262 research outputs found
On the path to translation: Highlights from the 2010 Canadian Conference on Ovarian Cancer Research
Ovarian cancer continues to be the most lethal of the gynaecologic malignancies due to the lack of early detection, screening strategies and ineffective therapeutics for late-stage metastatic disease, particularly in the recurrent setting. The gathering of researchers investigating fundamental pathobiology of ovarian cancer and the clinicians who treat patients with this insidious disease is paramount to meeting the challenges we face. Since 2002, the Canadian Conference on Ovarian Cancer Research, held every two years, has served this essential purpose. The objectives of this conference have been to disseminate new information arising from the most recent ovarian cancer research and identify the most pressing challenges we still face as scientists and clinicians. This is best accomplished through direct encounters and exchanges of innovative ideas among colleagues and trainees from the realms of basic science and clinical disciplines. This meeting has and continues to successfully facilitate rapid networking and establish new collaborations from across Canada. This year, more guest speakers and participants from other countries have extended the breadth of the research on ovarian cancer that was discussed at the meeting. This report summarizes the key findings presented at the fifth biennial Canadian Conference on Ovarian Cancer Research held in Toronto, Ontario, and includes the important issues and challenges we still face in the years ahead to make a significant impact on this devastating disease
The Collection Efficiency of Shielded and Unshielded Precipitation Gauges. Part II: Modeling Particle Trajectories
The use of windshields to reduce the impact of wind on snow measurements is common. This paper investigates the catching performance of shielded and unshielded gauges using numerical simulations. In Part II, the role of the windshield and gauge aerodynamics, as well as the varying flow field due to the turbulence generated by the shieldâgauge configuration, in reducing the catch efficiency is investigated. This builds on the computational fluid dynamics results obtained in Part I, where the airflow patterns in the proximity of an unshielded and single Alter shielded Geonor T-200B gauge are obtained using both time-independent [Reynolds-averaged NavierâStokes (RANS)] and time-dependent [large-eddy simulation (LES)] approaches. A Lagrangian trajectory model is used to track different types of snowflakes (wet and dry snow) and to assess the variation of the resulting gauge catching performance with the wind speed. The collection efficiency obtained with the LES approach is generally lower than the one obtained with the RANS approach. This is because of the impact of the LES-resolved turbulence above the gauge orifice rim. The comparison between the collection efficiency values obtained in case of shielded and unshielded gauge validates the choice of installing a single Alter shield in a windy environment. However, time-dependent simulations show that the propagating turbulent structures produced by the aerodynamic response of the upwind single Alter blades have an impact on the collection efficiency. Comparison with field observations provides the validation background for the model results
Impact of Wind Direction, Wind Speed, and Particle Characteristics on the Collection Efficiency of the Double Fence Intercomparison Reference
The accurate measurement of snowfall is important in various fields of study such as climate variability, transportation, and water resources. A major concern is that snowfall measurements are difficult and can result in significant errors. For example, collection efficiency of most gaugeâshield configurations generally decreases with increasing wind speed. In addition, much scatter is observed for a given wind speed, which is thought to be caused by the type of snowflake. Furthermore, the collection efficiency depends strongly on the reference used to correct the data, which is often the Double Fence Intercomparison Reference (DFIR) recommended by the World Meteorological Organization. The goal of this study is to assess the impact of weather conditions on the collection efficiency of the DFIR. Note that the DFIR is defined as a manual gauge placed in a double fence. In this study, however, only the double fence is being investigated while still being called DFIR. To address this issue, a detailed analysis of the flow field in the vicinity of the DFIR is conducted using computational fluid dynamics. Particle trajectories are obtained to compute the collection efficiency associated with different precipitation types for varying wind speed. The results show that the precipitation reaching the center of the DFIR can exceed 100% of the actual precipitation, and it depends on the snowflake type, wind speed, and direction. Overall, this study contributes to a better understanding of the sources of uncertainty associated with the use of the DFIR as a reference gauge to measure snowfall
An Improved Trajectory Model to Evaluate the Collection Performance of Snow Gauges
Recent studies have used numerical models to estimate the collection efficiency\ud
of solid precipitation gauges when exposed to the wind, in both\ud
shielded and unshielded configurations. The models used computational fluid\ud
dynamics (CFD) simulations of the airflow pattern generated by the aerodynamic\ud
response to the gauge/shield geometry. These are used as initial conditions\ud
to perform Lagrangian tracking of solid precipitation particles. Validation\ud
of the results against field observations yielded similarities in the overall\ud
behavior, but the model output only approximately reproduced the dependence\ud
of the experimental collection efficiency on wind speed. This paper\ud
presents an improved snowflake trajectory modeling scheme due to the inclusion\ud
of a dynamically-determined drag coefficient. The drag coefficient\ud
was estimated using the local Reynolds number as derived from CFD simulations\ud
within a time-independent Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)\ud
approach. The proposed dynamic model greatly improves the consistency of\ud
results with the field observations recently obtained at the Marshall, CO Winter\ud
Precipitation Testbed
Task-based estimation of past exposures to 60-hertz magnetic and electric fields at an electrical utility
Objectives Past exposures of electric utility workers to extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic (B) and electric fields (E) in Québec were estimated.
