177 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic picture of the glassy state

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    A picture for thermodynamics of the glassy state is introduced. It assumes that one extra parameter, the effective temperature, is needed to describe the glassy state. This explains the classical paradoxes concerning the Ehrenfest relations and the Prigogine-Defay ratio. As a second part, the approach connects the response of macroscopic observables to a field change with their temporal fluctuations, and with the fluctuation-dissipation relation, in a generalized non-equilibrium way.Comment: Proceedings of the Conference "Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics", ICTP, Trieste, 15 - 18 September 199

    Minimal Work Principle and its Limits for Classical Systems

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    The minimal work principle asserts that work done on a thermally isolated equilibrium system, is minimal for the slowest (adiabatic) realization of a given process. This principle, one of the formulations of the second law, is operationally well-defined for any finite (few particle) Hamiltonian system. Within classical Hamiltonian mechanics, we show that the principle is valid for a system of which the observable of work is an ergodic function. For non-ergodic systems the principle may or may not hold, depending on additional conditions. Examples displaying the limits of the principle are presented and their direct experimental realizations are discussed.Comment: 4 + epsilon pages, 1 figure, revte

    Competition between glassiness and order in a multi-spin glass

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    A mean-field multi-spin interaction spin glass model is analyzed in the presence of a ferromagnetic coupling. The static and dynamical phase diagrams contain four phases (paramagnet, spin glass, ordinary ferromagnet and glassy ferromagnet) and exhibit reentrant behavior. The glassy ferromagnet phase has anomalous dynamical properties. The results are consistent with a nonequilibrium thermodynamics that has been proposed for glasses.Comment: revised version, 4 pages Revtex, 2 eps-figures. Phys. Rev. E, Rapid Communication, to appea

    Parisi Phase in a Neuron

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    Pattern storage by a single neuron is revisited. Generalizing Parisi's framework for spin glasses we obtain a variational free energy functional for the neuron. The solution is demonstrated at high temperature and large relative number of examples, where several phases are identified by thermodynamical stability analysis, two of them exhibiting spontaneous full replica symmetry breaking. We give analytically the curved segments of the order parameter function and in representative cases compute the free energy, the storage error, and the entropy.Comment: 4 pages in prl twocolumn format + 3 Postscript figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    The Impact of Sectoral Minimum Wage Laws on Employment, Wages and Hours of Work in South Africa

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    This paper attempts to investigate the impact of sectoral wage laws in South Africa. Specifically, we examine the impact of minimum wage laws promulgated in the Retail, Domestic work, Forestry, Security, and Taxi sectors using 15 waves of biannual Labour Force Survey data for the 2000-2007 period

    Cooling dynamics of a dilute gas of inelastic rods: a many particle simulation

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    We present results of simulations for a dilute gas of inelastically colliding particles. Collisions are modelled as a stochastic process, which on average decreases the translational energy (cooling), but allows for fluctuations in the transfer of energy to internal vibrations. We show that these fluctuations are strong enough to suppress inelastic collapse. This allows us to study large systems for long times in the truely inelastic regime. During the cooling stage we observe complex cluster dynamics, as large clusters of particles form, collide and merge or dissolve. Typical clusters are found to survive long enough to establish local equilibrium within a cluster, but not among different clusters. We extend the model to include net dissipation of energy by damping of the internal vibrations. Inelatic collapse is avoided also in this case but in contrast to the conservative system the translational energy decays according to the mean field scaling law, E(t)\propto t^{-2}, for asymptotically long times.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, Latex; extended discussion, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Heavy-fermion and spin-liquid behavior in a Kondo lattice with magnetic frustration

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    We study the competition between the Kondo effect and frustrating exchange interactions in a Kondo-lattice model within a large-N{\cal N} dynamical mean-field theory. We find a T=0 phase transition between a heavy Fermi-liquid and a spin-liquid for a critical value of the exchange Jc=TK0J_c = T_{K}^0, the single-impurity Kondo temperature. Close to the critical point, the Fermi liquid coherence scale TT^\star is strongly reduced and the effective mass strongly enhanced. The regime T>TT>T^\star is characterized by spin-liquid magnetic correlations and non-Fermi-liquid properties. It is suggested that magnetic frustration is a general mechanism which is essential to explain the large effective mass of some metallic compounds such as LiV2_2O4_4.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Late

    Quenched complexity of the p-spin spherical spin-glass with external magnetic field

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    We consider the p-spin spherical spin-glass model in the presence of an external magnetic field as a general example of a mean-field system where a one step replica symmetry breaking (1-RSB) occurs. In this context we compute the complexity of the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer states, performing a quenched computation. We find what is the general connection between this method and the standard static 1-RSB one, formulating a clear mapping between the parameters used in the two different calculations. We also perform a dynamical analysis of the model, by which we confirm the validity of our results.Comment: RevTeX, 11 pages, including 2 EPS figure

    Charge and spin density wave ordering transitions in strongly correlated metals

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    We study the quantum transition from a strongly correlated metal, with heavy fermionic quasiparticles, to a metal with commensurate charge or spin density wave order. To this end, we introduce and numerically analyze a large dimensionality model of Ising spins in a transverse field, coupled to two species of fermions; the analysis borrows heavily from recent progress in the solution of the Hubbard model in large dimensions. At low energies, the Ising order parameter fluctuations are characterized by the critical exponent zν=1z \nu = 1, while above an energy scale, Γ\Gamma, there is a crossover to zν=1/2z\nu = 1/2 criticality. We show that Γ\Gamma is of the order of the width of the heavy quasiparticle band, and can be made arbitrarily small for a correlated metal close to a Mott-Hubbard insulator. Therefore, such a correlated metal has a significant intermediate energy range of zν=1/2z\nu=1/2 behavior, a single particle spectrum with a narrow quasiparticle band, and well-formed analogs of the lower and upper Hubbard bands; we suggest that these features are intimately related in general.Comment: 14 pages, REVTEX 3.0, 2 postscript figure

    Theory of a spherical quantum rotors model: low--temperature regime and finite-size scaling

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    The quantum rotors model can be regarded as an effective model for the low-temperature behavior of the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets. Here, we consider a dd-dimensional model in the spherical approximation confined to a general geometry of the form Ldd×d×LτzL^{d-d'}\times\infty^{d'}\times L_{\tau}^{z} ( LL-linear space size and LτL_{\tau}-temporal size) and subjected to periodic boundary conditions. Due to the remarkable opportunity it offers for rigorous study of finite-size effects at arbitrary dimensionality this model may play the same role in quantum critical phenomena as the popular Berlin-Kac spherical model in classical critical phenomena. Close to the zero-temperature quantum critical point, the ideas of finite-size scaling are utilized to the fullest extent for studying the critical behavior of the model. For different dimensions 1<d<31<d<3 and 0dd0\leq d'\leq d a detailed analysis, in terms of the special functions of classical mathematics, for the susceptibility and the equation of state is given. Particular attention is paid to the two-dimensional case.Comment: 33pages, revtex+epsf, 3ps figures included submitted to PR