77 research outputs found

    Agreements restricting freedom of competition and their regulation

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    The article deals with problems of agreements restricting freedom of competition and their regulation in the European Union, Italy as a member state of the European Union and also in the Czech Republic. Attention is paid especially to the lists of prohibited agreementsand also to exemptions from the prohibition of agreements

    Dluhopisy a projekty PPP

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    Článek je věnován problematice podnikových dluhopisů jako vhodného zdroje financování projektů partnerství veřejného a soukromého sektoru. Pozornost je věnována jednak charakteristice projektů PPP, ale i alternativním zdrojům financování projektů soukromých podnikatelských subjektů. Zvláštní pozornost je přitom zaměřena na podnikové dluhopisy a jejich charakteristiku.The article deals with the corporate bonds as an available source of funds of Public Private Partnership projects. Attention is paid to characteristics of PPP projects. The alternative financial funds of entrepreneurs’ project are characterized as well. Corporate bonds, their characteristics are also explained

    Concept of corporate reststructuring and reengineering

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    The article deals with main concepts of corporate restructuring and reengineering. Firstly, the term restructuring is defined and the concept of corporate restructuring is explained. Secondly, the spheres of corporate restructuring are suggested and discussed. Finally, the term revitalization is cleared and the idea of corporate revitalization is characterized. Attention is paid to relationship between corporate restructuring and reengineering as well.The article deals with main concepts of corporate restructuring and reengineering. Firstly, the term restructuring is defined and the concept of corporate restructuring is explained. Secondly, the spheres of corporate restructuring are suggested and discussed. Finally, the term revitalization is cleared and the idea of corporate revitalization is characterized. Attention is paid to relationship between corporate restructuring and reengineering as well

    Corporate Giving and Communicating thereof in the Czech Republic

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    Firemní dárcovství představuje klíčovou aktivitu firemní filantropie - jednoho z pilířů společenské odpovědnosti firem (CSR). Předpokladem sdílení přínosů CSR aktivit firmou je jejich komunikování ke stakeholderům. Cílem článku je analyzovat a zhodnotit úroveň komunikování aktivit firemního dárcovství vybraných firem působících v České republice, a to konkrétně firem chemického průmyslu a formulovat opatření, která by vedla ke zvýšení této úrovně.Corporate giving is a key activity of corporate philanthropy – one of the pillars of corporate social responsibility (CSR). A prerequisite of sharing the benefits of CSR activities by the company is communicating thereof to the stakeholders. This article aims to analyze and evaluate the level of communication of corporate giving activities by selected companies operating in the Czech Republic, namely companies of the chemical industry, and formulate measures that would increase this level

    Social responsibility of chemical industry enterprises

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    The paper is dedicated to the problems of corporate social responsibility from the point of view of chemical industry enterprises. Social responsibility of chemical industry enterprises represents, with respect to the specific safety risks of this industry, an important factor of their success, growth and development. The paper aims to identify, on the basis of the theoretical background of corporate social responsibility, the key areas and possible activities of corporate socially responsible behaviour in the chemical industry. The paper defines the term of corporate social responsibility and compares alternative areas and activities of socially responsible behaviour of enterprises. The given problems are then discussed from the point of view of chemical industry enterprises

    Communicating Socially Responsible Activities of Chemical Companies in the Czech Republic