Methods The current intensities were measured and durations of exposures determined for tasks or work locations in 14 job categories. Past task or location intensities were extrapolated from the present on the basis of interviews with long-term workers and utility personnel. Past task or location durations were estimated for the long-term workers. Time-weighted average (TWA) exposures for past periods were reconstructed for jobs from the intensity and duration estimates.
Results Magnetic fields were estimated to have increased the most over time for substation and distribution-line jobs. Magnetic field exposures for jobs in the generation and transmission of electricity were estimated to have increased very little. For substation jobs, the ratios of magnetic fields in 1945 to those in 1990 ranged from 0.42 to 0.69; the corresponding figures for distribution-line jobs ranged from 0.36 to 0.94. For electric fields in substations, the estimated increase over time was less than for magnetic fields, the 1945:1990 ratios ranging from 0.59 to 0.88. For the distribution line jobs, the 1945:1990 ratios for electric fields were less than 1.0 in 4 cases (0.6 to 0.89), more than 1.0 in 3 others (1.13 to 2.01) and unchanged in 1.
Conclusion Reconstruction of TWA exposures allowed changes in the intensity and the duration of exposures to be considered separately. Documentation of the intensity and duration of exposures for different tasks allows exposure reconstruction for jobs that have ceased to exist. The method is applicable elsewhere if exposure monitoring records allow the level and duration of exposures for tasks or locations to be calculated and if estimates of past durations and intensities of exposures can be reliably obtained
Efficient Doubling on Genus Two Curves over Binary Fields
In most algorithms involving elliptic and hyperelliptic curves, the costliest part consists in computing multiples of ideal classes. This paper investigates how to compute faster doubling over fields of characteristic two.
We derive explicit doubling formulae making strong use of the defining equation of the curve. We analyze how many field operations are needed depending on the curve making clear how much generality one loses by the respective choices. Note, that none of the proposed types is known to
be weak â one only could be suspicious because of the more special types. Our results allow to choose curves from a large enough variety which have extremely fast doubling needing only half the time of an addition. Combined with a sliding window method this leads to fast computation
of scalar multiples. We also speed up the general case
Neutron to proton ratios of quasiprojectile and midrapidity emission in the Zn + Zn reaction at 45 MeV/nucleon
Simultaneous measurement of both neutrons and charged particles emitted in
the reaction Zn + Zn at 45 MeV/nucleon allows comparison of the
neutron to proton ratio at midrapidity with that at projectile rapidity. The
evolution of N/Z in both rapidity regimes with increasing centrality is
examined. For the completely re-constructed midrapidity material one finds that
the neutron-to-proton ratio is above that of the overall Zn + Zn
system. In contrast, the re-constructed ratio for the quasiprojectile is below
that of the overall system. This difference provides the most complete evidence
to date of neutron enrichment of midrapidity nuclear matter at the expense of
the quasiprojectile
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