16 research outputs found

    Selection Mapping Identifies Loci Underpinning Autumn Dormancy in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa).

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    Autumn dormancy in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is associated with agronomically important traits including regrowth rate, maturity, and winter survival. Historical recurrent selection experiments have been able to manipulate the dormancy response. We hypothesized that artificial selection for dormancy phenotypes in these experiments had altered allele frequencies of dormancy-related genes. Here, we follow this hypothesis and analyze allele frequency changes using genome-wide polymorphisms in the pre- and postselection populations from one historical selection experiment. We screened the nondormant cultivar CUF 101 and populations developed by three cycles of recurrent phenotypic selection for taller and shorter plants in autumn with markers derived from genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). We validated the robustness of our GBS-derived allele frequency estimates using an empirical approach. Our results suggest that selection mapping is a powerful means of identifying genomic regions associated with traits, and that it can be exploited to provide regions on which to focus further mapping and cloning projects

    Modeling deficit irrigation in alfalfa production

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    A conceptual agronomic model EPIC was extended to consider the effects of salinity in alfalfa production under optimal and water stress irrigation conditions. The extended model was calibrated and validated with observed lysimeter data. The model parameters that affected alfalfa yield and soil salinity the most were wilting point, field capacity, hydraulic conductivity, nitrate concentration, biomass energy ratio, seeding rate, average soil salinity EC e at which crop yield is reduced by 50% ( EC50 ), and initial soil gypsum concentration. The calibrated and validated model was then applied to an alfalfa deficit irrigation study. The four irrigation treatments included optimum check, minimum stress, short stress, and long stress, each of which produced differential alfalfa yields. The purpose of summer deficit irrigation was to ascertain how much agricultural water at what cost could be made available for urban water uses during water shortfalls. The results of model simulation were found to be satisfactory under all irrigation treatments though the model slightly overestimated the yields and underestimated the soil EC e at the end of short and long stress treatments. An economic component is included to determine the appropriate compensation for farmers undergoing a range of deficit irrigations

    A Method for Distinctly Marking Honey Bees, Apis mellifera, Originating from Multiple Apiary Locations

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    Inexpensive and non-intrusive marking methods are essential to track natural behavior of insects for biological experiments. An inexpensive, easy to construct, and easy to install bee marking device is described in this paper. The device is mounted at the entrance of a standard honey bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) hive and is fitted with a removable tube that dispenses a powdered marker. Marking devices were installed on 80 honey bee colonies distributed in nine separate apiaries. Each device held a tube containing one of five colored fluorescent powders, or a combination of a fluorescent powder (either green or magenta) plus one of two protein powders, resulting in nine unique marks. The powdered protein markers included egg albumin from dry chicken egg whites and casein from dry powdered milk. The efficacy of the marking procedure for each of the unique markers was assessed on honey bees exiting each apiary. Each bee was examined, first by visual inspection for the presence of colored fluorescent powder and then by egg albumin and milk casein specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Data indicated that all five of the colored fluorescent powders and both of the protein powders were effective honey bee markers. However, the fluorescent powders consistently yielded more reliable marks than the protein powders. In general, there was less than a 1% chance of obtaining a false positive colored or protein-marked bee, but the chance of obtaining a false negative marked bee was higher for “protein-marked” bees

    Selection Progress for Ease of Floret Tripping in Alfalfa

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    Selection Mapping Identifies Loci Underpinning Autumn Dormancy in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)

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    Autumn dormancy in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is associated with agronomically important traits including regrowth rate, maturity, and winter survival. Historical recurrent selection experiments have been able to manipulate the dormancy response. We hypothesized that artificial selection for dormancy phenotypes in these experiments had altered allele frequencies of dormancy-related genes. Here, we follow this hypothesis and analyze allele frequency changes using genome-wide polymorphisms in the pre- and postselection populations from one historical selection experiment. We screened the nondormant cultivar CUF 101 and populations developed by three cycles of recurrent phenotypic selection for taller and shorter plants in autumn with markers derived from genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). We validated the robustness of our GBS-derived allele frequency estimates using an empirical approach. Our results suggest that selection mapping is a powerful means of identifying genomic regions associated with traits, and that it can be exploited to provide regions on which to focus further mapping and cloning projects

    Microbial Products Trigger Amino Acid Exudation from Plant Roots

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    Plants naturally cycle amino acids across root cell plasma membranes, and any net efflux is termed exudation. The dominant ecological view is that microorganisms and roots passively compete for amino acids in the soil solution, yet the innate capacity of roots to recover amino acids present in ecologically relevant concentrations is unknown. We find that, in the absence of culturable microorganisms, the influx rates of 16 amino acids (each supplied at 2.5 μm) exceed efflux rates by 5% to 545% in roots of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), Medicago truncatula, maize (Zea mays), and wheat (Triticum aestivum). Several microbial products, which are produced by common soil microorganisms such as Pseudomonas bacteria and Fusarium fungi, significantly enhanced the net efflux (i.e. exudation) of amino acids from roots of these four plant species. In alfalfa, treating roots with 200 μm phenazine, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, or zearalenone increased total net efflux of 16 amino acids 200% to 2,600% in 3 h. Data from (15)N tests suggest that 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol blocks amino acid uptake, whereas zearalenone enhances efflux. Thus, amino acid exudation under normal conditions is a phenomenon that probably reflects both active manipulation and passive uptake by microorganisms, as well as diffusion and adsorption to soil, all of which help overcome the innate capacity of plant roots to reabsorb amino acids. The importance of identifying potential enhancers of root exudation lies in understanding that such compounds may represent regulatory linkages between the larger soil food web and the internal carbon metabolism of the plant