5 research outputs found

    Psychological resilience according to some varieble "field study on a sample of student of Civil engineering and Education faculty at Damascus university"

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        The aim of this research is to determine the level of psychological resilience in a sample of Damascus University students. And to know differences in the psychological resilience according to the specialization variable (civil engineering and education) and to sex variable. The researcher used the descriptive approach which suits the current research. The sample consisted of (115) male and female students with (62) students from the Faculty of Education and (53) from the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The number of male and female students was( 59) females and (56) students. . The scale of psychological resilience of Connor and Davidson (2003), was applied after verifying its validity and stability by the researcher. Results showed that the level of psychological resilience in the sample is high, and there were differences in the level of psychological resilience between the students of the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, in favor of the students of the Faculty of Education and the existence of differences in the level of psychological flexibility according to the gender variable, in favor of mal. Based on the results, the researcher presented a set of proposals to improve students' psychological resilience

    Studying Gender Gap In Terms Of Work, Education And Health In The Northern And North-Eastern Region In Syria

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    This paper tries to explore the gender gap in the Northern and North-Eastern area in Syria from three key pillars i.e. work, education and health, using the database of the fast population survey undertaken by the Commission for Planning and International Cooperation and UNFPA in Syria. In details, the study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the opinions and attitudes of individuals from different social groups in the subject areas that represent the dimensions of the gender gap. The work dimension focused the reasons of accepting women's work as well as studying the reasons for refusing that work to identify enabling and hindering factors of that work. In addition, some related issues that might be affected by woman work were studied such as men participation in household work, woman role in formulating household decisions and her right to inheritance. In the education dimension, the study focused on exploring parents' preferences towards the education level for their children and the effects of that preferences on children attainment and study. The health dimension examined some behaviors and have different health implications between men and women such as the preferred age at first marriage, the preferred age to stop giveng birth and early pregnancy etc. The study concludes with some results of which: (1) there is a gender gap with regard to accepting work outside family home, (2) there is noticeable difference in the education level that parents prefer for their boy and that for their daughters, (3) there are widespread of some behaviors and practices that have adverse effects on women's health. يسعى البحث إلى سبر فجوة النوع الاجتماعي في المنطقة الشمالية والشمالية الشرقية في سورية من ثلاثة محاور أساسية هي العمل والتعليم والصحة باستخدام قاعدة بيانات المسح السكاني السريع الذي قامت به هيئة التخطيط والتعاون الدولي مع صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان في سورية. بالتفصيل، هدف الدراسة هو إجراء تحليلٍ موسعٍ لآراء ومواقف الأفراد من مختلف الفئات الاجتماعية في المنطقة المدروسة في مواضيع محاور البحث الثلاثة التي تُمثل أبرز أبعاد قضية النوع الاجتماعي. ركّز محور العمل على أسباب قبول عمل المرأة خارج المنزل بالتوازي مع دراسة أسباب عدم الموافقة عليه للتعرّف على العوامل المساعدة لعملها والمعيقة له؛ بالإضافة إلى دراسة مسائل قد يؤثر فيها عمل المرأة مثل مشاركة الرجل في الأعمال المنزلية ودور المرأة في صياغة قرار الأسرة وحقها في الإرث. في محور التعليم، ركّزت الدراسة على سبر تفضيلات الأهل للمستوى التعليمي المُفضل لأبنائهم وبناتهم وانعكاس تلك التفضيلات على انتظام الأبناء والبنات فعلياً في الدراسة. في محور الصحة، تمّ التركيز على بعض السلوكيات والممارسات التي تؤثر في الصحة بشكلٍ متباين بين الذكور والإناث مثل العمر المرغوب عند الزواج الأول والعمر المرغوب للتوقف عن الإنجاب والحمل المبكر وغيرها. توصلت الدراسة إلى عدة نتائج منها (1) وجود فجوة بين الرجل والمرأة في مجال قبول العمل خارج المنزل، (2) وجود فارق واضح في المستوى التعليمي الذي يرغبه الأهل لأبنائهم وبناتهم لصالح المجموعة الأولى، و(3) شيوع العديد من الممارسات والسلوكيات ذات الأثر السلبي في المستوى الصحي عند الإناث مقارنة بالذكور كتفضيل الزواج المبكر والحمل المبكر للإناث واستمرارهن في الإنجاب وعدم المعرفة بأهمية الفحص الطبي قبل الزواج وغيره

    Academic self-organization and its relation of Damascus University students

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      The aim of the current research is to explore the relationship between academic self-regulation and  in a sample of students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Faculty of Education at Damascus University, in addition to knowledge of the differences in both academic self-regulation and due to specialization and sex (males and females). The sample consisted of (115) male and female students with 62 students from the Faculty of Education and (53) males from the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The number of male and female students was( 59 females and 56 students. . For this purpose, the measure of academic self-regulation was used, after verifying their sincerity and persistence with the sample members of the current study. The results showed that the effect of both specialization and gender had a significant impact on academic self-regulatio

    Occupational Interests towards social services according to some variable (Field study in a sample of Tishreen University students)

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      The current research aimed to study differences in Attitudes between individuals belonging to the social pattern. It studied the variable of the college to which the students of the three faculties of social pattern as one of the patterns of professional orientation, which are the faculties of education, literature and nursing from the Tishreen University colleges. The Strong Scale for Professional Trends he (social service axis) was used as a research tool and was applied to a sample of 300 students. The results showed that there are differences on the scale of social services among the students of the Faculty of Education and Nursing for the benefit of students of Education. The results also revealed differences on the scale of social services among the students of the Faculty of Education and literature for the benefit of students of Education. And the absence of statistically significant differences on the scale between students of literature and Nursing

    Patterns and trends of hepatitis C virus infection in Jordan: an observational study

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    Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection levels in Jordan remain uncertain. No HCV national population-based survey has ever been conducted in the country. To meet the World Health Organization’s target of reducing HCV incidence to ≤5 per 100,000 people per year by 2030, it is essential to determine the infection levels, identify affected individuals and populations, and provide appropriate treatment using direct-acting antivirals to individuals carrying the virus. Methods: The study utilized the HCV testing database of 28,798 attendees of Biolab Diagnostic Laboratories in Jordan, covering the period from January 19, 2010, to May 26, 2023. Cross-sectional and cohort study analyses were conducted, including estimating HCV antibody (Ab) prevalence, examining associations with HCV Ab positivity, determining the HCV viremic rate, and estimating HCV incidence rate using a retrospective cohort study design. Results: A total of 27,591 individuals, with a median age of 31.3 and 52.9% being females, underwent HCV Ab testing, while 1,450 individuals, with a median age of 42.2 and 32.8% being females, underwent HCV RNA PCR testing. The study sample HCV Ab prevalence was 4.0% (95% CI: 3.7–4.2%). After applying probability weights, the weighted HCV Ab prevalence was 5.8% (95% CI: 4.6–7.3%). Age was strongly associated with HCV Ab positivity, particularly among individuals aged 50 years or older, who had 10-fold higher odds of being HCV Ab positive compared to those aged 10–19 years. Males had 2.41-fold higher odds of testing positive for HCV Ab compared to females. The HCV viremic rate was 54.1% (95% CI: 43.0–65.0%). The cumulative incidence of HCV infection, after 5 years of follow-up, was estimated to be 0.41% (95% CI: 0.17–0.99%). The HCV incidence rate was calculated at 1.19 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI, 0.50–2.87). Conclusion: Prevalence and incidence of HCV infection were substantial, estimated at ~5% and 1 per 1,000 person-years, respectively, and highlighting the presence of core groups actively engaged in the virus’ acquisition and transmission. The high observed viremic rate indicates the need for expanding HCV treatment efforts to effectively control HCV transmission in Jordan. Utilizing quality diagnostic laboratories and innovative testing strategies is key to identifying infection carriers and facilitating linkage to treatment and care.The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This publication was made possible by NPRP grant number 12S-0216-190094 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation; https://www.qnrf.org ). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in this publication and they do not necessarily represent the views, decisions, or policies of Biolab Diagnostic Laboratories.Scopu