10 research outputs found

    Activated Cdc42-associated kinase 1 (ACK1) binds the sterile α motif (SAM) domain of the adaptor SLP-76 and phosphorylates proximal tyrosines

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    The adaptor protein Src homology 2 domain-containing leukocyte phosphoprotein of 76 kDa (SLP-76) plays a crucial role in T cell activation by linking antigen receptor (T cell receptor, TCR) signals to downstream pathways. At its N terminus, SLP-76 has three key tyrosines (Tyr-113, Tyr-128, and Tyr-145, "3Y") as well as a sterile α motif (SAM) domain whose function is unclear. We showed previously that the SAM domain has two binding regions that mediate dimer and oligomer formation. In this study, we have identified SAM domain-carrying non-receptor tyrosine kinase, activated Cdc42-associated tyrosine kinase 1 (ACK1; also known as Tnk2, tyrosine kinase non-receptor 2) as a novel binding partner of SLP-76. Co-precipitation, laser-scanning confocal microscopy, and in situ proximity analysis confirmed the binding of ACK1 to SLP-76. Further, the interaction was induced in response to the anti-TCR ligation and abrogated by the deletion of SLP-76 SAM domain (ΔSAM) or mutation of Tyr-113, Tyr-128, and Tyr-145 to phenylalanine (3Y3F). ACK1 induced phosphorylation of the SLP-76 N-terminal tyrosines (3Y) dependent on the SAM domain. Further, ACK1 promoted calcium flux and NFAT-AP1 promoter activity and decreased the motility of murine CD4(+) primary T cells on ICAM-1-coated plates, an event reversed by a small molecule inhibitor of ACK1 (AIM-100). These findings identify ACK1 as a novel SLP-76-associated protein-tyrosine kinase that modulates early activation events in T cells.This work was supported by Wellcome Trust Grant 092627/Z/10/Z (to C. E. R.

    Immune adaptor ADAP in T cells regulates HIV-1 transcription and cell-cell viral spread via different co-receptors

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    Background: Immune cell adaptor protein ADAP (adhesion and degranulation-promoting adaptor protein) mediates aspects of T-cell adhesion and proliferation. Despite this, a connection between ADAP and infection by the HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus-1) has not been explored. Results: In this paper, we show for the first time that ADAP and its binding to SLP-76 (SH2 domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa) regulate HIV-1 infection via two distinct mechanisms and co-receptors. siRNA down-regulation of ADAP, or expression of a mutant that is defective in associating to its binding partner SLP-76 (termed M12), inhibited the propagation of HIV-1 in T-cell lines and primary human T-cells. In one step, ADAP and its binding to SLP-76 were needed for the activation of NF-κB and its transcription of the HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) in cooperation with ligation of co-receptor CD28, but not LFA-1. In a second step, the ADAP-SLP-76 module cooperated with LFA-1 to regulate conjugate formation between T-cells and dendritic cells or other T-cells as well as the development of the virological synapse (VS) and viral spread between immune cells. Conclusions: These findings indicate that ADAP regulates two steps of HIV-1 infection cooperatively with two distinct receptors, and as such, serves as a new potential target in the blockade of HIV-1 infection

    The d subunit plays a central role in human vacuolar H+-ATPases

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    The multi-subunit vacuolar-type H+-ATPase consists of a V1 domain (A–H subunits) catalyzing ATP hydrolysis and a V0 domain (a, c, c′, c″, d, e) responsible for H+ translocation. The mammalian V0 d subunit is one of the least-well characterized, and its function and position within the pump are still unclear. It has two different forms encoded by separate genes, d1 being ubiquitous while d2 is predominantly expressed at the cell surface in kidney and osteoclast. To determine whether it forms part of the pump’s central stalk as suggested by bacterial A-ATPase studies, or is peripheral as hypothesized from a yeast model, we investigated both human d subunit isoforms. In silico structural modelling demonstrated that human d1 and d2 are structural orthologues of bacterial subunit C, despite poor sequence identity. Expression studies of d1 and d2 showed that each can pull down the central stalk’s D and F subunits from human kidney membrane, and in vitro studies using D and F further showed that the interactions between these proteins and the d subunit is direct. These data indicate that the d subunit in man is centrally located within the pump and is thus important in its rotary mechanism

