7 research outputs found

    Isotope stratification of meromictic Lake Trekhtzvetnoe at the White Sea coast (Russia)

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    Postglacial isostatic uplift of the coastal zone resulted in the formation of isolated lakes along the shores of White Sea developed into permanently stratified (meromictic) lakes. On the basis of monitoring the vertical distribution of selected water quality parameters including temperature, salinity, concentration of major ions, microbial activity, dissolved oxygen and hydrogen sulfide, seasonal changes in the structure of the stratified water column are explored and governing factors identified. Lake Trekhtzvetnoe has a strong vertical stratification with seasonal mixing being confined to the upper part of the water column (mixolimnion). Сhemical water composition in the mixolimnion reflects the influence of precipitation with the underlying chemocline being defined by sharp gradients of salinity, dissolved oxygen and hydrogen sulphide levels. We found strong stable isotope stratification of water column in winter-early spring seasons of 2013, 2015 and 2016 and in the early autumn of 2015. The lowest isotope values were obtained near the surface in the mixolimnion. There was a gradual increase of isotope values towards the chemocline reaching the maximum in the bottom layer (monimolimnion). It was found that water in the mixolimnion was isotopically depleted in winter as a result of ice formation and isotopically enriched in the early autumn due to evaporation. Obvious desalination of mixolimnion and upper chemocline from 2012 to 2016 was possibly caused by the increase of precipitation and freshwater inflow in lake supply. Monimolimnion is a stable layer of high salinity, and it has enriched isotope composition that corresponds with meromictic structure of water column.In meromictic coastal lake separated from the sea stable isotope composition of mixolimnion varied due to ice formation in winter and evaporation in summer. From 2012 to 2016 desalination of mixolimnion and upper chemocline was observed. Monimolimnion has highest salinity and enriched isotope composition indicating lack of mixing with overlying water

    Trace elements content in soils and soil inclusions in Batagay ice wedges, North Yakutia, Russia

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    Trace elements in soil and soil inclusions of ice wedges from the Batagay megaslump, 10 km to south east from Batagay settlement in the Verkhoyansky District of the Yakutia (Sakha) Republic, Russia

    Major and trace elements, δ¹³C, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Late Pleistocene ice wedges: A case-study of Batagay yedoma, Central Yakutia

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    We studied the ionic composition of ice, the content of suspended and dissolved trace- and major elements in ice, values of δ¹³С, and the composition of PAHs of inclusions in the Late Pleistocene syngenetic ice wedges of the Batagay yedoma. For the first time, the complex geochemical study of Batagay megaslump was carried out. The ice of the upper and lower complex of different ages was studied. Mineralisation of the Late Pleistocene ice wedges of Batagay yedoma ranges from 66.56 to 424.8 mg/l, from ultrafresh to desalinated, the ionic composition of the ice is bicarbonate-calcium and corresponds to snow formed under the influence of continental air masses. The proportion of Ca contained in dissolved form is not more than 20-30%; as for the other elements, the proportion of Mg, K, Na, Al, Fe, Mn, Sr, Ba in suspended form is greater than 90%. The content of trace elements in inclusions in ice wedges and soils is equal, which confirms the pedogenic origin of the inclusions in ice. According to our data, values of δ¹³С in lipids of the pedogenic material in ice decrease with depth. The lowest values (values of δ¹³С less than -30‰) were observed in the ice wedge of the upper complex at a depth of 7.4-8.6 m. The increase of δ¹³C values of lipids from pedogenic material in ice wedges with depth is due to the landscape change from grassland ecosystems to forest ecosystems, and may also be influenced by the increased frequency of fires that occurred during the transition to forest ecosystems and the disappearance of large herbivores

    Trace elements in Batagay ice wedges, structure ice, Batagaika and Yana River water, North Yakutia, Russia

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    Average content of some trace elements in ice wedges, structure ice, Batagaika and Yana River water. Samples were taken rom the Batagay megaslump, 10 km to south east from Batagay settlement in the Verkhoyansky District of the Yakutia (Sakha) Republic, Russia. The analysis was carried out in samples filtered through the membrane filter (filtered) as well as in samples, that were taken after organic inclusions were precipitated (unfiltered)

    Ionic composition of Batagay ice wedges, North Yakutia, Russia

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    Ionic omposition of ice wedges from the Batagay megaslump, 10 km to south east from Batagay settlement in the Verkhoyansky District of the Yakutia (Sakha) Republic, Russia