959 research outputs found


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    In the development process of Japanese history, the Meiji period was of great significance. Thanks to the achievements of this reform, Japan can advance quickly on the path of industrialization and modernization and become the first capitalist power in Asia. The Meiji reform with its historical role and meaning has become an essential element in promoting the development of Japanese history in modern times. On the Asian level, the achievements of reform have much influence on regional countries. Many Asian countries have turned to the island nation and want to follow the development path of Japan. Over 150 years have passed, but the lessons learned from the Meiji reform are still valid, especially for Vietnam in the period of industrialization and modernization. The general article of Japan's Meiji reform (1868) is carried out in the fields of economy, politics, military, culture, and education. On that basis, give some useful lessons for Vietnam in the process of industrialization and modernization of the country today. Article visualizations

    Sentiment Analysis of Customer Feedback in Online Food Ordering Services

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    Background: E-commerce websites have been established expressly as useful online communication platforms, which is rather significant. Through them, users can easily perform online transactions such as shopping or ordering food and sharing their experiences or feedback. Objectives: Customers\u27 views and sentiments are also analyzed by businesses to assess consumer behavior or a point of view on certain products or services. Methods/Approach: This research proposes a method to extract customers\u27 opinions and analyse sentiment based on a collected dataset, including 236,867 online Vietnamese reviews published from 2011 to 2020 on foody.vn and diadiemanuong.com. Then, machine learning models were applied and assessed to choose the optimal model. Results: The proposed approach has an accuracy of up to 91.5 percent, according to experimental study findings. Conclusions: The research results can help enterprise managers and service providers get insight into customers\u27 satisfaction with their products or services and understand their feelings so that they can make adjustments and correct business decisions. It also helps food e-commerce managers ensure a better e-commerce service design and delivery


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    This study uses the Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) to assess the health and ecological risks caused by fungicides used in chrysanthemum cultivation upstream of Xuan Huong Lake, Da Lat city. Survey results reveal that 134 farmers use 21 fungicides with 18 active ingredients on a total area of 35.2 hectares. In all, 18 fungicides with an EIQ at the level of “unlikely to be hazardous” (EIQ < 25) are used on about 95% of the acreage, and 3 fungicides with an EIQ of “slightly hazardous” (25 < EIQ < 50) are used on the rest of the area. The Field Use EIQ of fungicide was rated very low in only 8.2% of the survey area and moderate in 48%. Areas with high and very high ratings account for 3% and 41%, respectively. Using fungicides according to the instructions can reduce the Field Use EIQ values in cultivated areas by 38% and return areas with high and moderate ratings to a low rating. Therefore, it is necessary to instruct farmers on the safe use of fungicides and to recommend those with low EIQ values for chrysanthemum cultivation


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    In the context that the fundamental and comprehensive reform of higher education in Vietnam is being promoted, it is becoming increasingly urgent to set requirements for innovation and to develop the team of lecturers, especially when the goal of education is the formation of personality and the development of personal capabilities for learners. With the identification of the teaching staff as the decisive factor for the success of the educational innovation process, the article summarizes and analyzes the current situation of the team of lecturers in higher education institutions in Vietnam today. On that basis, some basic solutions are proposed to develop the teaching staff to meet the tasks in the coming time. Article visualizations

    How Digital Natives Learn and Thrive in the Digital Age: Evidence from an Emerging Economy

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    As a generation of ‘digital natives,’ secondary students who were born from 2002 to 2010 have various approaches to acquiring digital knowledge. Digital literacy and resilience are crucial for them to navigate the digital world as much as the real world; however, these remain under-researched subjects, especially in developing countries. In Vietnam, the education system has put considerable effort into teaching students these skills to promote quality education as part of the United Nations-defined Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). This issue has proven especially salient amid the COVID−19 pandemic lockdowns, which had obliged most schools to switch to online forms of teaching. This study, which utilizes a dataset of 1061 Vietnamese students taken from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’s “Digital Kids Asia Pacific (DKAP)” project, employs Bayesian statistics to explore the relationship between the students’ background and their digital abilities. Results show that economic status and parents’ level of education are positively correlated with digital literacy. Students from urban schools have only a slightly higher level of digital literacy than their rural counterparts, suggesting that school location may not be a defining explanatory element in the variation of digital literacy and resilience among Vietnamese students. Students’ digital literacy and, especially resilience, also have associations with their gender. Moreover, as students are digitally literate, they are more likely to be digitally resilient. Following SDG4, i.e., Quality Education, it is advisable for schools, and especially parents, to seriously invest in creating a safe, educational environment to enhance digital literacy among students


