437 research outputs found
The relationship between occupation and coronary heart disease
U radu su navedene stope koronarne bolesti srca (KBS), tj. infarkt miokarda i predinfarktno stanje (IM i PR. ST.) kod pojedinih zanimanja u opÄini Osijek u razdoblju od 1980. do 1984. NaÄene su stope KBS (IM i PR. ST.) za cijelu aktivnu populaciju, za lijeÄnike, portire i prodavaÄko osoblje. Stope su bile ove: aktivna populacija 1ā°, portiri 0,4ā°, lijeÄnici 4,7ā°, prodavaÄko osoblje 0,4ā°. U raspravi se navode kontroverzni rezultati istraživanja odnosa zanimanja i KBS kod nas i u svijetu. Te kontroverze mogu se pomiriti Äinjenicom da je KBS u razvijenim zemljama u negativnoj korelaciji s druÅ”tvenim statusorn, dok je u zemljama u razvoju odnos KBS i druÅ”tvenog statusa u pozitivnoj korelaciji. U zakljuÄku se upozorava na izrazite razlike u stopi KBS (IM i PR. ST.) kod pojedinih zanimanja u OpÄini Osijek, s tim da su za bolje upoznavanje i razumijevanje odnosa zanimanja i KBS potrebna daljnja istraživanja.The rates of coronary heart disease (CHD) i.e. of myocardial infarction and impending myocardial infarction have been established for certain occupations in the Osijek commune tor the 1980-1984 period. The rates: 1ā° active population. 4.7ā° doctors, 0.4ā° porters and 0.4ā° shop assistants, show the relationship between occupation and CHD in Yugoslavia to be different from that in some other countries. In the developed countries CHD is in negative correlation with the social status whereas in the developing countries this correlation is positive. Results also point to marked differences in the CHD rate for certain occupations in the commune
High-Performance Simulations of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on Multicore GPU and CPU Platforms
Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is an effect of self-interaction of an electron bunch as it traverses a curved path. It can cause a significant emittance degradation and microbunching. We present a new high-performance 2D, particle-in-cell code which uses massively parallel multicore GPU/GPU platforms to alleviate computational bottlenecks. The code formulates the CSR problem from first principles by using the retarded scalar and vector potentials to compute the self-interaction fields. The speedup due to the parallel implementation on GPU/CPU platforms exceeds three orders of magnitude, thereby bringing a previously intractable problem within reach. The accuracy of the code is verified against analytic 1D solutions (rigid bunch)
NaÄini upravljanja procesom fermentacije u siliranim hranivima
The control of fermentation process in ensilaged livestock feed is based on the knowledge of biomasses. The important aspects are the suitability for ensilaging (the content of fermentative carbohydrates and buffer capacity of the biomass), providing of the correct level of dry matter and anaerobic environment, wilting, using the chemical additives such as organic acids and their salts, using of biologic additives (inoculants), adsorption of mycotoxins, etc. In purpose of making the process of ensilaging of grasses, legumes and grass-legume mixes, the silages are prepared as bales or silo-tubes.Kontrola procesa fementacije bazira se na poznavanju biomasa u pogledu pogodnosti za siliranje, odnosno obezbeÄivanju povoljnog odnosa Å”eÄera i pufernog kapaciteta. Biomase viÅ”egodiÅ”njih leguminoza i trava neophodno je provenjavati, odnosno poveÄati sadržaj suve materije u silomasi na najmanje 300-400 g kg-1. Za teÅ”ko silirajuÄe biomase (viÅ”egodiÅ”nje i jednogodiÅ”nje leguminoze) koristiti ugljenohidratna hraniva (kukuruzna prekrupa, prekrupa ostalih žitarica, suvi rezanci Å”eÄerne repe, melasa, i dr.). KoriÅ”Äenje hemijskih sredstava iz reda organskih kiselina i njihovih soli. Upotreba bioloÅ”kih dodataka, inokulanata u smeÅ”i sa enzimima (amilaze, celulaze, hemicelulaze i dr.) obezbeÄuje dobijanje dobre i stabilne silaže, kao i silaže veÄe hranljive vrednosti. KoriÅ”Äenje inokulanata sa homo i heterotrofnim mikroorganizmima u cilju obezbeÄivanja aerobne stabilnosti silaža, posebno lakosilirajuÄih biomasa (kukuruza, sirka, sudanske trave, italijanskog ljulja i dr.)
