473 research outputs found

    Anion dependence of camel-shape capacitance at the interface between mercury and ionic liquids studied using pendant drop method

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    The electrocapillarity and zero-frequency differential capacitance, Cd, have been studied using pendant drop method, at the Hg interface of an ionic liquid (IL), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide, [C2mim+][TFSA−], and have been compared with those of [C2mim+]BF, an IL with the common cation and a different anion, to focus on the anion dependence of zero-frequency Cd. The Hg interface of [C2mim+][TFSA−], the IL of the larger anion in the present study, exhibits greater zero-frequency Cd than that of [C2mim+]BF, the IL of the smaller anion. This behavior contradicts a simple expectation in which larger ion leads to smaller Cd. This apparent contradiction is explained by proximity of the charged moiety of TFSA− to the electrode surface compared with that of BF. The potential dependence of zero-frequency Cd for the two ILs both exhibits one-hump camel shape around the potential of zero charge (Epzc), which has been predicted to be specific behavior of the electrical double layer of ILs by theory and simulation. The humps are located at potentials more negative than Epzc. From a mean-field lattice-gas theory for the EDL in ILs, this negative shift can be interpreted that the charged moiety for C2mim+ is more easily condensed in the EDL than those for BF and TFSA−

    Kinetics of Heterogeneous Liquid Phase Reaction : Simultaneous Mass Transfer and Chemical Reaction

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    The solution of the over-all rate of reaction for a steady state mass transfer accompanied by a (l+ォ)-th order irreversible reaction was derived by applying an approximate concentration distribution model for the heterogeneous liquid phase reaction which might proceed in a diffusion film and homogeneous mixed bulk liquid of finite volume. The numerically calculated diagrams showing the functional relation between the over-all rate of reaction and the reaction conditions such as the resistances to diffusion and chemical reaction, liquid volume and the inter facial contact area, etc. were presented. The authors made clear the conditions for the five states of over-all reaction rate which were different in comparative magnitude in the resistances to diffusion and chemical reaction, and interpreted the various types of rate controlling step by comparing the reaction conditions and the concentration distribution of reactants both in diffusion film and bulk liquid

    Response of Insulin Secretion to Small Amount of Meal on Low Carbohydrate Diet (LCD)

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    Diabetic nutritional therapy has been changing from Calorie Restriction (CR) to a Low Carbohydrate diet (LCD). Authors et al. have developed LCD medically and socially through the Japan LCD promotion association (JLCDPA), and proposed meal tolerance test (MTT) using LCD breakfast. For our research protocol, healthy subjects (n=8, M/F=4/4, BMI 20.5kg/m2) received 75g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and MTT, and changes in blood glucose and immunoreactive insulin (IRI) were measured. LCD meal included energy 307kcal, protein 13.8g, fat 23.9g, and carbohydrate 5.7g. The results from 0-30 min in average showed: i) 75gOGTT; 87.3-124.6mg/dL, 4.9-41.4μU/mL, ii) LCD; 90.3-84.3mg/dL, 5.4-12.2μU/mL, respectively. Decreased glucose may be from enough ability to secrete insulin to a glucose stimulus. These results would become reference data for future diabetic research

    A Trial of Analysis Method for Insulin Secretion Response to Carbohydrate Loading

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    Authors et al. have continued diabetic practice and research for long, and started Low Carbohydrate Diet (LCD) first in Japan. We developed social LCD movement by Japanese LCD Promotion Association (JLCDPA), and proposed petite-, standard-, super LCDs with carbohydrate 40%, 26%, 12%, respectively. Methods included 9 healthy medical staffs and two exams of 75g Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and Meal Tolerance Test (MTT). MTT means super-LCD breakfast with carbohydrate 6g. Results showed that blood glucose / immunoreactive insulin (IRI) at 0-30 min on average changed 88.0-130.6 mg/dL/5.1-46.5 μU/mL for GTT, and 90.1-86.3 mg/dL/4.8-12.5 μU/mL for MTT. IRI responses in GTT and MTT were calculated by 3 methods, which are i) increment (delta), ii) Area Under the Curves (AUC), iii) Multiple (times) of basal value. Both data from GTT and MTT showed significant correlation in i) and ii) (p<0.05), but not significant in iii) (p=0.07, n=9). These results suggested that insulin secretion in MTT would be enough and relatively excessive for 6g of carbohydrate, leading to relatively decreased glucose at 30 min. Current analyses methods will become some reference for future development of diabetic research


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    金沢大学医学部附属病院短腸症候群をはじめとする小腸機能不全状態の治療として数年前より小腸移植が欧米で施行されるようになり、我が国でも生体小腸移植が昨年より開始された。小腸移植においては術後の拒絶反応とともに、移植操作に伴う除神経、リンパ流の遮断、虚血再灌流障害など保存時の種々の原因で生ずる下痢が頻発し、時にはこの下痢が患者管理上重要な問題となってきた。この下痢を予防する目的で臨床では小腸のみならず大腸の一部をグラフトとして移植する試みがなされているがその際の大腸の移植後の変化については不明な点が多い。我々は移植された大腸には繊毛形成が認められる例があることをすでに報告してきたが、その生理機能等詳細については不明なことが多く以下の実験を行った。ラットを用いて右側大腸を含む小腸の同系同所性移植を行い。以下の結果を得た。(1)トライツ靭帯以下の小腸大腸移植群では移植後3ヶ月での大腸粘膜に繊毛形成は認められなかった。(2)1/2小腸移植と大腸移植を行った群では30%に繊毛形成を認めたが、ブドウ糖、マルトースの吸収試験では大腸における吸収能は認められなかった。また大腸粘膜アルカリフォスフォターゼ活性値も認められなかった。以上小腸大腸の移植において、移植小腸の長さが短いときに大腸の繊毛形成が促進されることが推察されたが、形成された繊毛の機能は未熟であった。The present study examined the change of colon graft in LEW to LEW rats with orthotopic small bowel and colon transplantation. There is no villi in the colon mucosa in the rats receiving with total small bowel and colon transplant at the time of three month after transplantation. Thirty percent of the rats receiving with half of the small bowel and colon graft had villi formation in the colon mucosa. Functional study such as maltose and glucose absorption test showed no evidence of absorption ability of the colon graft. These data suggest that the villi formation after bowel transplantation may be relation with intestinal graft length and that the villi of the colon is immature.研究課題/領域番号:07671374, 研究期間(年度):1995 – 1996出典:研究課題「結腸移植後の組織学的ならびに機能的適応に関する実験的研究」課題番号07671374(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-07671374/076713741996kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作