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    The study results were based on the survey data of 24 students  studying the master program in math education at Can Tho University, Vietnam. We used the questionnaire to find out the factors affecting students' learning outcomes: Learning time, learning conditions, learning environment, personal level, learning methods, collaborative learning, learning attitudes. The results show factors such as learning conditions, learning environment, time for leaning, qualifications, teaching methods, learning methods, cooperation in learning, attitude in learning are factors that significantly affect the learning of master students in Mathematics education. Therefore, universities with high-level training programs should have adequate facilities for students' learning; lecturers know how to use teaching methods to promote self-study and self-study for students, improve their ability to work independently, the ability to cooperate in the learning and research process of students. In other words, universities must uphold  their responsibilities when implementing intensive training programs, helping learners with necessary competencies as expected of the community and society.  Article visualizations

    Asymmetry and Symmetry of real exchange rate effect on the bilateral trade balance between Vietnam and the United States: aggregated and disaggregated levels of investigation

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    Bilateral trade balance always deserves particular interest of policy makers and economists. In this paper, we examined the asymmetric and symmetric effect of real exchange rate on bilateral trade balance between Vietnam and the US at both aggregated and disaggregated commodity levels. We employed both Linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) and Non-linear ARDL (NARDL) models to a dataset spanning over 18 years. We found that (i) both symmetry and asymmetry of real exchange rates are not significant to explain the total trade balance between Vietnam and the United States; (ii) unlike the insignificant effect on the aggregated level, the empirical evidence at the disaggregated level is mixed and dependent on product category. Our findings reveal that (iii) the claim of unfair trade by using exchange rate from the US Treasury is unclear from our estimations; and (iv) a depreciation of USD (i.e. appreciation of VND) leads the long-run US’s trade balance will improve for 10 commodities, and whereas an appreciation of USD (depreciation of VND), long-run trade balance will improve for 11 commodities. The results suggest that only a number of specific industries will benefit from USD appreciation or depreciation

    Asymmetry and Symmetry of real exchange rate effect on the bilateral trade balance between Vietnam and the United States: aggregated and disaggregated levels of investigation

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    Bilateral trade balance always deserves particular interest of policy makers and economists. In this paper, we examined the asymmetric and symmetric effect of real exchange rate on bilateral trade balance between Vietnam and the US at both aggregated and disaggregated commodity levels. We employed both Linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) and Non-linear ARDL (NARDL) models to a dataset spanning over 18 years. We found that (i) both symmetry and asymmetry of real exchange rates are not significant to explain the total trade balance between Vietnam and the United States; (ii) unlike the insignificant effect on the aggregated level, the empirical evidence at the disaggregated level is mixed and dependent on product category. Our findings reveal that (iii) the claim of unfair trade by using exchange rate from the US Treasury is unclear from our estimations; and (iv) a depreciation of USD (i.e. appreciation of VND) leads the long-run US’s trade balance will improve for 10 commodities, and whereas an appreciation of USD (depreciation of VND), long-run trade balance will improve for 11 commodities. The results suggest that only a number of specific industries will benefit from USD appreciation or depreciation

    Allelic polymorphism of crtRB1 and LcyE genes related to the β-carotene content in Vietnamese traditional maize accessions,

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    Maize is the third most important food crop after wheat and rice. Maize is used as food for more than a billion people around the world and is used as animal feed, especially, poultry. The concentration of carotenoids, especially, β-carotene in maize grains, is very low. Therefore, the study of increasing the amount of provitamin A carotenoids including β-carotene is important. In maize, different alleles of crtRB1 and LcyE genes have a significant effect on β-carotene content. In this paper, we present the results of the study of allele polymorphism of these two genes related to the provitamin A carotenoid content in some traditional maize accessions collected from several regions in North and Central Highlands of Vietnam. The results showed that there were polymorphisms at the 3’ and 5’ ends of the crtRB1 and LcyE genes. Among 22 maize accessions, the proportion of favorable alleles at the 3’ end of crtRB1 gene was relatively high (5/22 = 22.73%). Similar results were obtained for alleles at 3’ end of the LcyE gene. Especially, there is an accession (Northern white gold maize) that carries favorable alleles at the 3’ ends of both crtRB1 and LcyE genes. While all investigated maize accessions did not carry favorable alleles at the 5’ end of both crtRB1 and LcyE genes. The identification of traditional maize accessions that carry favorable alleles for increasing b-carotene content opens up potential to exploit indigenous genetic resources for genetic research as well as to develop maize varieties with high β- carotene content.