duties and responsibilities, the paper came to the low results of companies’ Corporate Governance practices in Vietnam. Based on this method, different relationships were found, one of which is the positive relationship between Corporate Governance Index and Tobin’s Q. Keywords: Asean Score Card, Corporate Governance Index, Performance DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-6-02 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Academic Staffs’ Participation in University Governance Towards Autonomy: Practice at Two University Models in Vietnam

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    Vietnamese universities are now in a state of “diverse governing bodies” and the Ministry of Education and Training is responsible for their expertise. This model can cause overlapping or loosened management by many agencies simultaneously managing. Vietnamese universities need to promote autonomy and accountability in management. This study was conducted in 2018-2019 with 322 lecturers and educational managers working at two Vietnamese public universities governed by different autonomy policies. This research analyses the academic staff’ s participation in university governance toward autonomy. The research results show that (i) there is no difference between the two universities in the level of participation in governance activities; (ii) The academic staff’ s participation levels are positively correlated from low to moderate levels according to the effectiveness of participating in activities; (iii) The higher the participation level, the higher the scientific research results are for domestic publication. However, it is not a significant case for international publication

    Nutraceutical Properties of Legume Seeds: Phytochemical Compounds

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    Legume seeds have an important role as nutraceuticals in human health (providing protein, carbohydrates, fiber, amino acids, and micronutrients) and act as sustainable food sources in livestock farming and aquaculture. Legume seeds contain a wide range of bioactive compounds that have significant health benefits, mainly classified under phenolic compounds, phytosterols, oligosaccharides, carbohydrates, and saponins. Some of these compounds play an important role in plant defense mechanisms against predators and environmental conditions. Heat-labile antinutritional factors (protease inhibitors and lectins) and heat-stable antinutritional factors (tannins and phytic acid) can be reduced by thermal treatment or postharvest to eliminate any potential negative effects from consumption. Substantial studies have demonstrated that these bioactive compounds possess multiple biological activities, including antioxidant properties, antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, cardiovascular protective. They also have various values for aquaculture, such as fishmeal alternative. In this review, the main bioactive compounds and important biological functions of legume seeds are summarized, and the mechanism of action is discussed


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    RMDM: A Multilabel Fakenews Dataset for Vietnamese Evidence Verification

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    In this study, we present a novel and challenging multilabel Vietnamese dataset (RMDM) designed to assess the performance of large language models (LLMs), in verifying electronic information related to legal contexts, focusing on fake news as potential input for electronic evidence. The RMDM dataset comprises four labels: real, mis, dis, and mal, representing real information, misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information, respectively. By including these diverse labels, RMDM captures the complexities of differing fake news categories and offers insights into the abilities of different language models to handle various types of information that could be part of electronic evidence. The dataset consists of a total of 1,556 samples, with 389 samples for each label. Preliminary tests on the dataset using GPT-based and BERT-based models reveal variations in the models' performance across different labels, indicating that the dataset effectively challenges the ability of various language models to verify the authenticity of such information. Our findings suggest that verifying electronic information related to legal contexts, including fake news, remains a difficult problem for language models, warranting further attention from the research community to advance toward more reliable AI models for potential legal applications.Comment: ISAILD@KSE 202