7,607 research outputs found
Finite Weil restriction of curves
Given number fields , smooth projective curves defined over
and defined over , and a non-constant -morphism ,we consider the curve defined over whose -rational points
parametrize the -rational points on whose images under are defined
over . Our construction provides a framework which includes as a special
case that used in Elliptic Curve Chabauty techniques and their higher genus
versions. The set can be infinite only when has genus at most 1;
we analyze completely the case when has genus 1.Comment: Comments are welcome
Quark Masses and Renormalization Constants from Quark Propagator and 3-point Functions
We have computed the light and strange quark masses and the renormalization
constants of the quark bilinear operators, by studying the large-p^2 behaviour
of the lattice quark propagator and 3-point functions. The calculation is
non-perturbatively improved, at O(a), in the chiral limit. The method used to
compute the quark masses has never been applied so far, and it does not require
an explicit determination of the quark mass renormalization constant.Comment: LATTICE99 (Improvement and Renormalization) - 3 pages, 2 figure
VLT observations of the magnetar CXO J164710.2-455216 and the detection of a candidate infrared counterpart
We present deep observations of the field of the magnetar CXOJ164710.2-455216
in the star cluster Westerlund 1, obtained in the near-infrared with the
adaptive optics camera NACO@VLT. We detected a possible candidate counterpart
at the {\em Chandra} position of the magnetar, of magnitudes , , and . The K-band measurements available for two epochs (2006 and
2013) do not show significant signs of variability but only a marginal
indication that the flux varied (at the 2 level), consistent with the
fact that the observations were taken when CXOJ164710.2-455216 was in
quiescence. At the same time, we also present colour--magnitude and
colour--colour diagrams in the J, H, and K bands from the 2006 epoch
only, the only one with observations in all three bands, showing that the
candidate counterpart lies in the main bulk of objects describing a relatively
well--defined sequence. Therefore, based on its colours and lack of
variability, we cannot yet associate the candidate counterpart to
CXOJ164710.2-455216. Future near-infrared observations of the field,
following-up a source outburst, would be crucial to confirm the association
from the detection of near-infrared variability and colour evolution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
XMM-Newton observation of a sample of four close dSph galaxies
We present the results of the analysis of deep archival \sat\ observations
towards the dwarf spheroidal galaxies Draco, Leo I, Ursa Major II and Ursa
Minor in the Milky Way neighbourhood. The X-ray source population is
characterized and cross-correlated with available databases with the aim to
infer their nature. We also investigate if intermediate-mass black holes are
hosted in the center of these galaxies. In the case of Draco, we detect 96
high-energy sources, two of them being possibly local stars, while no evidence
for any X-ray emitting central compact object is found. Towards the Leo I and
UMa II field of view we reveal 116 and 49 X-ray sources, respectively. None of
them correlates with the putative central black holes and only one is likely
associated with a UMa II local source. The study of the UMi dwarf galaxy shows
54 high-energy sources and a possible association {with a source at the dSph
center}. We put an upper limit to the central compact object luminosity of
4.0210 erg/s. Furthermore, via the correlation with a radio
source near the galactic center, we get that the putative black hole should
have a mass of and be
radiatively inefficient. This confirms a previous result obtained by using
Chandra data alone.Comment: MNRAS, in press, tables available on lin
Gemini optical observations of binary millisecond-pulsars
Milli-second pulsars (MSPs) are rapidly spinning neutron stars, with spin
periods P_s <= 10 ms, which have been most likely spun up after a phase of
matter accretion from a companion star. In this work we present the results of
the search for the companion stars of four binary milli-second pulsars, carried
out with archival data from the Gemini South telescope. Based upon a very good
positional coincidence with the pulsar radio coordinates, we likely identified