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    Firmy chemického průmyslu se řadí mezi firmy tzv. společensky citlivých odvětví. Vyvíjet by tak měly zvýšené úsilí při naplňování konceptu společenské odpovědnosti (CSR), a to nejen při realizaci vhodných aktivit, ale i při jejich komunikování. Cílem článku je analyzovat a zhodnotit úroveň komunikování CSR aktivit chemickými firmami v České republice v oblasti ekonomické, sociální, environmentální, etické a filantropické a navrhnout opatření vedoucí k jejímu zvýšení. Přestože je úroveň CSR komunikování chemickými firmami v ČR ve srovnání s celorepublikovým průměrem vyšší, nedosahuje úrovně zahraniční. Za problematickou lze považovat zejména oblast etické a filantropické odpovědnosti. Doporučit je tak třeba komunikování širšího spektra kvalitních, aktuálních a nezkreslených informací, aplikaci mezinárodně uznávaných schémat CSR reportování, využití nástrojů komunikování v podobě webových stránek a sociálních sítí a sdílení know-how v rámci partnerských sítí.Companies of the chemical industry are among the companies of the so called socially sensitive sectors. As such, they should make extended efforts in implementing the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), not only in the implementation of appropriate activities, but also in the communication thereof. This article aims to analyze and assess the level of communication of CSR activities in chemical companies in the Czech Republic in the economic, social, environmental, ethical and philanthropic sphere and propose measures to increase it. Although the level of CSR communication by chemical companies in the Czech Republic is higher than the national average, it is still below the foreign levels. Ethical and philanthropic responsibility can be regarded as a particularly problematic area. Therefore, it is necessary to recommend communicating a wider range of high-quality, timely and unbiased information, applying internationally recognized CSR reporting schemes, using the tools of communication in the form of websites and social networks and sharing know-how within the partner networks

    Oblasti restrukturalizačních opatření

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    Speedy integration process which is realized in Europe nowadays leads to necessity of restructuring of Czech firms. The problems of restructuring and financial restructuring of our firms will have to be taken into consideration. It becomes very important with the incorporation of the Czech Republic into the European Union. The article deals with problems of corporate restructuring. First the spheres of restructuring changes are characterized. Then operative and strategic restructuring and their instruments are explained. The attention is also paid to financial restructuring as a part of operative and strategic corporate restructuring

    CSR komunikování ve společensky citlivých odvětvích: Případová studie českého chemického průmyslu

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    The paper deals with the issue of web communication of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities by companies of high profile industries, specifically by the chemical industry enterprises operating in the Czech Republic. Based on the content analysis of the websites of companies in the Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic it analyses and evaluates the level of CSR communication of these companies in economic, social, environmental, ethical and philanthropic areas. The study shows that the level of communication of CSR activities of chemical companies in the Czech Republic is low and corresponds to the low level of CSR communication in this country. Thus, it is necessary to adopt the set of measures proposed in the paper, both at the governmental level and at the level of individual enterprises.Článek pojednává o společensky odpovědném web komunikování firem společensky citlivých odvětví, konkrétně firem chemického průmyslu působících v České republice. Na základě obsahové analýzy webových stránek firem sdružených ve Svazu chemického průmyslu České republiky analyzuje a hodnotí úroveň CSR komunikování těchto firem v oblasti ekonomické, sociální, environmentální, etické a filantropické. Studie ukazuje, že úroveň komunikování CSR aktivit chemických firem v České republice je nízká a koresponduje s nízkou úrovní CSR komunikování v této zemi. Přijmout je tak třeba soubor v článku navržených opatření, a to jak na vládní úrovni, tak na úrovni jednotlivých firem

    Podnikové obligace - rozvíjející se finanční zdroj

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    This article deals with the corporate bonds as a developing source of funds. The corporate bonds are long-term debt securities issued by entrepreneurial subjects. These securities obligation of issuers to make payments of interest and principal on specific dates to the holder of the bond. The item also contains reasons for low usage of the corporate bonds as a source pf funds in the Czech Republic , defines main terms which are connected with this topic, mentions advantages and disadvantages of corporate bonds and informs about the situation on the bond market in the Czech Republic

    Aktivity firemní filantropie a jejich komunikování českými chemickými firmami

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    The paper is dedicated to the problems of corporate philanthropy and the way it is communicated by chemical companies operating in the Czech Republic. The author of the paper aims to analyze and evaluate the level of communication of philanthropic activities by these companies and to formulate recommendations for theory and practice.Článek je věnován problematice firemní filantropie a jejímu komunikování chemickými firmami působícími v České republice. Cílem autora článku je analyzovat a zhodnotit úroveň komunikování filantropických aktivit těmito firmami a formulovat doporučení pro teorii a praxi