6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pkmberian Ekstrak Daun Johar( Cassia siamea Lamk) Terhadap Kadar SGOT,SGPT Dan Gambaran Histopatologis Hepar Mencit Yang Diinduksi Dengan Parasetamol Dosis Toksik: Penelitian Eksperimental Laboratorik

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    Fifty male white mice ( 2-3 monts old ) were used in the experiment to study the effects of Cassea seamea extract on the level of SGOT, SGPT and the percentage of cell injury. The mice were divided into five groups and each group consist of ten mice, and were treated as follows : 1. Group Pol as negatif control were given aquades for 8 days and CMC 0,5% at the 8th day. 2. Group Po2 as positif control were given Acetaminophen 0,4 g! kg BW/ day at the 8th day. 3. Group Pl were given Cassea seamea extract at the concentration of0,20 g/ml for 8 days and Acetaminophen 0 ,4 g! BWI day at the 8th day. 4. Group P2 were given Cassea seamea extract at the concentration of0,40 g/ml for 8 days and Acetaminophen 0,4 gl BWI day at the 8th day. 5. Group P3 were given Cassea seamea extract at the concentration of0,80 g/ml for 8 days and Acetaminophen 0,4 g! BWI day at the 8th day. The mice were killed after ten days, the plasma were processed to measure the level of SGOT, SGPT and the liver was cut and processed histologically to measure the injured cell. The result showed that the Cassea seamea extract 1. Lnhibit increase ( P< 0,05 ) the level of GOT at concentration of extract 0,20 g/ml, 0,40 g/ml and 0,80 g/ml respectively. 2. Inhibit increase ( P< 0,05 ) the level of SGPT at concentration of extract 0,20 g/ml, 0,40 g/ml and 0,80 g/ml respectively. 3. Inhibit increase ( P< 0,05 ) the percentage of cell injury at concentration of extract 0,20 g/ml, 0,40 g/ml and 0,80 g/ml respectively

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Johar (Cassia Siamea Lamk) Terhadap Kadar SGOT, SGPT dan Gambaran Histopatologis Hepar Mencit Yang Diinduksi Dengan Parasetamol Dosis Toksik: Penelitian Eksperimental Laboratorik

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    Fifty male white mice ( 2-3 monts old ) were used in the experiment to study the effects of Cassea seamea extract on the level of SGOT, SGPT and the percentage of cell injury. The mice were divided into five groups and each group consist of ten mice, and were treated as follows : 1. Group Pol as negatif control were given aquades for 8 days and CMC 0,5% at the 8th day. 2. Group Po2 as positif control were given Acetaminophen 0,4 g! kg BW/ day at the 8th day. 3. Group Pl were given Cassea seamea extract at the concentration of0,20 g/ml for 8 days and Acetaminophen 0 ,4 g! BWI day at the 8th day. 4. Group P2 were given Cassea seamea extract at the concentration of0,40 g/ml for 8 days and Acetaminophen 0,4 gl BWI day at the 8th day. 5. Group P3 were given Cassea seamea extract at the concentration of0,80 g/ml for 8 days and Acetaminophen 0,4 g! BWI day at the 8th day. The mice were killed after ten days, the plasma were processed to measure the level of SGOT, SGPT and the liver was cut and processed histologically to measure the injured cell.The result showed that the Cassea seamea extract 1. Lnhibit increase ( P< 0,05 ) the level of SGOT at concentration of extract 0,20 g/ml, 0,40 g/ml and 0,80 g/ml respectively. 2. Inhibit increase ( P< 0,05 ) the level of SGPT at concentration of extract 0,20 g/ml, 0,40 g/ml and 0,80 g/ml respectively. 3. Inhibit increase ( P< 0,05 ) the percentage of cell injury at concentration of extract 0,20 g/ml, 0,40 g/ml and 0,80 g/ml respectively