the companion stars to three MSPs, namely PSRJ0614-3329 (g=21.95 +- 0.05),
J1231-1411 (g=25.40 +-0.23), and J2017+0603 (g=24.72 +- 0.28). For the last
pulsar (PSRJ0613-0200) the identification was hampered by the presence of a
bright star (g=16 +- 0.03) at \sim 2" from the pulsar radio coordinates and we
could only set 3-sigma upper limits of g=25.0, r= 24.3, and i= 24.2 on the
magnitudes of its companion star. The candidate companion stars to
PSRJ0614-3329, J1231-1411, and J2017+0603 can be tentatively identified as He
white dwarfs (WDs) on the basis of their optical colours and brightness and the
comparison with stellar model tracks. From the comparison of our multi-band
photometry with stellar model tracks we also obtained possible ranges on the
mass, temperature, and gravity of the candidate WD companions to these three
MSPs. Optical spectroscopy observations are needed to confirm their possible
classification as He WDs and accurately measure their stellar parameters.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA
VLT spectroscopy of globular clusters in the Sombrero galaxy
We have obtained intermediate-resolution VLT spectroscopy of 75 globular
cluster candidates around the Sa galaxy M104 (NGC4594). Fifty-seven candidates
out to ~ 40 kpc in the halo of the galaxy were confirmed to be bona-fide
globular clusters, 27 of which are new. A first analysis of the velocities
provides only marginal evidence for rotation of the cluster system. From Hbeta
line strengths, almost all of the clusters in our sample have ages that are
consistent, within the errors, with Milky Way globular clusters. Only a few
clusters may be 1-2 Gyr old, and bulge and halo clusters appear coeval. The
absorption line indices follow the correlations established for the Milky Way
clusters. Metallicities are derived based upon new empirical calibrations with
Galactic globular clusters taking into account the non-linear behavior of some
indices (e.g., Mg2). Our sample of globular clusters in NGC4594 spans a
metallicity range of -2.13 < [Fe/H] < +0.26 dex, and the median metallicity of
the system is [Fe/H] = -0.85. Thus, our data provide evidence that some of the
clusters have super-solar metallicity. Overall, the abundance distribution of
the cluster system is consistent with a bimodal distribution with peaks at
[Fe/H] ~- 1.7 and -0.7. However, the radial change in the metallicity
distribution of clusters may not be straightforwardly explained by a varying
mixture of two sub-populations of red and blue clusters.Comment: 6 pages (incl. 4 figures) to appear in the proceedings of the ESO
workshop "Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems", ESO Astrophysics Symp.,
Garching bei Muenchen (Germany), ed. Kissler-Patig M., Springer-Verlag:
Globular Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds.I:BV CCD-Photometry for 11 Clusters
We present BV CCD-data for 11 intermediate-age LMC clusters; the main
conclusions are: 1. in the (V_to, V_cl,m) and (V-to, (V_to-V_cl,m)) planes the
models yield a good overall description of the data; 2. with the current
sample, it is impossible to firmly choose between "classical" and
"overshooting" models; 3. the separation in colour between the MS band and the
Red He-burning Clump is smaller than predicted by theoretical tracks; 4. the
existence of the so-called "RGB phase-transition (Renzini and Buzzoni 1986)
seems to be confirmed.Comment: 62 pages, 37 figures and tables 6 to 16 available on request,
uuencoded compressed postscript file with tables 1-5 and 17-18 included, BAP
A Comment on "A note on polarized light from Magnetars: QED effects and axion-like particles" by L.M. Capparelli, L. Maiani and A.D. Polosa
The recent detection of a large polarization degree in the optical emission
of an isolated neutron star led to the suggestion that this has been the first
evidence of vacuum polarization in a strong magnetic field, an effect predicted
by quantum electrodynamics but never observed before. This claim was challanged
in a paper by Capparelli, Maiani & Polosa (2017), according to whom a much
higher polarization degree would be necessary to positively identify vacuum
polarization. Here we show that their conclusions are biased by several
inadequate assumptions and have no impact on the original claim.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
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