438 research outputs found

    Delivery Methods and Social Network Analysis of Unethical Behavior in Construction Industry: An Exploratory Study

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    The construction industry accounts for about one-third of gross capital formation and is ranked as one of the most corrupt. It is a multifaceted industry with unregulated transactions in which illicit behavior can be difficult to detect. The effects of corruption go beyond demoralization associated with bribery, it can lead to substandard quality of infrastructure and insufficient funds available for project maintenance. There are a multitude of reasons identified as possible causes for unethical conduct. A few researchers cited corruption as a result of an unethical decision. Prior research concerning corruption in construction has called for several main strategies: enhanced transparency, ethical codes, project governance, and audit and information technology. However, strategies to combat corruption may not be sufficient. As Tacitus states, ‘The more corrupt the state, more the number of laws’. This research first presents an overview of unethical conduct in the construction industry. Then it examines the ethics in the industry followed by types of relationships and their structure which may be conducive to unethical conduct within the framework of different delivery methods. Further, based on interviews, the opinions of industry professionals pertaining to unethical behavior, its perception and manifestations have been documented. Finally, based on conclusions from the interviews, objective examination of Lean IPD and relational contracting as a delivery method has been made

    Prophet Muhammad's trust in 'Others' a historical fact

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    Reflections on principles for sustainable peace

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    Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s methodology for da’wah: an overview of certain principles = منهجية بديع الزمان سعيد نورسي للدعوة: نظرة عامة على بعض المبادئ

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    This study presents approaches to daᶜwah as adopted and taught by Said Nursi to advance his restoration efforts. It also sheds light on the importance of their application in the present era. The paper reviews two distinct issues: [1] approaches Said Nursi used to confront and resolve social complexities, and [2] daᶜwah praxis in the modern age. The author also discusses complexities and challenges as presented by modern life styles. Special daᶜwah features are described including educational and political efforts as well as the nurturing of Islamic virtue with Nursi’s emphasis on those specific characteristics that inspire Muslim scholars to excel in daᶜwah activities. Nonetheless, it is impossible to thoroughly deliberate Nursi’s approaches and strategies in such a limited space. *************************************************************************************** إن هذه الدراسة تقدم الطرق التي تبعها في الدعوة وقام بتعليمها وذلك بغرض المضي قدما في مساعيه وجهوده للإصلاح، وتلقي هذه الدراسة الضوء كذلك على اهمية تطبيق ذلك على الحقبة الحاضرة، قامت الورقة باستعراض قضيتين مختلفتين (1) الوسائل التي استخدمها الإمام سعيد النورسي ليواجه التعقيدات الاجتماعية ومن ثم يجد لها الحلول و (2) تطبيقات الدعوة وتنزيلها في الواقع المعاصر، قام كاتب المقال ايضا بمناقشة التعقيدات والتحيات التي تتمثل من خلال اساليب الحياة المعاصرة، قامت الورقة بوصف مميزات وخصائص خاصة بالدعوة متضمنة الجهود التربوية والتعليمية والسياسية الى جانب تنشية الفضائل الاسلامية مع تركيز النورسي على هذه المميزات المحددة التي تلهم العلماء المسلمين لترقية الانشطة الدعوية، وبالرغم من هذا فانه من المستحيل ان يتتبع الباحث بصورة موسعة وسائل النورسي واستراتيجياته في مثل هذه المساحة المحدو

    IIUM promotes the significance of KHAIR values

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    Welcoming the PM’s call to deal with Islamophobia

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    Caring for the wellbeing of a neighbour

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    Safety, tolerability and risk benefit analysis of tiotropium in COPD

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    COPD is a chronic disease and, like many other chronic diseases, there is no treatment to reverse the severity of the disease except for lung transplant. To date, no inhaled medications have been shown to improve survival. Tiotropium bromide is a long-acting inhaled anticholinergic drug for the treatment of COPD that can improve lung function, reduce symptoms and exacerbations, and improve quality of life with once-daily dosing. It was initially approved and marketed in several countries in Europe in 2002 and then approved in the US in 2004. Tiotropium is generally well tolerated with dry mouth being the main adverse effect. Other adverse effects include constipation, tachycardia, blurred vision, urinary retention and increased intraocular pressure. Despite the recently raised concerns about an excess risk of cardiovascular adverse events with inhaled anticholinergic agents, the risk/benefit ratio of tiotropium appears still favorable given the favorable safety profile demonstrated in the UPLIFT study. However, caution should be advised in patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease given the paucity of data in such patients

    Remembering the “author” of the concept paper of IIUM

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