20 research outputs found

    Data Mining Techniques for Weather Prediction: A Review

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    Data mining is the computer assisted process of digging through and analysing enormous sets of data and then extracting the meaningful data. Data mining tools predicts behaviours and future trends, allowing businesses to make proactive decisions. It can answer questions that traditionally were very time consuming to resolve. Therefore they can be used to predict meteorological data that is weather prediction. Weather prediction is a vital application in meteorology and has been one of the most scientifically and technologically challenging problems across the world in the last century. Predicting the weather is essential to help preparing for the best and the worst of the climate. Accurate Weather Prediction has been one of the most challenging problems around the world. Many weather predictions like rainfall prediction, thunderstorm prediction, predicting cloud conditions are major challenges for atmospheric research. This paper presents the review of Data Mining Techniques for Weather Prediction and studies the benefit of using it. The paper provides a survey of available literatures of some algorithms employed by different researchers to utilize various data mining techniques, for Weather Prediction. The work that has been done by various researchers in this field has been reviewed and compared in a tabular form. For weather prediction, decision tree and k-mean clustering proves to be good with higher prediction accuracy than other techniques of data mining

    Load Balancing Algoritms in Cloud Computing Environment: A Review

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    Cloud computing is an emerging internet based technology. Cloud is a platform providing pool of resources and virtualization. It is based on pay-as-you-go model. The numbers of users accessing the cloud are rising day by day. Generally clouds are based on data centers which are powerful to handle large number of users. The reliability of clouds depends on the way it handle loads, to overcome such problems clouds must be featured with the load balancing mechanism. Load balancing is required as we don’t want one centralized severs performance to be degraded. A lot of algorithms have been proposed to do this task. In this paper we have studied the various existing load balancing algorithms and then compared them based on various parameters like resource utilization, scalability, stability etc

    Detecting Packet Droppers and Modifiers in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless networks are widely used because these are very easy to install. However, there are various security issues and problems while deploying it. Two most important issues are Packet modification and dropping. These are the common attacks that can be generated by an attacker to disrupt communication in wireless sensor networks. Many schemes have been proposed to reduce or tolerate such attacks but very few can effectively and efficiently identify the intruders. This paper proposed a simple and an effective scheme, which can identify misbehaving nodes that drop or modify packets. Heuristic ranking algorithm is been used to identify the bad nodes. The alert message will be forwarded to all the users in the network if any misbehaving action occurred, so that no message will reach the misbehaved node and the node will be blocked


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    This study quantitatively assesses the input-output relationship, resource productivity and allocative efficiency of farm inputs under different systems of irrigation through profit function approach using farm level primary cross-section data with respect to sugarcane and wheat of 120 farms from the Meerut district of Western Uttar Pradesh. The study reveals that improvement in water management on private tubewell farms caused a structural break in production relations and shifted the crop production function upwards. The absolute income of all the factors of production by and large was found to be higher under private tubewells as compared to other systems of irrigation. Better water management .in terms of assured, timely and adequate water supply led to an improvement in the productivity of land and fertilizer on private tubewell farms as compared to state tubewell and canal irrigated farms for sugarcane and wheat crops. The reallocation of variable inputs had a very limited scope for increasing the yields and returns under all the irrigation systems. However, the horizontal expansion of irrigation especially through private tubewell, will enhance agricultural production and the net income of the farmers at a rapid rate


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    The paper discusses the mechanics for decomposing the total change in per hectare rice output owitig to inception of new production technology among various components, as well as to ascertain the technical bias of the new rice production technology with respect to different factor inputs especially in the north and south regions of Bihar. The analysis reveals that the contribution of new rice production technology is more pronounced in southern region as compared to the northern region of the state. With the introduction of high yielding varieties of rice, per hectare production was found to be 43.47 per cent and 47.77 per cent higher in northern and southern regions, resp.ectively. Moreover, the technological bias with respect to factor inputs in rice production was estimated as land and labour saving as well as fertilizer, and capital using in northern region, though it was found to be statistically non-significant. In southern region of the state, technological bias was observed as labour, fertilizer and capital using on one hand and land-saving on the other. However, the technical bias was found to be statistically significant only in case of capital and land