27 research outputs found

    Stained Glass Windows of Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, Ohio, Produced by Wilbur H. Burnham Studios

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    Trinity Episcopal Cathedral has over forty large stained glass windows that range in age from the 15 to the 20th Century. The medieval windows were produced in England and Germany, while the more contemporary windows were produced by such prominent studios as those directed by Willet, Connick, Tiffany, Heaton, Young, and Burnham. The more contemporary windows are of considerable artistic and historical interest, but there is very little information available about them. This monograph specifically focuses on the windows of Trinity Cathedral produced by the Wilbur H. Burnham Studios. The Burnham Studios windows are the most accessible windows within the cathedral. Positioned just above eye level, they may be easily observed and studied. Located below the great windows of the transept and along the side aisles of the nave, as a group, they tell a thematically unified story based on legendary and biblical information about the life of Jesus. Original publication date 1999.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/clevmembks/1001/thumbnail.jp

    A Study of the Unionidae of Tinkers Creek, Ohio

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    We present data on freshwater mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) distributions for Tinkers Creek, a small Ohio stream that previously had not been surveyed for its unionid fauna. The distribution of these mussels was mapped against the changing habitat of the stream, with special attention paid to two zones of human manipulation, a wastewater treatment plant and a stretch of the river where the bed was relocated to enable development. At least five unionid species live in Tinkers Creek. These are Pyganodon grandis, Lampsilis radiata luteola, Fusconaiajlava, Lasmigona costata, and Lasmigona compressa. Fresh shells suggested the presence of three others: Strophitus undulatus, Toxolasma parvus, and Alasmidonta marginata. The region of Tinkers Creek where the mussels are most common extends through Twinsburg, Ohio, and upstream to a waterfall just below the confluence with Pond Brook. Relocation of the river channel eliminated mussels from a 0.5 km stretch in eastern Twinsburg. Furthermore, the impact of effluent from a wastewater treatment plant was minor, at most. Mussel diversity diminished from five to three species commonly found below this facility. A change in river habitat to faster flow, however, provided an alternate explanation for this faunal change. The most striking difference was the replacement of Lasmigona costata, a species usually found in medium and large rivers, by L. compressa, a species common in small streams and headwaters

    An Analysis of the ANERR Coastal Resources Management Training Market

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    The market analysis for the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve revealed that there is a diverse body of coastal resources management training providers who offer training in the Florida Panhandle. These organizations are primarily either governmental agencies, or institutions of higher education. Most of them offer this training to various audiences as part of their missions, although a select few offer it as the sole purpose of their organizations

    A Study of the Unionidae of Tinkers Creek, Ohio

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    We present data on freshwater mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) distributions for Tinkers Creek, a small Ohio stream that previously had not been surveyed for its unionid fauna. The distribution of these mussels was mapped against the changing habitat of the stream, with special attention paid to two zones of human manipulation, a wastewater treatment plant and a stretch of the river where the bed was relocated to enable development. At least five unionid species live in Tinkers Creek. These are Pyganodon grandis, Lampsilis radiata luteola, Fusconaiajlava, Lasmigona costata, and Lasmigona compressa. Fresh shells suggested the presence of three others: Strophitus undulatus, Toxolasma parvus, and Alasmidonta marginata. The region of Tinkers Creek where the mussels are most common extends through Twinsburg, Ohio, and upstream to a waterfall just below the confluence with Pond Brook. Relocation of the river channel eliminated mussels from a 0.5 km stretch in eastern Twinsburg. Furthermore, the impact of effluent from a wastewater treatment plant was minor, at most. Mussel diversity diminished from five to three species commonly found below this facility. A change in river habitat to faster flow, however, provided an alternate explanation for this faunal change. The most striking difference was the replacement of Lasmigona costata, a species usually found in medium and large rivers, by L. compressa, a species common in small streams and headwaters

    An Assessment of the Coastal Training Program Needs of the ANERR Region

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    A series of focus groups were conducted throughout northwest Florida to obtain input from coastal decision-makers into the design and development of a coastal resources management training program for the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve (ANERR). The focus groups were comprised of a cross section of coastal and environmental professionals who make decisions affecting coastal and watershed areas. The focus group decision-makers were primarily employed in the public sector (federal, state, local, governmental, nonprofit, or academic), with nearly half of the participants having between six and 15 years of professional experience

    Coastal Resources Management Training Needs Assessment: Strategies and Opportunities

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    The Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve (OWC), Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Coastal Management Program (ODNRCMP), and Ohio Sea Grant College Program engaged the Great Lakes Environmental Finance Center (GLEFC) to aid them in developing a coastal resources management training initiative for Ohio coastal decision-makers. Coastal decision-maker professionals are expected to formulate effective strategies and apply interdisciplinary approaches to solving problems and policy issues that affect the environments of coastal regions. There are a number of professionals in a variety of occupations who make decisions regarding coastal and environmental policy issues. These individuals include those within the coastal resources management field, such as conservationists, planning professionals, and coastal regulatory officials, as well as individuals not directly within the field, such as local officials, state and federal agency staff, project managers, and staff from non-governmental, economic, and community development organizations

    Coastal Resources Management Training Needs Assessment: Strategies and Opportunities

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    The Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve (OWC), Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Coastal Management Program (ODNRCMP), and Ohio Sea Grant College Program engaged the Great Lakes Environmental Finance Center (GLEFC) to aid them in developing a coastal resources management training initiative for Ohio coastal decision-makers. Coastal decision-maker professionals are expected to formulate effective strategies and apply interdisciplinary approaches to solving problems and policy issues that affect the environments of coastal regions. There are a number of professionals in a variety of occupations who make decisions regarding coastal and environmental policy issues. These individuals include those within the coastal resources management field, such as conservationists, planning professionals, and coastal regulatory officials, as well as individuals not directly within the field, such as local officials, state and federal agency staff, project managers, and staff from non-governmental, economic, and community development organizations

    Coastal Training Market Analysis: Final Report

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    A market is emerging for policy makers in the area of coastal resources management. Individuals, as professionals or private citizens, are frequently called upon to make decisions regarding coastal environmental issues. The context in which they do so varies considerably; thus education and training in this topic area serves to heighten and expand the knowledge base of the coastal decision-maker

    Coastal Training Market Analysis: Final Report

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    A market is emerging for policy makers in the area of coastal resources management. Individuals, as professionals or private citizens, are frequently called upon to make decisions regarding coastal environmental issues. The context in which they do so varies considerably; thus education and training in this topic area serves to heighten and expand the knowledge base of the coastal decision-maker

    Trends Analysis of Coastal Training Programs in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System

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    The National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERRS) Coastal Training Program (CTP) is a system-wide training program that aims to increase informed decision-making related to coastal resource management at local and regional levels. The CTP serves as the NERRS flagship program for knowledge and information transfer, and provides an effective vehicle to ensure that science-based knowledge and skills get into the hands and minds of those individuals making decisions about the coast on a regular basis in a professional or volunteer capacity. At the local level, Reserve staff conducts intensive planning to develop targeted training programs that complement other training efforts within the region. The Reserves partner with multiple agencies and organizations to transfer relevant scientific and technical resources and information to key audiences around priority coastal resource issues