979 research outputs found

    On the Transition and Migration of Flight Functions in the Airspace System

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    Since ~400 BC, when man first replicated flying behavior with kites, up until the turn of the 20th century, when the Wright brothers performed the first successful powered human flight, flight functions have become available to man via significant support from man-made structures and devices. Over the past 100 years or so, technology has enabled several flight functions to migrate to automation and/or decision support systems. This migration continues with the United States NextGen and Europe s Single European Sky (a.k.a. SESAR) initiatives. These overhauls of the airspace system will be accomplished by accommodating the functional capabilities, benefits, and limitations of technology and automation together with the unique and sometimes overlapping functional capabilities, benefits, and limitations of humans. This paper will discuss how a safe and effective migration of any flight function must consider several interrelated issues, including, for example, shared situation awareness, and automation addiction, or over-reliance on automation. A long-term philosophical perspective is presented that considers all of these issues by primarily asking the following questions: How does one find an acceptable level of risk tolerance when allocating functions to automation versus humans? How does one measure or predict with confidence what the risks will be? These two questions and others will be considered from the two most-discussed paradigms involving the use of increasingly complex systems in the future: humans as operators and humans as monitors

    Current Situation and Future Prospects of the US Goat Industry

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    Abstract The current demand for goat meat in the US outstrips domestic supply. There is great potential for industry growth in the meat and dairy sectors. Whereas fiber prices have improved, loss of animals and market resources, labor costs for shearing, and lack of animal genetic resources prevent growth in the short term. As producers age, there is opportunity for new producers to enter the marketplace. Significant challenges exist, like access to local markets and abattoirs, dewormer resistant parasites, and feed costs. Establishing goat feedlots can increase meat supply and industry commercialization. Technologies used for cattle will be expanded for use in goats with interconnected sensors collecting health and production data. The field of genetic improvement will change from current production testing to identifying superior animals at an early age using DNA analysis. A quality assurance program is needed to address animal welfare issues and promote the consumption of domestic products to consumers. Keywords: Meat Goat Industry, Dairy Goat Industry, Goat Industry, Goat Industry Statu

    Centers of excellence or academic enigmas? A discussion of the pros and cons of establishing applied social science departments in natural resource colleges

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    Variously called Departments of Environment and Society, Environmental Social Science, Society and Conservation, and Conservation Social Sciences, several Natural Resource Colleges around the country have recently created departments focusing on the social sciences. Several more are in the process of creating such units. The goal of these departments is to promote scholarship and creativity, educational curricula, and outreach programs relating to the social dimensions of conservation and environmental protection. Ultimately it is hoped such departments will advance our understanding and management of complex ecological social systems and enhance human-environment interactions

    Catalyst crosslinked membranes for use in solvent resistant nanofiltration

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    This paper details the characterisation (e.g. stiffness, swelling) of catalyst crosslinked polydimthylsiloxane (PDMS) and its subsequent performance as the selective layer in polyacylonitrile (PAN)/PDMS composite nanofiltration membranes. The latter is illustrated by way of the representative filtration performance of 9,10-diphenylanthracene solute from n-heptane solvent. It was found that altering the composition of the PDMS polymer has a relatively large effect on the rigidity of the material but little effect on the extent of solvent induced swelling. Additionally, when used as part of a membrane, increasing the catalyst amount has the dual effect of increasing solute rejection and lowering solvent flux. In this way a modicum of tailoring can be introduced to the membrane manufacture process to suit specific process needs

    Contemporary Viewpoints: a Survey of Law Enforcement Officers in Oregon

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    Contemporary Viewpoints: A 2012 Survey of Law Enforcement Officers in Oregon is the culmination of a research initiative conducted in partnership with Oregon’s major law enforcement organizations: the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police (OACP), Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association (OSSA), Oregon State Police (OSP), and the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST). The project had two objectives. First, collect a statewide sampling of viewpoints from Oregon law enforcement officers employed in municipal police agencies, sheriff’s offices, and the State Police to establish a baseline dataset, which could then be used to measure selected aspects of law enforcement’s professional development. The second objective is to use the findings as a means to facilitate critiques of the data in partnership with Oregon’s law enforcement practitioners. Consequently, it is both a report and an open invitation. The report examines aspects of an officer’s work-environment presented from two viewpoints. The first viewpoint is from an “agency perspective” (i.e. state police, municipal police, and sheriff’s offices) and is intended to highlight any differences or similarities of opinion that occur between agencies. The second viewpoint is from a “rank perspective” looking across all ranks in these agencies (i.e. line officers, sergeants, lieutenants, captains and above, and chiefs and sheriffs) and is intended to highlight any differences or similarities of opinion that occur between ranks

    Particle Size Distributions Measured in the B757 Engine Plume During EXCAVATE

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    The Experiment to Characterize Aircraft Volatile Aerosols and Trace Species Emissions (EXCAVATE) took place at NASA Langley Research Center during January 2002. This ground based study was conducted to examine the role of fuel sulfur content on particulate emissions. Size distributions as a function of engine operating conditions were measured in the exhaust plume of a B-757 at four downstream axial locations (1 m, 10 m, 25 m and 35 m). The engine was run on JP-5 with three different sulfur concentrations, 810 ppm, 1050 ppm, 1820 ppm; and was operated over a range of power settings from idle to near-full power. Zalabsky differential-mobility analyzers DMAS), Met One condensation-nuclei counters (CNCs), and a TSI 3022 condensation-particle counter (CPC) were used to measure the size distributions. The total number-count (particle concentration), number-based Emissions Index (EInumber) and mass-based Emissions Index (E1-J increased with fuel sulfur-content and engine pressure ratio (EPR). Count Mean Diameter (Ch4D) also increased with EPR yet remained fairly constant with fuel sulfur-content for a fixed location in the exhaust plume. Also the mode and CMD both increased with distance in the plume

    Kirkwood Community College Terminal Sire Demonstration Project

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    Nine different terminal sire lines were a Yorkshire/landrace sow herd at the Kirkwood Community College over a 30-month time span to determine production and economic merits of different sire lines. 1 The lowest backfat of the progeny came from the Danbred sire line. Premier T-Max sire line gave the progeny the largest loin muscle area and the highest per cent lean. The Waldo Duroc sire line produces the lowest selling age, lowest days to 250 lb., highest terminal sire index and highest overall economic value. The data indicate all the mated sire lines can provide positive contributions to commercial swine production. The use of a particular sire line within a herd will depend on the compliments of the sow herd, the desired progeny results, and the anticipated marketing outlet
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