Trendovi u siliranju leguminoza
Modern trends in legumes ensilaging technology are based on the knowledge of biomass from the aspect of suitability for ensilaging, wilting, addition of carbohydrate feed, use of biological additives, etc. Today, the experiments are conducted, worldwide, with inoculates, which, in addition to homofermentative, also contain heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria. Products of such inoculants contribute to the increase of aerobic stability of silages so their implementation is good for all types of silage. In addition to the usage of those additions, modern technology of silage is based on the maximum mechanization of the ensilaging process, as well as preparing the silage in the form of roto-bales and silo tubes (most inexpensive way of conservation) as well as permanent facilities.Savremeni trendovi u tehnologiji siliranja leguminoza zasnivaju se na poznavanju biomasa sa aspekta pogodnosti za siliranje, provenjavanju, dodavanju ugljenohidratnih hraniva, upotrebi bioloÅ”kih dodataka, i dr. Trenutno se u svetu eksperimentiÅ”e sa inokulantima, koji pored homofermentativnih, sadrže i heterofermentativne bakterije mleÄne kiseline. Produkti ovakvih inokulanata doprinose poveÄanju aerobne stabilnosti silaža, pa su navedeni dodaci aktuelni za sve vrste silaža. Osim koriÅ”Äenja navedenih dodataka, savremena tehnologija siliranja se bazira na maksimalnoj mehanizovanosti celokupnog procesa siliranja, kao i pripremanja silaže u formi roto-bala i silokobasica (najeftiniji vid konzervisanja) kao i stalnih objekata
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GPU-optimized Code for Long-term Simulations of Beam-beam Effects in Colliders
We report on the development of the new code for long-term simulation of beam-beam effects in particle colliders. The underlying physical model relies on a matrix-based arbitrary-order symplectic particle tracking for beam transport and the Bassetti-Erskine approximation for beam-beam interaction. The computations are accelerated through a parallel implementation on a hybrid GPU/CPU platform. With the new code, a previously computationally prohibitive long-term simulations become tractable. We use the new code to model the proposed medium-energy electron-ion collider (MEIC) at Jefferson Lab
Creating new genetic variability in sunflower using induced mutations
The objective of the study was to provide new genetic variability in important agronomic traits that can be exploited for improvement of sunflower production. Seeds of eight sunflower inbred lines from gene collection of Institute of Field and Vegetables, Novi Sad were irradiated with gamma rays (Ī³) and fast neutrons (Nf) and treated in ethyle-methane-sulphonate (EMS) solution. The manifestation of mutations was mostly expressed in M2 and M3 generation. Seven mutants were developed; one early flowering, two short stature and one high, two with higher oil content and one branching. The stable progenies were evaluated in micro-plot tests in M6 generation for seed yield and other traits in comparison with respective original line. Further studies should be focused on testing new mutant lines in hybrid combinations, as well as the determination of inheritance of mutant traits
The wild sunflowers collection in Novi Sad
Lowered genetic variability in the cultivated sunflower and use of interspecies hybridization in sunflower breeding were the main reasons to establish the wild species collection. Wild species were collected during collecting trips performed jointly by researchers from Novi Sad and Fargo from 1980 to 1991. A total of 917 accessions were gathered. Different numbers of species (1-37) and populations (52-384) were gathered in each trip and wild sunflower habitats were inspected in 6-21 US federal states. Presently there are 21 perennial and 7 annual species in the collection, represented by 447 accessions. The perennial species are grown in quarantine fields (311 accessions) and kept in temporary seed storage at +4Ā° (163 accessions). Annual species are sawn each year and 136 accessions are kept in temporary seed storage. Seed reserves vary from a few seeds to several thousand per accession and all of them were produced in the period between 1998 and 2004. Several problems were encountered in the course of the establishment maintenance and utilization of the collection: 1. Occasional errors in species determination during collection trips were caused by the presence of natural hybrids, heterogeneity of natural populations and differences in ploidy within the same species; 2. The local continental climate caused loss in material due to winterkill and inability of some species to complete the vegetative cycle; 3. Perennial species were difficult to grow because of low seed viability; 4. Low self-fertility or complete selfsterility precluded seed production and renewal of seed reserves; 5. Wild species were difficult to utilize as a source of desirable genes because of their cross incompatibility with cultivated sunflower. The collection of wild sunflower species has mostly been used for development of disease resistant or tolerant genotypes, new cms and Rf genes and for breeding of special-purpose hybrids
Simulations of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on Parallel Hybrid GPU/CPU Platform
Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is an effect of self-interaction of an electron bunch as it traverses a curved path. It can cause a significant emittance degradation, as well as fragmentation and microbunching. Numerical simulations of the 2D/3D CSR effects have been extremely challenging due to computational bottlenecks associated with calculating retarded potentials via integrating over the history of the bunch. We present a new high-performance 2D, particle-in-cell code which uses massively parallel multicore GPU/GPU platforms to alleviate computational bottlenecks. The code formulates the CSR problem from first principles by using the retarded scalar and vector potentials to compute the self-interaction fields. The speedup due to the parallel implementation on GPU/CPU platforms exceeds three orders of magnitude, thereby bringing a previously intractable problem within reach. The accuracy of the code is verified against analytic 1D solutions (rigid bunch) and semi-analytic 2D solutions for the chirped bunch. Finally, we use the new code in conjunction with a genetic algorithm to optimize the design of a fiducial chicane
Uticaj dodavanja neproteinskih azotnih supstanci na kvalitet silaže komine grožÄa
In this study grape pomace was ensilaged without and with the addition of NPN substances (Benural) at the dose of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% of the amount of husk and with the addition of inoculant based on homo and hetero fermentative lactic acid bacteria. The greatest effect on the nutritional value had application of Benural, especially in increasing the CP content from 126.9 to 178.3 g kg-1DM, an increase of over 40%. Application of Benural increased the ammonia and soluble nitrogen several times, but even with the maximum addition of Benural percentage of ammonia nitrogen in the total nitrogen reached only slightly above 5% NH3 -N/Ī£ N (5.38%), while the percentage of soluble nitrogen in total nitrogen was 28.29%. The application of inoculants generally had no significant impact, both on the chemical composition and the fermentation process.U istraživaniima komina grožÄa je silirana bez i uz dodatak NPN supstanci (Benural) u koliÄini od 0,5; 1,0 i 1,5% od koliÄine komina i sa dodatkom inokulantana na bazi homo i heterofementativnih mleÄno-kiselinskih bakterija. NajveÄi efekat na hranljivu vrednost imala je primena NPN, posebno u poveÄanju sadržaja SP od 126,9 na 178,3 gkg-1SM. Primena NPN supstanci je uticala na poveÄanje amonijaÄnog i rastvorljivog azota nekoliko puta, ali i pri najveÄoj koliÄini dodatog NPN supstanci udeo amonijaÄnog azota u ukupnom azotu je neznatno preÅ”ao vrednost od 5% (%NH3-N/Ī£N 5,38) dok je udeo rastvorljivog azota u ukupnom azotu iznosio 28,29%. Primena inokulanata uglavnom nije imala znaÄajnog uticaja, kako na hemijski sastav, tako i na proces fermentacije
Plodnost autohtonih rasa mangulice, moravke i resavke
Objective of this paper was to evaluate phenotypic variability of fertility traits of indigenous breeds of Mangalitsa (Swallow-Belly Strain Mangalitsa-SBSM), Moravka breed (M) and Resavka (R). Indigenous pig populations are usually constituted by a quite low number of active boars and sows. Their pedigree information is lacking or absent, complete phenotypic description is usually not available for most of these populations that are very well adapted to specific local agro-climatic environments. In controlled herds in period of four years, the average age at first farrowing (AFF) was 18.5 months with large variability of 5.9 months for Swallow belly Mangalitsa. Less AFF (14.3 months) and less variability (4.4 months), in relation to SBSM, determined for Moravka breed while for Resavka determined age of 14.7 months with at least variability for this trait from 4.4 months. The average number of piglets born alive (for a period of four years) of SBSM was the lowest from 4.37 to 4.81; in case of M and R, this value was significantly (P (lt) 0.001) higher (from 5.75 to 8.17 and for R breed 6.40 to 9.00). With average duration of suckling period (duration of lactation - DL) of 52.92 days in the first year for the breed SBSM with the lowest number of reared piglets (NRP=4.10) whereas the DL for M and R breeds was shorter (from 45.75 to 52.03 day) with a higher NRP (from 4.57 to 8.92 reared piglets).Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi fenotipska varijabilnost osobina plodnosti autohtonih rasa mangulice (lasasta mangulica-SBSM), moravke (M) i resavke (R). Autohtone populacije svinja obiÄno Äini priliÄno mali broj aktivnih nerasta i krmaÄa. Informacije o poreklu Äesto nedostaju ili su nedostupne, kompletan fenotipski opis obiÄno nije dostupan za veÄinu ovih populacija koje su vrlo dobro prilagoÄene specifiÄnim lokalnim agro-klimatskim uslovima. Kod kontrolisanih zapata, u periodu od Äetiri godine, proseÄan uzrast pri prvom praÅ”enju (AFF) iznosio je 18,5 meseci sa velikom varijacijom od 5,9 meseci kod lasaste mangulice. Manje vrednosti AFF (14,3 meseca) i manja varijabilnost (4,4 meseca), u odnosu na SBSM, utvrÄen je za moravku, dok je za resavku utvrÄen uzrast od 14,7 meseca sa najmanjom varijabilnoÅ”Äu za ovu osobinu od 4,4 meseca. ProseÄan broj živo roÄene prasadi (u trajanju od Äetiri godine) kod SBSM, je bio najniži od 4,37 do 4,81; kod svinja M i R, ova vrednost je znaÄajno (P (lt) 0,001) viÅ”a (od 5,75 do 8,17 i 6,40 do 9,00 respektivno). ProseÄno trajanje perioda sisanja (trajanje laktacije - DL) od 52,92 dana u prvoj godini za rasu SBSM, sa najnižim brojem odgajenih prasadi (NRP = 4,10), dok je DL za M i R rase kraÄi (45,75 i 52,03 respektivno) sa veÄom vrednoÅ”Äu NRP (od 4,57 do 8,92 odgajanih prasadi)
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