38 research outputs found

    Bovine virus diarrhea and the vector-borne diseases Anaplasmosis and Bluetongue: a sero-surveillance in free-ranging red deer (Cervus elaphus) in selected areas of Switzerland

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    Due to climate changes, diseases emerging from southerly adjacent areas (Mediterranean countries) are likely to spread northward. Expanded migration of red deer harbors the risk of introducing new pathogens into a naive population of either wild or domestic animals. Little is known about the importance of red deer as a potential reservoir for diseases of domestic ruminants in Switzerland. Deer is susceptible for all three agents that were selected in this study: bovine virus diarrhea virus (BVDV), Anaplasma marginale (AM), and Bluetongue virus (BTV). The goal of this project was to establish the serological status of red deer in Switzerland concerning BVDV, AM, and BTV, and to assess the possible impact of disease dynamics with a focus on potential transmission of these diseases from red deer to cattle or vice versa. Sampling areas were selected according the following criteria: abundance of red deer, potential insect vector distribution due to climatic conditions, and traditional alpine pasture husbandry along with known migration routes of red deer. Blood samples were collected during the regular hunting season 2004 and 2005 by hunters and gamekeepers. There was no serological evidence for the presence of the vector-borne diseases AM and BT in red deer in Switzerland. Four out of 234 sera showed a positive result for BVD, corresponding to a sero-prevalence of 1.7% (95% CI 0.46–4.38). Facing the fact of the high sero-prevalence for BVD in Swiss cattle (60–80%) disease transmission from red deer to cattle in these areas under investigation is rather unlikely

    Was ist Ihre Diagnose?

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    A healthy, 1,5 year old female wild boar (Sus scrofa) was shoot in a hunting district in Switzerland on June 22, 2023. The meat inspection revealed noticeable skin changes on all four distal extremities which were described histologically as multifocal epidermal hyperplasia and moderate orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis. The rest of the animal body, the organs and the lymph nodes were without any obvious lesions. The diagnosis of papilloma virus-associated exophytically growing papillomas was made. The venison was approved as fit for human consumption

    Project PathoPig—A practical approach to strengthen post mortem analyses and early detection of pig diseases and zoonoses

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    Post mortem examinations are important for early detection and diagnosis of animal diseases and zoonoses. Over the last ten years, the number of necropsies in livestock has decreased considerably in Switzerland. To counteract this decline, the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) launched a project in 2014 called PathoPig. The aim is to evaluate the significance of pathologic-anatomical examinations for early detection of pig diseases and to investigate the impact of the findings on the improvement of pig health. Pig producers can participate if at least one of the following criteria is fulfilled: high morbidity and/or high mortality, unusual clinical signs, recurrent problems of unknown aetiology resistant to therapy or increased use of antimicrobials. Accordingly, the veterinarian examines the herd, fills in a standardised anamnesis protocol and submits one to three pigs representing the health problem to a designated pathology laboratory. After post mortem examination, the veterinarian offers specific recommendations to the farmer. Three to six months later, the Swiss Pig Health Service (SPHS) follows up the success of the veterinary recommendations. In 2014, 371 farms submitted pigs for PathoPig. In 84% of these cases, a conclusive diagnosis was obtained. In 56% of the cases, gastrointestinal problems were determined, most often (44%) caused by pathogenic Escherichia coli. In more than 80% of the cases, the animal health status could be improved considerably after the veterinary consultation. Increased post mortem examinations allowed more specific therapeutic treatments and management recommendations. Additionally, an improvement of collaboration between diagnostic laboratories, veterinarians and producers was achieved, thereby strengthening disease awareness and early detection of pig diseases and zoonoses in Switzerland

    Comparative studies on the pathogenicity and tissue distribution of three virulence variants of classical swine fever virus, two field isolates and one vaccine strain, with special regard to immunohistochemical investigations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to compare the tissue distribution and pathogenicity of three virulence variants of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) and to investigate the applicability of various conventional diagnostic procedures.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>64 pigs were divided into three groups and infected with the highly virulent isolate ISS/60, the moderately virulent isolate Wingene'93 and the live attenuated vaccine strain Riems, respectively. Clinical signs, gross and histopathological changes were compared in relation to time elapsed post infection. Virus spread in various organs was followed by virus isolation, by immunohistochemistry, applying monoclonal antibodies in a two-step method and by <it>in situ </it>hybridisation using a digoxigenin-labelled riboprobe.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The tissue distribution data are discussed in details, analyzing the results of the various diagnostic approaches. The comparative studies revealed remarkable differences in the onset of clinical signs as well as in the development of the macro- and microscopical changes, and in the tissue distribution of CSFV in the three experimental groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study demonstrates that in the case of highly and moderately virulent virus variants the virulence does not affect the pattern of the viral spread, however, it influences the outcome, the duration and the intensity of the disease. Immunohistochemistry has the advantage to allow the rapid detection and localisation of the virus, especially in cases of early infection, when clinical signs are still absent. Compared to virus isolation, the advantage of this method is that no cell culture facilities are required. Thus, immunohistochemistry provides simple and sensitive tools for the prompt detection of newly emerging variants of CSFV, including the viruses of very mild virulence.</p

    Equine Infectious Anaemia – a review from an official veterinary perspective

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    Mucosal Disease beim Rind – Klinische Befunde bei 103 Kälbern und Rindern

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    One hundred and three calves and heifers persistently infected with BVD virus were examined. The most important clinical findings in order of frequency were weight loss, erosions of the oral mucosa, diarrhea, anorexia and fever. In addition, nasal discharge, lymph node enlargement, erosions of the nose, muzzle and interdigital cleft and bronchopneumonia occurred in less than half of the patients. Furthermore, crustaceous dermatitis was observed in three patients and petechial hemorrhage of the oral mucosa occurred in two other cases with severe thrombocytopenia. Haemoconcentration, leukocytosis, hyperfibrinogenemia and azotemia were the most important haematological findings. To confirm the clinical diagnosis, the serum antibody titre of 69 patients was compared with that of a clinically healthy control animal from the same herd. There was no positive antibody titre in 65 of the 69 patients, whereas 67 of the control animals had positive titres. In 34 patients, EDTA blood samples were collected for virus detection. In 20 of these, skin biopsy samples were also obtained for virus demonstration. Virus has been demonstrated in the blood of 32 of the 34 cases and in all 20 skin biopsy specimens