648 research outputs found

    Biometric identification systems. Summary

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    Xenotransplantation. Summary

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    Gene Doping: Scientific Basis - Gateways - Monitoring

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    Like a phantom, "gene doping" has been haunting the debates on the future of competitive sport for years. Such fantasies and visions often culminate in the image of super athletes whose genetic make-up has been permanently manipulated. But the expected application scenarios will be much more unspectacular, but at the same time more probable and closer. We will soon have to reckon with the use of new substances as well as gene and cell therapeutic methods for the targeted manipulation of gene activity. Their use promises highly efficient performance enhancement and will be difficult, if not impossible, to detect. This volume provides comprehensive answers to the key questions of further development: What scientific results could be used for possible gene doping, where will the gateways be in elite and popular sport, and how can we react to this with the help of prohibition and control structures? It is also asked which individual behavioural patterns of athletes and which social contexts will play a role in the expected career of gene doping

    Gene doping. Summary

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    Like a phantom, "gene doping" has been haunting the debates on the future of competitive sport for years. Such fantasies and visions often culminate in the image of super athletes whose genetic make-up has been permanently manipulated. But the expected application scenarios will be much more unspectacular, but at the same time more probable and closer. We will soon have to reckon with the use of new substances as well as gene and cell therapeutic methods for the targeted manipulation of gene activity. Their use promises highly efficient performance enhancement and will be difficult, if not impossible, to detect. This volume provides comprehensive answers to the key questions of further development: What scientific results could be used for possible gene doping, where will the gateways be in elite and popular sport, and how can we react to this with the help of prohibition and control structures? It is also asked which individual behavioural patterns of athletes and which social contexts will play a role in the expected career of gene doping

    Genetic diagnostic - status and prospects. Summary

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    Xenotransplantation. Sachstandsbericht

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    Raman cooling and heating of two trapped Ba+ ions

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    We study cooling of the collective vibrational motion of two 138Ba+ ions confined in an electrodynamic trap and irradiated with laser light close to the resonances S_1/2-P_1/2 (493 nm) and P_1/2-D_3/2 (650 nm). The motional state of the ions is monitored by a spatially resolving photo multiplier. Depending on detuning and intensity of the cooling lasers, macroscopically different motional states corresponding to different ion temperatures are observed. We also derive the ions' temperature from detailed analytical calculations of laser cooling taking into account the Zeeman structure of the energy levels involved. The observed motional states perfectly match the calculated temperatures. Significant heating is observed in the vicinity of the dark resonances of the Zeeman-split S_1/2-D_3/2 Raman transitions. Here two-photon processes dominate the interaction between lasers and ions. Parameter regimes of laser light are identified that imply most efficient laser cooling.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Gendoping. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen - Einfallstore - Kontrolle

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    Wie ein Phantom geistert »Gendoping« seit Jahren durch die Debatten zur Zukunft des Leistungssports. Häufig gipfeln entsprechende Phantasien und Visionen im Bild von dauerhaft in ihrer genetischen Ausstattung manipulierten Superathleten. Doch die zu erwartenden Anwendungsszenarien werden viel unspektakulärer, zugleich aber wahrscheinlicher und näherliegend sein. Man wird schon bald mit einer Nutzung neuer Substanzen sowie gen- und zelltherapeutischer Verfahren zur gezielten Manipulation der Genaktivität rechnen müssen. Ihr Einsatz verspricht eine hocheffiziente Leistungssteigerung und wird sich, wenn überhaupt, nur schwer nachweisen lassen. Dieser Band beantwortet umfassend die Schlüsselfragen der weiteren Entwicklung: Welcher wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse könnte sich ein mögliches Gendoping bedienen, wo werden Einfallstore im Spitzen- und Breitensport sein, und wie kann mithilfe von Verbots- und Kontrollstrukturen darauf reagiert werden? Gefragt wird auch danach, welche individuellen Verhaltensmuster von Athleten und welche gesellschaftlichen Kontexte eine Rolle bei der zu erwartenden Karriere von Gendoping spielen werden

    Stand und Perspektiven der genetischen Diagnostik. Sachstandsbericht

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    Quantum state engineering on an optical transition and decoherence in a Paul trap

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    A single Ca+ ion in a Paul trap has been cooled to the ground state of vibration with up to 99.9% probability. Starting from this Fock state |n=0> we have demonstrated coherent quantum state manipulation on an optical transition. Up to 30 Rabi oscillations within 1.4 ms have been observed. We find a similar number of Rabi oscillations after preparation of the ion in the |n=1> Fock state. The coherence of optical state manipulation is only limited by laser and ambient magnetic field fluctuations. Motional heating has been measured to be as low as one vibrational quantum in 190 ms.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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