    Solution structure of subunit a,a104363\mathrm{a, a_{104-363}}, of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae V-ATPase and the importance of its C-terminus in structure formation

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    The 95 kDa subunit a of eukaryotic V-ATPases consists of a C-terminal, ion-translocating part and an N-terminal cytosolic domain. The latter's N-terminal domain (~40 kDa) is described to bind in an acidification-dependent manner with cytohesin-2 (ARNO), giving the V-ATPase the putative function as pH-sensing receptor. Recently, the solution structure of the very N-terminal segment of the cytosolic N-terminal domain has been solved. Here we produced the N-terminal truncated form SCa₁₀₄₋₃₆₃ of the N-terminal domain (SCa₁₋₃₆₃) of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae V-ATPase and determined its low resolution solution structure, derived from SAXS data. SCa₁₀₄₋₃₆₃ shows an extended S-like conformation with a width of about 3.88 nm and a length of 11.4 nm. The structure has been superimposed into the 3D reconstruction of the related A₁A₀ ATP synthase from Pyrococcus furiosus, revealing that the SCa₁₀₄₋₃₆₃ fits well into the density of the collar structure of the enzyme complex. To understand the importance of the C-terminus of the protein SCa₁₋₃₆₃, and to determine the localization of the N- and C-termini in SCa₁₀₄₋₃₆₃, the C-terminal truncated form SCa₁₀₆₋₃₂₄ was produced and analyzed by SAXS. Comparison of the SCa₁₀₄₋₃₆₃ and SCa₁₀₆₋₃₂₄ shapes showed that the additional loop region in SCa₁₀₄₋₃₆₃ consists of the C-terminal residues. Whereas SCa₁₀₄₋₃₆₃ is monomeric in solution, SCa₁₀₆₋₃₂₄ forms a dimer, indicating the importance of the very C-terminus in structure formation. Finally, the solution structure of SCa₁₀₄₋₃₆₃ and SCa₁₀₆₋₃₂₄ will be discussed in terms of the topological arrangement of subunit a and cytoheisn-2 in V-ATPases

    Dynamic regulation of CD28 conformation and signaling by charged lipids and ions

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    CD28 provides an essential co-stimulatory signal for T cell activation and its function is critical in antitumor immunity. However, the molecular mechanism of CD28 transmembrane signaling remains elusive. Here, we find that CD28 conformation and signaling are regulated by two counteractive charged factors, i.e. acidic phospholipid and Ca2+ ion. NMR structure shows that acidic phospholipids can sequester CD28 signaling motifs within the membrane, thus limiting CD28 basal signaling. T-cell receptor (TCR) activation induces local [Ca2+] increase around CD28, and Ca2+ can use its charges to directly disrupt CD28-lipid interaction, which leads to CD28 opening and signaling. TCR, Ca2+ , and CD28 together form a dual positive feedback circuit to significantly amplify T cell signaling and therefore increase antigen sensitivity. This work unravels a new regulatory mechanism of CD28 signaling, contributing to the understanding of the dependence of the co-stimulation signaling on TCR signaling and the high sensitivity of T cells

    Perioperative acute kidney injury

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a serious complication in the perioperative period, and is consistently associated with increased rates of mortality and morbidity. Two major consensus definitions have been developed in the last decade that allow for easier comparison of trial evidence. Risk factors have been identified in both cardiac and general surgery and there is an evolving role for novel biomarkers. Despite this, there has been no real change in outcomes and the mainstay of treatment remains preventive with no clear evidence supporting any therapeutic intervention as yet. This review focuses on definition, risk factors, the emerging role of biomarkers and subsequent management of AKI in the perioperative period, taking into account new and emerging strategies.</p

    Engineering bionic T cells: signal 1, signal 2, signal 3, reprogramming and the removal of inhibitory mechanisms

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