210 research outputs found

    PRIME: A System for Multi-lingual Patent Retrieval

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    Given the growing number of patents filed in multiple countries, users are interested in retrieving patents across languages. We propose a multi-lingual patent retrieval system, which translates a user query into the target language, searches a multilingual database for patents relevant to the query, and improves the browsing efficiency by way of machine translation and clustering. Our system also extracts new translations from patent families consisting of comparable patents, to enhance the translation dictionary

    Theoretical calculation of uncertainty region based on the general size distribution in the preparation of standard reference particles for particle size measurement

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    In order to confirm the reliability of particle size measurement technique and to prepare standard reference particles for calibrating particle size measurement devices, experimental and theoretical studies have been conducted about the uncertainty region of particle size measurement for the general particle size distribution. A new theoretical equation to calculate fundamental uncertainty region in the case that the maximum and minimum particle sizes are known, is derived based on Tschebyscheff theory. The uncertainty regions calculated based on the proposed method are applied to poly-disperse particles and a picket-fence distribution composed of two kinds of nearly mono-disperse particles. For the poly-disperse particles, the uncertainty region increases with the increase in particle diameter. For the picket-fence distribution composed of two kinds of nearly mono-disperse particles, the uncertainty region increases around the intermediate particle diameters between the two kinds of particles. Numerical simulation of uncertainty region for the picket-fence distribution has also been carried out. The uncertainty region decreases with the increase in sample size or the decrease in geometric standard deviation

    Effect of conical length on separation performance of sub-micron particles by electrical hydro-cyclone

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    Experimental studies have been carried out to assess the effect of conical section length on the performance of particle separation using an electrical hydro-cyclone. With the pre-treatment of beads by milling process, the negative zeta potential of particles increases with the increase of particle diameter. Sub-micron particle classification was possible by use of the special electrical hydro-cyclone under electrical potential of less than 150 V and an inlet flow rate of less than 0.3 l/min. Due to the increase of particle residence time in the cyclone, the 50% cut size decreases with the increase of conical section length. The partial separation efficiency increases with the increase of applied potential or the decrease of inlet flow rate. The experimental data agreed with the proposed model assuming constant surface charge density of particles

    The chemistry of 1-hydroxyindole derivatives : nucleophilic substitution reactions on indole nucleus

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    Screw malposition, such as lateral wall breach or end-plate breach, is one of the main pitfalls of inserting pedicle screws. Methods: From 17 fresh spines 54 vertebrae were harvested. In each vertebra on one pedicle the screw was inserted correctly down the axis of the pedicle, while on the other pedicle the screw was inserted to breach the lateral wall or the end-plate. The 18 pedicle screws that breached the lateral wall were then removed and re-directed along the correct axis of the pedicle. The 18 pedicle screws that breached the end-plate were removed and re-directed along the correct axis of the pedicle. The 18 other pedicle screws that had breached the end-plate were not removed. The pullout force of pedicle screws was measured. Results: 1) The mean pullout strength for the re-directed screws following lateral wall breach was 24.0% less as compared to the correctly aligned screws; 2) The mean pullout strength for the re-directed screws following end-plate breach was 23.3% less as compared to the correctly aligned screws; 3) The mean pullout strength for the pedicle screws end-plate breach was 7.6% less as compared to the correctly aligned screws. Conclusion: The pullout strength of re-directed pedicle screws after either a lateral pedicle breach or end-plate breach is significantly less than the pullout strength of correctly aligned screw. A pedicle screw that is not re-directed after end-plate breach is weaker than a pedicle screw correctly aligned, however the difference is not significant

    肝硬変患者の肝性腹水・浮腫に対するTolvaptan の治療反応性の検討

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    京都府立医科大学附属北部医療センター消化器内科京都府立医科大学消化器内科学Department of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, North Medical Center Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineTolvaptan は肝性腹水の治療に非常に有用な薬剤だが、日常臨床ではしばしば無効例を経験する。本研究ではTolvaptan への反応性について、治療前後の腹水、肝予備能、血液生化学的検査の変化を検討したところ、Tolvaptan への反応性は、腎機能、肝予備能に規定されることがわかった。またTolvaptan 無効例でもアルブミン補充や腹水濾過再静注(CART) を併用することで、治療効果の改善を認めた。本研究は少数例の検討であり、今後症例の集積が必要である

    大腸Cold Snare Polypectomyにおける手技の工夫とその切除検体の臨床病理学的検討

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    京都府立医科大学附属北部医療センター 消化器内科京都府立医科大学附属北部医療センター 病理診断科市立福知山市民病院消化器内科京都府立医科大学消化器内科学Department of Gastroentarology and Hepatology, North Medical Center, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Pathology, North Medical Center, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Gastroentarology and Hepatology, Fukuchiyama City HospitalDepartment of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science近年、Cold Snare Polypectomy(CSP) は、その簡便性、安全性から急速に普及しており、当院でも2014年よりCSPを導入している。CSP導入当初の臨床病理学的解析では、病変の完全一括切除率は67%であった。一方、本検討では、3本編細径スネアの導入を含めた手技の工夫により完全一括切除率は94%まで向上を認めた。本研究は少数例の検討であり、今後前向き試験による検討が必要である