142 research outputs found

    Linear dynamics of the solar convection zone: excitation of waves in unstably stratified shear flows

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    In this paper we report on the nonresonant conversion of convectively unstable linear gravity modes into acoustic oscillation modes in shear flows. The convectively unstable linear gravity modes can excite acoustic modes with similar wave-numbers. The frequencies of the excited oscillations may be qualitatively higher than the temporal variation scales of the source flow, while the frequency spectra of the generated oscillations should be intrinsically correlated to the velocity field of the source flow. We anticipate that this nonresonant phenomenon can significantly contribute to the production of sound waves in the solar convection zone.Comment: 8 pages. To appear in the proceedings of the conference "Waves in Dusty, Solar and Space Plasmas", Leuven, Belgium 21-26 May 200

    Linear coupling of modes in 2D radially stratified astrophysical discs

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    We investigate mode coupling in a two dimensional compressible disc with radial stratification and differential rotation. We employ the global radial scaling of linear perturbations and study the linear modes in the local shearing sheet approximation. We employ a three-mode formalism and study the vorticity (W), entropy (S) and compressional (P) modes and their coupling properties. The system exhibits asymmetric three-mode coupling: these include mutual coupling of S and P-modes, S and W-modes, and asymmetric coupling between the W and P-modes. P-mode perturbations are able to generate potential vorticity through indirect three-mode coupling. This process indicates that compressional perturbations can lead to the development of vortical structures and influence the dynamics of radially stratified hydrodynamic accretion and protoplanetary discs.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS (accepted

    Fast magnetohydrodynamic oscillation of longitudinally inhomogeneous prominence threads: an analogue with quantum harmonic oscillator

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    Previous works indicate that the frequency ratio of second and first harmonics of kink oscillations has tendency towards 3 in the case of prominence threads. We aim to study the magnetohydrodynamic oscillations of longitudinally inhomogeneous prominence threads and to shed light on the problem of frequency ratio. Classical Sturm--Liouville problem is used for the threads with longitudinally inhomogeneous plasma density. We show that the spatial variation of total pressure perturbations along the thread is governed by the stationary Schr\"{o}dinger equation, where the longitudinal inhomogeneity of plasma density stands for the potential energy. Consequently, the equation has bounded solutions in terms of Hermite polynomials. Boundary conditions at the thread surface lead to transcendental dispersion equation with Bessel functions. Thin flux tube approximation of the dispersion equation shows that the frequency of kink waves is proportional to the expression \alpha(2n+1), where \alpha is the density inhomogeneity parameter and n is the longitudinal mode number. Consequently, the ratio of the frequencies of second and first harmonics tends to 3 in prominence threads. Numerical solution of the dispersion equation shows that the ratio only slightly decreases for thicker tubes in the case of smaller longitudinal inhomogeneity of external density, therefore the thin flux tube limit is a good approximation for prominence oscillations. However, stronger longitudinal inhomogeneity of external density may lead to the significant shift of frequency ratio for wider tubes and therefore the thin tube approximation may fail. The tendency of frequency ratio of second and first harmonics towards 3 in prominence threads is explained by the analogy of the oscillations with quantum harmonic oscillator, where the density inhomogeneity of the threads plays a role of potential energy.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures (accepted in A&A

    Primordial magnetic field limits from cosmological data

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    We study limits on a primordial magnetic field arising from cosmological data, including that from big bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background polarization plane Faraday rotation limits, and large-scale structure formation. We show that the physically-relevant quantity is the value of the effective magnetic field, and limits on it are independent of how the magnetic field was generated.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure