4 research outputs found

    Phyllosilicate minerals in the hydrothermal mafic-ultramafic-hosted massive-sulfide deposit of Ivanovka (southern Urals): comparison with modern ocean seafloor analogues

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    We have studied textural relationships and compositions of phyllosilicate minerals in the mafic\u2013 ultramafic-hosted massive-sulfide deposit of Ivanovka (Main Uralian Fault Zone, southern Urals). The main hydrothermal phyllosilicate minerals are Mg-rich chlorite, variably ferroan talc, (Mg, Si)-rich and (Ca, Na, K)-poor saponite (stevensite), and serpentine. These minerals occur both as alteration products after mafic volcanics and ultramafic protoliths and, except serpentine, as hydrothermal vein and seafloor mound-like precipitates associated with variable amounts of (Ca, Mg, Fe)-carbonates, quartz and Fe and Cu (Co, Ni) sulfides. Brecciated mafic lithologies underwent pervasive chloritization, while interlayered gabbro sills underwent partial alteration to chlorite + illite \ub1 actinolite \ub1 saponite \ub1 talc-bearing assemblages and later localized deeper alteration to chlorite \ub1 saponite. Ultramafic and mixed ultramafic\u2013mafic breccias were altered to talc-rich rocks with variable amounts of chlorite, carbonate and quartz. Chloritization, locally accompanied by formation of disseminated sulfides, required a high contribution of Mg-rich seawater to the hydrothermal fluid, which could be achieved in a highly permeable, breccia-dominated seafloor. More evolved hydrothermal fluids produced addition of silica, carbonates and further sulfides, and led to local development of saponite after chlorite and widespread replacement of serpentine by talc. The Ivanovka deposit shows many similarities with active and fossil hydrothermal sites on some modern oceanic spreading centers characterized by highly permeable upflow zones. However, given the arc signature of the ore host rocks, the most probable setting for the observed alteration\u2013mineralization patterns is in an early-arc or forearc seafloor\u2013 subseafloor environment, characterized by the presence of abundant mafic\u2013ultramafic breccias of tectonic and/ or sedimentary origin

    Peculiarities of some mafic-ultramafic- and ultramafic-hosted massive sulfide deposits fom the Main Uralian Fault Zone, southern Urals

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    Some Cu-rich, mafic-ultramafic- and ultramafic-hosted massive sulfide deposits from the southern segment of the Main Uralian Fault Zone (Ivanovka and Ishkinino deposits, southern Urals) show unusual characteristics. Their major features include: (i) relatively high Co (Ni, An), very low Zn and negligible Pb grades; (ii) a pyrrhotite-dominated mineralization, locally characterized by the presence of open- latticework aggregates of lamellar pyrrhotite with Mg-saponite Mg-chlorite and carbonate matrix; (iii) hydrothermal alteration of ultramafic host rocks into talc carbonate quartz chlorite and of mafic host rocks into chloritites; (iv) the presence of clastic facies with reworked sulfide and ultramafic or mafic components; (v) the widespread occurrence of sulfide-associated chromite; (vi) the specific mineralogy of Co, Ni, Fe and As, including sulfoarsenides, mono- and diarsenides, and Co-rich pentlandite and pyrite; (vii) the supra-subduction -zone geochemical signature of the host serpentinites and volcanic rocks. Although some of these features have been separately reported in certain modem ocean-seafloor and ophiolite-hosted fossil deposits, a true equivalent has yet to be found. Based on recognized partial analogies with a few modem seafloor examples, the arc tholeiitic-boninitic geochemical signature of sulfide-associated volcanic rocks and the highly refractory compositions of sulfide-hosted chromite relicts, the studied deposits are believed to have formed by seafloor-subseafloor hydrothermal processes in an oceanic island arc setting. Possible tectonostratigraphic correlation of sulfide-associated units with infant, non-accretionary arc volcanic units of the adjacent Magnitogorsk oceanic island-arc system suggests formation of the studied deposits during the earliest stages of Devonian subduction-related volcanism