165 research outputs found

    The Microenvironment of Freeze-Injured Mouse Urinary Bladders Enables Successful Tissue Engineering

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    Mouse bone marrow-derived cells implanted into freeze-injured bladder walls form smooth muscle layers, but not in intact walls. We determined if the microenvironment within injured urinary bladders was supportive of smooth muscle layer development. The urinary bladders of female nude mice were freeze-injured for 30 s. Three days later, the rate of blood flow in the wounded areas and in comparable areas of intact control urinary bladders was observed by charge-coupled device (CCD) video microscopy. Injured and control bladder walls were also analyzed histologically and cytologically. Growth factor mRNA expression was determined by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction arrays. The injured regions maintained a partial microcirculation in which blood flow velocity was significantly less than in controls. The injured bladder walls had few typical smooth muscle layers, and blood vessels in the walls had reduced smooth muscle content. The loss of smooth muscle cells in the bladder walls may have resulted in the formation of large porous spaces seen by scanning electron microscopy of the injured areas. The expression of nineteen growth-related mRNAs, including secreted phosphoprotein 1, inhibin beta-A, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, and transforming growth factor beta 1, were significantly upregulated in the injured urinary bladders. In conclusion, the microenvironment in freeze-injured urinary bladders enables successful tissue engineering.ArticleTISSUE ENGINEERING PART A. 15(11):3367-3375 (2009)journal articl

    Oral pathobiont induces systemic inflammation and metabolic changes associated with alteration of gut microbiota.

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    Periodontitis has been implicated as a risk factor for metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes, atherosclerotic vascular diseases, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Although bacteremias from dental plaque and/or elevated circulating inflammatory cytokines emanating from the inflamed gingiva are suspected mechanisms linking periodontitis and these diseases, direct evidence is lacking. We hypothesize that disturbances of the gut microbiota by swallowed bacteria induce a metabolic endotoxemia leading metabolic disorders. To investigate this hypothesis, changes in the gut microbiota, insulin and glucose intolerance, and levels of tissue inflammation were analysed in mice after oral administration of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a representative periodontopathogens. Pyrosequencing revealed that the population belonging to Bacteroidales was significantly elevated in P. gingivalis-administered mice which coincided with increases in insulin resistance and systemic inflammation. In P. gingivalis-administered mice blood endotoxin levels tended to be higher, whereas gene expression of tight junction proteins in the ileum was significantly decreased. These results provide a new paradigm for the interrelationship between periodontitis and systemic diseases

    Identification of key yeast species and microbe–microbe interactions impacting larval growth of Drosophila in the wild

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    自然界で動物の成長を支える共生微生物叢 --中心的な役割を担う共生酵母・細菌の同定--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-12-28.Microbiota consisting of various fungi and bacteria have a significant impact on the physiological functions of the host. However, it is unclear which species are essential to this impact and how they affect the host. This study analyzed and isolated microbes from natural food sources of Drosophila larvae, and investigated their functions. Hanseniaspora uvarum is the predominant yeast responsible for larval growth in the earlier stage of fermentation. As fermentation progresses, Acetobacter orientalis emerges as the key bacterium responsible for larval growth, although yeasts and lactic acid bacteria must coexist along with the bacterium to stabilize this host–bacterial association. By providing nutrients to the larvae in an accessible form, the microbiota contributes to the upregulation of various genes that function in larval cell growth and metabolism. Thus, this study elucidates the key microbial species that support animal growth under microbial transition

    The Shiga toxin 2 production level in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 is correlated with the subtypes of toxin-encoding phage

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    Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) causes diarrhea and hemorrhagic colitis with life-threatening complications, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome. Their major virulence factor is Shiga toxin (Stx), which is encoded by bacteriophages. Of the two types of Stx, the production of Stx2, particularly that of Stx2a (a subtype of Stx2), is a major risk factor for severe EHEC infections, but the Stx2 production level is highly variable between strains. Here, we define four major and two minor subtypes of Stx2a-encoding phages according to their replication proteins. The subtypes are correlated with Stx2a titers produced by the host O157 strains, suggesting a critical role of the phage subtype in determining the Stx2a production level. We further show that one of the two subclades in the clade 8, a proposed hyper-virulent lineage of O157, carries the Stx2 phage subtype that confers the highest Stx2 production to the host strain. The presence of this subclade may explain the proposed high virulence potential of clade 8. These results provide novel insights into the variation in virulence among O157 strains and highlight the role of phage variation in determining the production level of the virulence factors that phages encode

