16 research outputs found


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    This research aims to identify the types of food cropsthat are available and used by the community in the forest area of Tembawang Pak Kuning of Pate Bajambu Hamlet in Senakin Village of Sengah Temila Subdistrict of Landak Regency. This researchis expected to provide information about food crops used by the community around the forest area of Tembawang Pak Kuning of Pate Bajambu Hamlet in Senakin Village of Sengah Temila Subdistrict of Landak Regency, as well as serving as the basis for the management and development of the area by the relevant agencies in the efforts of protection, preservation and utilization of food crops in the future. This research used purposive sampling technique or data source sampling technique with certain considerations by requesting information about food crops through interviews, observation and literature studies. Based on the results, the research found as many as 36 types of plants classified into 24 families. Most of the families are Anacardiaceaewith 6 types (16.67%). The parts that are mostly used are the fruit, which amounted 28 species (77.77%). The way of utilizing itis by direct consumption,namely 18 types (50%), the method of processing is by cooking,namely 25 types (70%), the most widely used is from the fruit group, namely 24 species (66.66%), vegetables as many as 9 species (25%), and 21 species (58%) are wild plants.Keywords: food crops, Pate Bejambu hamlet, tembawang forest


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    Green Open Space (RTH) is an area that extends / lanes and or groups, which use more open, where plants grow, both those that grow plants naturally and deliberately planted. In Law No. 26 of 2007, specifically mandates the need for the provision and utilization of green open spaces, the proportion of which is set at least 30% percent of the total area of the city, namely (20% of public green space and 10% private RTH). The study aims to determine the suitability of the implementation of green open space development in Pontianak city sub-district with Pontianak City RTRW and find out the causes that are not achieved if the green open space has not run smoothly. The research method used a survey method and ground check of green open space distribution in Pontianak city sub-district. The interview technique was to find out the perceptions of the surrounding community towards RTH areas in Pontianak Kota Sub-district. The results of the study from the Interpretation of IKONOS 2017 Images and the 2018 ground check in Pontianak Kota District in the year there were 22 green open spaces. The area of calculation of Existing and RTRW 2013-2033 almost reached the target, RTH Park reached 98.63%, RTH Funeral 89.83%, RTH Field 94.96%, and RTH Green Line had reached 104% of the RTRW 2013-2033Keywords: Development, Green Open Space, Pontianak, RTH Publi


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    Batu Daya Village is a village located in the Simpang Dua sub-district Ketapang Regency. The people of Batu Daya village still maintain customs and traditions in the use of natural resources. This study aims to analyze the types of rattan woven handicraft products, describe the processes and tools used in processing rattan woven handicraft products related to the typical motifs of the Simpakng Dayak tribe in Batu Daya village, Simpang Dua district, Ketapang Regency. The method used in this study is the census method. The results showed that there were 10 rattan woven handicraft product ; Krincok pemboneh, ragak tangkai, bajot, capan, agan padi, toming’k desa, kerampan’t, pamasok, sampau, dan pamasok pemboneh. The tools used in the weaving process are; parang, isok, sambal dan pengodat. The process carried out in the manufacture of webbing starts from the preparation of tools and materials, cleaning of rattan, drying, painting, weaving, installing clamps and attaching ropes. Keywords: Batu Daya Village, Dayak Simpakng, Ethnotechnology, Utilization Of Rattan AbstrakDesa Batu Daya merupakan desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Simpang Dua Kabupaten Ketapang. Masyarakat Desa Batu Daya masih mempertahankan adat dan tradisi dalam penggunaan sumber daya alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis produk kerajinan anyaman rotan, mendeskripsikan proses dan alat yang digunakan dalam pengolahan produk kerajinan anyaman rotan yang berkaitan dengan motif khas suku Dayak Simpakng di Desa Batu Daya Kecamatan Simpang Dua Kabupaten Ketapang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sensus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya 10 jumlah produk kerajinan anyaman rotan yaitu Krincok Pemboneh, ragak tangkai, bajot, capan, jagan padi, toming’k desa, kerampan’t, pamasok, sampau, dan pamasok pemboneh. Alat yang digunakan dalam proses menganyam yaitu; parang, isok, simbal, dan pengodat. Proses yang dilakukan dalam pembuatan anyaman dimulai dari persiapan alat dan bahan, pembersihan rotan, penjemuran, pengecatan, menganyam, pemasangan pengapit dan pemasang tali. Kata kunci: Desa Batu Daya, Dayak Simpakng, Etnotekologi, Pemanfaatan Rota


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    Customary law is based on the process of interaction in society, and then functions as a pattern for organizing and facilitating the interaction process, customary law is generally not accounted for, is not codified and is coercive in nature, has sanctions so it has legal consequences. This research aims to identify the customary laws of the Dayak Uud Danum community that are related to forest management and protection and to determine the level of awareness and compliance of the Dayak Uud Danum Indigenous Peoples towards customary law in forest management and protection in Deme Village, Ambalau District, Sintang Regency. The method used in this research is a sequential exploratory method where data collection is carried out sequentially starting from qualitative data collection then quantitative data consisting of interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentation study. The data collection technique was carried out using the census method, with a total of 77 respondents. Customary law in forest management and protection in the Dayak Uud danum indigenous people, Deme Village, Ambalau District, namely Nyanggar, Manyo Buah, Nitoi Tanom, Nitoi komuran, Nupang Ngumok, Nupang Nowvong, Pongotullui, Pati Mati, Kotibasch. The Uud danum Dayak indigenous people have a high legal awareness and compliance with their customary laws.Keywords: Customary Law, Indigenous Peoples, Dayak Peoples.AbstrakHukum adat didasarkan pada proses interaksi dalam masyarakat, dan kemudian berfungsi sebagai pola untuk mengorganisasikan serta memperlancar proses interaksi tersebut, hukum adat umumnya tidak dikitabkan, tidak dikodifikasikan dan bersifat paksaan, mempunyai sanksi jadi mempunyai akibat hukum. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi hukum adat masyarakat Dayak Uud Danum yang berhubungan dengan pengelolaan dan perlindungan hutan serta mengetahui tingkat kesadaran dan kepatuhan Masyarakat Adat Dayak Uud Danum Terhadap hukum adat dalam pengelolaan dan perlindungan hutan di Desa Deme Kecamatan Ambalau Kabupaten Sintang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksploratif sekuensial dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan secara berurutan dimulai dari pengumpulan data kualitatif kemudian data kuantitatif yang terdiri dari wawancara, kuesioner, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sensus, dengan jumlah responden 77 orang. Hukum adat dalam pengelolaan dan perlindungan hutan pada masyarakat adat Dayak Uud danum Desa Deme Kecamatan Ambalau yaitu Nyanggar, Manyo Buah, Nitoi Tanom, Nitoi komuran, Nupang Ngumok, Nupang Nowvong, Pongotullui, Pati Mati, Kotibasch. Masyarakat adat dayak Uud danum memiliki kesadaran dan kepatuhan hukum yang tinggi terhadap hukum adat mereka hal ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh bahasa dan pola pikir magis dan animisme yang masih dianut masyarakatnya.Kata Kunci : Hukum Adat, Masyarakat Adat, Masyarakat Daya

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Vegetasi pada Hutan Rawa Gambut Sekunder dan Belukar Rawa Desa Sungai Pelang Kabupaten Ketapang

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    Peat swamp forest has a valuable natural richness in the form of plants. This study aimed to find out the composition and dominance of species, species diversity, and stand structure in secondary peat swamp forest and thicket swamp. The vegetation analysis in secondary peat swamp forest and thicket swamp is done by using combination method. Mentibu (Daetylocladus stenostachys Oliver) is dominant in secondary peat swamp forest of tree growth level, and mempening (Quercus conocarpa OUD) is dominant in pole, sapling, and seedling of growth level (INP = 34,74%, 32,57%, 28,96%, respectively). In thicket swamp, prepat (Combretocarpus rotundatus Danser) is a dominant for the whole of growth level (INP = 261.89%, 126,12%, 98.96%, 64.99%, respectively). The diversity index of Shannon-Wienner (H) in secondary peat swamp forest is abundant (H > 1) and low in thicket swamp (H < 1). The secondary peat swamp forest have a normal stand structure according to de Liocourts law. In thicket swamp, the forest had been fire, but the vegetation development now has led to a succession of normal vertical forest structure and almost reach climax. Keywords: Peat swamp forest, composition and dominance of species, species diversity and stand structure


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    Mangrove forests are tropical coastal vegetation communities, which are dominated by several types of mangrove trees that are able to grow and develop in muddy coastal tidal areas. In order to preserve the biological and ecological functions of the mangrove forest ecosystem, a rational approach is needed in which a rational approach in its utilization involves communities around the area. Hamlet of Setingga Asin Sebubus Village, Paloh Subdistrict, Sambas Regency is one of the hamlets that has a mangrove forest area. The majority of the hamlet Setingga Asin people live as farmers, entrepreneurs and fishermen. People around the forest use it as additional livelihoods such as searching for shrimp, crabs, shellfish, kepah and nipah as the main ingredients for making roofs. The existence of the relationship between the community and the existence of mangrove forests raises the perception of the community in an effort to maintain and preserve the existence of the mangrove forest itself. Therefore, this study aims to determine the public perception of the existence of mangrove forests in Hamlet of Setingga Asin, Sebubus Village, Paloh Subdistrict, Sambas Regency and to know the factors that influence people's perceptions. The study used a survey method with interview techniques for 73 family heads in Hamlet Setingga Asin. Sampling of respondents is done by purposive sampling technique. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis and inferential analysis of the Kendall Tau correlation. The results showed that community perceptions of the existence of mangrove forest in hamlet Setingga Asin, Sebubus Village, Paloh Subdistrict, Sambas Regency tend to be neutral, this is because the community basically realizes that they depend on the surrounding mangrove forest's biological resources. However, the community does not understand that these resources need to be managed sustainably so that the benefits can be obtained sustainably.Keywords: community perception, conservation, mangrove, utilization