19 research outputs found

    The Evolution of SIGCHI conferences and the future of CHI

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    The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(CHI) was born in 1982 and has been held annually since 1985. Specialized conferences (such as IUI, CSCW, MobileHCI, and UIST) gradually emerged and have now become a significant part of the conference program that ACM SIGCHI offers the global HCI community

    The new SIGCHI EC's values and strategic initiatives.

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    The SIGCHI EC has articulated the following 10 values. Specifically, these are instrumental values: They are our preferred methods of behavior. They are not an end goal, but they translate into a means by which an end goal is accomplished

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    Helping Users Program their Personal Agents

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    Software agents are computer programs that act on behalf of users to perform routine, tedious, and timeconsuming tasks. To be useful to an individual user, an agent must be personalized to his or her goals, habits, and preferences. We have created an enduser programming system that makes it easy for users to state rules for their agents to follow. The main advance over previous approaches is that the system automatically determines conflicts between rules and guides users in resolving the conflicts. Thus, over time, user and system collaborate in developing a set of rules that embody the user's preferences for handling a wide variety of situations. KEYWORDS agents, end-user programming, intelligent systems INTRODUCTION Software agents are the focus of much interest in the popular press and are a hot research topic in humancomputer interaction [3,5,7,8,9,10,11,13], artificial intelligence [17], and distributed computing [16]. HCI research on agents can be distinguished by its user-c..