    Hoxa13 regulates expression of common Hox target genes involved in cartilage development to coordinate the expansion of the autopodal anlage

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    To elucidate the role of Hox genes in limb cartilage development, we identified the target genes of HOXA11 and HOXA13 by ChIP‐Seq. The ChIP DNA fragment contained evolutionarily conserved sequences and multiple highly conserved HOX binding sites. A substantial portion of the HOXA11 ChIP fragment overlapped with the HOXA13 ChIP fragment indicating that both factors share common targets. Deletion of the target regions neighboring Bmp2 or Tshz2 reduced their expression in the autopod suggesting that they function as the limb bud‐specific enhancers. We identified the Hox downstream genes as exhibiting expression changes in the Hoxa13 knock out (KO) and Hoxd11‐13 deletion double mutant (Hox13 dKO) autopod by Genechip analysis. The Hox downstream genes neighboring the ChIP fragment were defined as the direct targets of Hox. We analyzed the spatial expression pattern of the Hox target genes that encode two different categories of transcription factors during autopod development and Hox13dKO limb bud. (a) Bcl11a, encoding a repressor of cartilage differentiation, was expressed in the E11.5 autopod and was substantially reduced in the Hox13dKO. (b) The transcription factors Aff3, Bnc2, Nfib and Runx1t1 were expressed in the zeugopodal cartilage but not in the autopod due to the repressive or relatively weak transcriptional activity of Hox13 at E11.5. Interestingly, the expression of these genes was later observed in the autopodal cartilage at E12.5. These results indicate that Hox13 transiently suspends the cartilage differentiation in the autopodal anlage via multiple pathways until establishing the paddle‐shaped structure required to generate five digits

    Two Regulators of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Play Important Roles in Enterotoxicity by Controlling the Expression of Genes in the Vp-PAI Region

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is an important pathogen causing food-borne disease worldwide. An 80-kb pathogenicity island (Vp-PAI), which contains two tdh (thermostable direct hemolysin) genes and a set of genes for the type III secretion system (T3SS2), is closely related to the pathogenicity of this bacterium. However, the regulatory mechanisms of Vp-PAI's gene expression are poorly understood. Here we report that two novel ToxR-like transcriptional regulatory proteins (VtrA and VtrB) regulate the expression of the genes encoded within the Vp-PAI region, including those for TDH and T3SS2-related proteins. Expression of vtrB was under control of the VtrA, as vector-expressed vtrB was able to recover a functional protein secretory capacity for T3SS2, independent of VtrA. Moreover, these regulatory proteins were essential for T3SS2-dependent biological activities, such as in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo enterotoxicity. Enterotoxic activities of vtrA and/or vtrB deletion strains derived from the wild-type strain were almost absent, showing fluid accumulation similar to non-infected control. Whole genome transcriptional profiling of vtrA or vtrB deletion strains revealed that the expression levels of over 60 genes were downregulated significantly in these deletion mutant strains and that such genes were almost exclusively located in the Vp-PAI region. These results strongly suggest that VtrA and VtrB are master regulators for virulence gene expression in the Vp-PAI and play critical roles in the pathogenicity of this bacterium

    Gut Microbiota of Healthy and Malnourished Children in Bangladesh

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    Poor health and malnutrition in preschool children are longstanding problems in Bangladesh. Gut microbiota plays a tremendous role in nutrient absorption and determining the state of health. In this study, metagenomic tool was employed to assess the gut microbiota composition of healthy and malnourished children. DNA was extracted from fecal samples of seven healthy and seven malnourished children (n = 14; age 2–3 years) were analyzed for the variable region of 16S rRNA genes by universal primer PCR followed by high-throughput 454 parallel sequencing to identify the bacterial phyla and genera. Our results reveal that the healthy children had a significantly higher number of operational taxonomic unit in their gut than that of the malnourished children (healthy vs. malnourished: 546 vs. 310). In malnourished children, bacterial population of the phyla Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes accounted for 46 and 18%, respectively. Conversely, in healthy children, Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes accounted for 5% and 44, respectively (p < 0.001). In malnourished children, the phylum Proteobacteria included pathogenic genera, namely Klebsiella and Escherichia, which were 174-fold and 9-fold higher, respectively, than their healthy counterpart. The predominance of potentially pathogenic Proteobacteria and minimal level of Bacteroidetes as commensal microbiota might be associated to the ill health of malnourished children in Bangladesh