4 research outputs found

    Fusariosis in an immunocompromised patient: therapeutic success with voriconazole

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    A infecção por Fusarium solani é afecção fúngica potencialmente grave em pacientes imunocomprometidos, sobretudo naqueles portadores de neoplasias hematológicas. A mortalidade é alta,sendo limitadas as opções terapêuticas devido às condições da imunidade do doente e à relativa resistência do fungo aos antifúngicos utilizados de rotina. O voriconazol tem-se mostrado boa alternativa terapêutica em pacientes neutropênicos que apresentam fusariose refratária ou pouco responsiva à anfotericina B. Neste artigo relata-se caso de fusariose em doente imunocomprometido tratado com sucesso com voriconazol.Fusarium infection is known to be potentially severe in immunocompromised patients, especially those with hematologic malignancies. Mortality rates are high and there are few therapeutic options, due to the severe underlying condition of this group of patients and the relative resistance of Fusarium to conventional antifungal therapy. Voriconazole has been shown to be an effective antifungal agent for neutropenic patients with fusariosis that are refractory or unresponsive to amphotericin B. We report the successful treatment of disseminated Fusarium infection in an immunocompromised host

    Oral manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease: retrospective clinical-pathologic study

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    O termo doença inflamatória intestinal engloba duas doenças inflamatórias crônicas, imunologicamente mediadas, envolvendo o trato gastrointestinal: a doença de Crohn e a retocolite ulcerativa. Os sintomas intestinais são predominantes, porém, durante o curso da doença, podem ocorrer manifestações extraintestinais, incluindo o envolvimento da cavidade oral. O envolvimento oral na doença inflamatória intestinal pode se dar por diferentes tipos de lesões, sendo o tipo mais comum a afta. Lesões menos frequentes incluem, entre outras, a pioestomatite vegetante e as lesões granulomatosas da doença de Crohn. Apresentamos dez casos de doentes com manifestações orais de doença inflamatória intestinal, sendo que, em alguns desses casos, essas foram essenciais para o diagnóstico definitivo da doença, além de revisão detalhada da literatura. O envolvimento da cavidade oral pode ser prévio ou simultâneo aos sintomas gastrointestinais. Porém, na maior parte dos casos, a doença inflamatória intestinal precede o início das lesões orais em meses ou anos. Em muitos doentes, a sintomatologia intestinal pode ser mínima ou mesmo ausente, o que justifica exame minucioso do trato gastrointestinal em todos os doentes com lesões orais suspeitas, mesmo na ausência de sintomas evidentes. Geralmente, o curso clínico das lesões orais é paralelo à atividade da doença inflamatória intestinal, por isso as manifestações orais são consideradas bons marcadores cutâneos da doençaInflammatory bowel disease comprises two chronic, tissue-destructive, clinical entities: Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis, both immunologically based. Bowel symptoms are predominant, but extra-intestinal complications may occur, including involvement of the oral cavity. Oral involvement during Inflammatory bowel disease includes several types of lesions: the most common are aphthae; uncommon lesions include, among others, pyostomatitis vegetans and granulomatous lesions of Crohns disease. Starting with a presentation of ten patients with oral manifestations, which were crucial for the final diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease, a review on the subject is presented. Oral involvement in inflammatory bowel disease may be previous or simultaneous to the gastrointestinal symptoms. However, in the majority of cases, bowel disease precedes the onset of oral lesions by months or years. In many patients, the intestinal symptoms may be minimal and can go undetected; thus, most authors believe that the bowel must be thoroughly examined in all patients with suspected inflammatory bowel disease even in the absence of specific symptoms. Usually, the clinical course of oral lesions is parallel to the activity of inflammatory bowel disease; therefore, oral manifestations are a good cutaneous marker of inflammatory bowel diseas

    Pyostomatitis vegetans and its relation to inflammatory bowel disease, pyoderma gangrenosum, pyodermatitis vegetans, and pemphigus

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    J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 584588 Pyostomatitis vegetans (PSV) is an intraoral pustular eruption considered by most authors to represent the mucous analogous of cutaneous pyoderma gangrenosum and its vegetating presentations (pyodermatitis vegetans). A strong correlation of PSV with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is well documented. The histopathology of PSV lesions usually reveals acanthosis, and neutrophils and/or eosinophils infiltration with intraepithelial or subepithelial abscesses; acantholysis is present in some cases. We studied four patients with IBD that presented oral lesions suggestive of PSV. Two male and two female patients were included. The histopathology of oral lesions of two patients revealed findings typical for PSV. The other two patients showed findings typical for pemphigus vulgaris (PV), although the course of their symptoms paralleled that of the bowel disease. Our findings may suggest that pustular lesions in patients with IBD can be a presentation of both PSV and PV; adequate diagnosis is required because clinical presentation is very similar