    Hubungan Penerapan Etika Batuk pada Penderita TB Paru dengan Kejadian TB Paru pada Pasangan di Kecamatan Darul Imarah Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Tuberkulosis (TB) Paru merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi penyebab kematian tertinggi di dunia. Lingkungan yang memiliki risiko penularan Mikobakterium tuberkulosis (MTB) yang besar adalah rumah. Pasangan merupakan anggota yang memiliki lama dan kualitas kontak terbaik di rumah. WHO merekomendasikan 7 poin rekomendasi untuk mencegah transmisi MTB, salah satunya adalah penerapan etika batuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penerapan etika batuk pada penderita TB Paru dengan kejadian TB Paru pada pasangan penderita di Kecamatan Darul Imarah Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain cross-sectional. Data diolah menggunakan uji chi square terhadap 94 sample yang diambil dengan simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 76,6% dari penderita TB Paru tidak menerapkan etika batuk dengan baik dan hanya 3,2% pasangan penderita yang mengalami TB Paru. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan etika batuk yang buruk pada penderita TB Paru tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kejadian TB Paru pada pasangan (p=0,072). Hal ini disebabkan sedikitnya jumlah pasangan yang terkena TB Paru. Faktor lingkungan dalam pengendalian MTB dan peran genetik dalam kerentanan terhadap MTB diduga berperan dalam kejadian ini

    A case report of a successful alternative regiment therapy for toxoplasma encephalitis in AIDS patients

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    Introduction: AIDS patients are more susceptible to opportunistic diseases, such as toxoplasma encephalitis, because of weakened immune systems. Toxoplasma encephalitis manifests as a severe neurological crisis in HIV patients. The standard initial treatments are sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine. This case presents an HIV patient treated with an alternative regimen for toxoplasma encephalitis. Case description: A young Acehnese man, 32 years old, arrived at the emergency unit after complaining of a general seizure 2 hours before arrival. He has a history of a two-week fever and white patches on his tongue and oral cavity. The result of the HIV test was positive, and after a thorough examination, he was diagnosed with toxoplasma encephalitis. The patient was given cotrimoxazole 960 mg twice daily and clindamycin 600 mg four times daily as an alternative treatment. Clinical improvement was reported after six weeks of therapy. Conclusion: A case of toxoplasma encephalitis was reported. The first-line treatment for toxoplasma encephalitis is pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine; however, the patient was treated with cotrimoxazole and clindamycin as an alternative treatment. Clinical improvement was used to assess the success of therapy. Cotrimoxazole and clindamycin can be utilized as alternative regiment therapy if the first-line treatment option is unavailable

    Association between depression and HbA1c levels in the elderly population with type 2 diabetes mellitus during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic progressive disease affecting the metabolic hormonal system and its prevalence in the elderly population is high. Depression is one of the psychiatric disorders in diabetic patients in particular during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. People with depression are more susceptible to leading an unhealthy lifestyle; therefore, depression and diabetes have a negative influence on life quality and aggravate complications and symptoms. The aim of this study was to determine the association between depression and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels in elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted where a total of 42 diabetic patients from the Puskesmas Belakang Padang, Batam of Indonesia was recruited. The HbA1c level, the main determinant of optimum glycemic control, was measured using ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography while the level of depression was assessed using Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15). The association between depression and HbA1c levels was analyzed using the chi-squared test. Our study found that that 69% of the elderly with diabetes experienced a depression, classified as mild (40.5%), moderate (21.4%) and severe (7.1%). There were 61.9% of the subjects had poor HbA1c control. Our data suggested that the depression level was associated with HbA1c (p=0.002). In conclusion, there is a significant association between depression and HbA1c levels in the elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Association between depression and HbA1c levels in the elderly population with type 2 diabetes mellitus during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic progressive disease affecting the metabolic hormonal system and its prevalence in the elderly population is high. Depression is one of the psychiatric disorders in diabetic patients in particular during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. People with depression are more susceptible to leading an unhealthy lifestyle; therefore, depression and diabetes have a negative influence on life quality and aggravate complications and symptoms. The aim of this study was to determine the association between depression and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels in elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted where a total of 42 diabetic patients from the Puskesmas Belakang Padang, Batam of Indonesia was recruited. The HbA1c level, the main determinant of optimum glycemic control, was measured using ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography while the level of depression was assessed using Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15). The association between depression and HbA1c levels was analyzed using the chi-squared test. Our study found that that 69% of the elderly with diabetes experienced a depression, classified as mild (40.5%), moderate (21.4%) and severe (7.1%). There were 61.9% of the subjects had poor HbA1c control. Our data suggested that the depression level was associated with HbA1c (p=0.002). In conclusion, there is a significant association between depression and HbA1c levels in the elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus