5 research outputs found

    Business intelligence em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagens

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    This paper analyzes the main causes that influence the quality of the Degree Course in Computing of the EaD/UFGD, from a Business Intelligent (BI) project. A BI project enables creating an analytical environment for the data generated by operational processes can be used strategically, making allow‐ ance for the decision‐making process. So we can recognize the needs and chal‐ lenges of the Degree Course in Computing offered by EaD/UFGD, as well as their strengths, making the most substantial and effective strategic actions

    Ações pedagógicas no curso de Licenciatura em Computação da EaD da UFGD: um relato de experiência

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    Este trabalho apresenta um relato da experiência realizada durante o período letivo da disciplina Introdução à Computação (IC) do curso de Licenciatura em Informática da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD). Pretende-se descrever o aproveitamento e a evasão dos acadêmicos na disciplina; mostrar as dificuldades, os êxitos, e as superações encontradas pela equipe de profissionais da EaD da UFGD, adquiridos ao longo desta experiência. O texto está organizado em cinco seções, incluindo esta a introdução. A seção 2 apresenta a proposta metodológica do relato de experiência. Na seção 3, são apontadas as motivações que originaram a pesquisa e as dificuldades encontradas em EaD. Na seção 4, é narrada a experiência propriamente dita da equipe de professores tutores e professor formador. Finalmente, na seção 5, são apontadas as conclusões deste trabalho e as perspectivas de trabalhos futuros

    Classification and monitoring of urbanized areas using computer vision techniques

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    In this paper we propose a computer vision system to classify permeable and impermeable areas of a bounded area for study including the Micro-basin of Segredo and adjacent micro-basins, located in the municipality of Campo Grande/MS, Brazil, in order to evaluate the increase in urban density between the years 2008 and 2016. The proposed system is based on the image segmentation method Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) to partition an image into multiple segments and generate superpixels that differentiate the permeable and impermeable areas; and attribute extraction algorithms to describe the visual features such as color, gradient, texture, and shape. The performance of five supervised learning methods was evaluated for the task of permeable and impermeable areas recognition. The proposed approach achieved an accuracy of 94.6% using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. In addition, the results showed an increase of 7.2% in the urban occupation rate of the study area between the analyzed years. The results indicate that the proposed approach can support specialists and managers in the monitoring of urban density and its environmental impact.Neste artigo propomos um sistema de visão computacional para classificar áreas permeáveis e impermeáveis de uma região delimitada para estudo compreendendo a Microbacia do Segredo e microbacias adjacentes, localizada no município de Campo Grande/MS, Brasil, a fim de avaliar o aumento do adensamento urbano entre os anos de 2008 e 2016. O sistema proposto baseia-se no método de segmentação de imagens Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) para particionar uma imagem em múltiplos segmentos e gerar superpixels que diferenciem as áreas permeáveis e impermeáveis; e algoritmos de extração de atributos para descrever as características visuais, como cor, gradiente, textura e forma. O desempenho de cinco métodos de aprendizado supervisionados foi avaliado para a tarefa de reconhecimento de áreas permeáveis e impermeáveis. A abordagem proposta atingiu uma acurácia de 94,6% usando o algoritmo Support Vector Machine (SVM). Além disso, os resultados mostraram um aumento de 7,2% na taxa de ocupação urbana da área de estudo entre os anos analisados. Os resultados indicam que a abordagem proposta pode apoiar especialistas e gestores no monitoramento do adensamento urbano e o seu impacto ambiental

    Automatic Recognition of Soybean Leaf Diseases Using UAV Images and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Plant diseases are a crucial issue in agriculture. An accurate and automatic identification of leaf diseases could help to develop an early response to reduce economic losses. Recent research in plant diseases has adopted deep neural networks. However, such research has used the models as a black-box passing the labeled images through the networks. This letter presents an analysis of the network weights for the automatic recognition of soybean leaf diseases applied to images taken straight from a small and cheap unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). To achieve high accuracy, we evaluated four deep neural network models trained with different parameters for fine-tuning (FT) and transfer learning. Data augmentation and dropout were used during the network training to avoid overfitting. Our methodology consists of using the SLIC method to segment the plant leaves in the top-view images obtained during the flight. We tested our data set created from real flight inspections in an end-to-end computer vision approach. Results strongly suggest that the FT of parameters substantially improves the identification accuracy