8 research outputs found

    Les modèles économiques des associations sportives : le cas des clubs de handball du nord de la France

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    LES MODELES ECONOMIQUES DES ASSOCIATIONS SPORTIVES : LE CAS DES CLUBS DE HANDBALL DU NORD DE LA FRANCEInternational audienceThe French Handball Federation has put at the heart of its strategic project the will to see its clubs diversify their financial resources and multiply the practice offers (health, leisure...) to remain attractive in a changing sport context. In order to accompany this process, this research focuses on the economic models of handball clubs in order to categorize them and identify development levers. Different statistical methods were applied to achieve this. A principal component analysis and a K-means classification allow us to propose a double taxonomy of the clubs: their economic models and their level of professionalization. These methods were applied to the clubs of the Comité Nord (59 clubs), which were contacted by sending a questionnaire. The reading grid created allows to characterize the current situation of the French handball clubs and to identify different opportunities and threats for each of the identified categories.La fédération française de handball a mis au cœur de son projet stratégique la volonté de voir ses clubs diversifier leurs ressources financières et multiplier les offres de pratique (santé, loisir…) pour rester attractif dans un contexte sportif en mutation. Afin d’accompagner ce processus, cette recherche s’intéresse aux modèles économiques des clubs de handball dans l’objectif de les catégoriser et d’identifier des leviers de développement. Différentes méthodes statistiques ont été appliquées pour y parvenir. Une analyse en composantes principales (ACP) et une classification K-means permettent de proposer une double taxonomie des clubs : de leurs modèles économiques et de leur niveau de professionnalisation. Ces méthodes sont appliquées aux clubs du Comité Nord (59 clubs) qui ont été sollicités par l’envoi d’un questionnaire. La grille de lecture créée permet de caractériser la situation actuelle des clubs de handball français et d’identifier différentes opportunités et menaces pour chacune des catégories identifiées

    Influence of the fluctuations of the control pressure on the sound production in flute-like instruments

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    International audienceIn flutes and flue organ pipes, the supply pressure is often considered as a control parameter at time scales lower than the acoustic time scales. For instance, the typical time of a rise of pressure represents an objective descriptor to analyse attacks (typical time about 20 ms for fast attacks). It has been observed that the supply pressure is also prone to oscillate at time scales of the order of the acoustic time scales. This is due to the acoustic coupling between the instrument and the pressure reservoir. The present work investigates the influence of such a coupling on the sound production, and its pertinence from a musical point a view. In other words, can the ability of a musician (or an instrument maker) to control this coupling be regarded as a control parameter of the sound production? This paper presents a preliminary experimental study focused on the effects of a pulsating supply pressure on the sound production. The fluctuations of the supply pressure are forced by using a loudspeaker within an artificial mouth. Different effects -- such as modifications of the spectral enhancement, shifts in the regime change thresholds or changes in the transients --, resulting from different supply and "coupling" conditions are presented

    Numerical resolution of a physical model of flute-like instruments: comparison between different approaches

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    International audienceThe study of flute-like instruments involves several subfields of investigation such as acoustics of the waves in the pipe, hydrodynamics of a jet perturbed by an acoustic field and aeroacoustics of a jet/labium interaction. Historically, several models of flute-like instruments have been proposed, including the results from separated studies of the parts mentioned above. In this paper, such a model is written, taking into account the following elements: (1) hydrodynamics of a jet perturbed by an acoustic field, through a delay equation, corresponding to the convection of a perturbation of the jet from the flue exit to the labium, (2) aeroacoustics of a jet/labium interaction, through a nonlinear equation, which highlights the presence of a dipolar pressure source, (3)acoustics of the waves in the pipe, through a modal formulation, (4) nonlinear losses at the labium, through an additional nonlinear term. This description includes two non-linear terms, which require numerical solving. This paper aims at comparing different approaches in terms of the resolution of the non linear equations. The following aspects of the model behaviour are addressed: amplitude/frequency evolution along periodic branches, regime changes, hysteresis..

    Inviting Trifluoromethylated Pseudoprolines into Collagen Model Peptides

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    Numerous Collagen Model Peptides (CMPs) have been engineered using proline derivatives substituted at their C(3) and/or C(4) position in order to stabilize or to functionalize collagen triple helix mimics. However, no example has been reported so far with C(5) substitutions. Here, we introduce a fluorinated CMP incorporating trifluoromethyl groups at the C(5) position of pseudoproline residues. In tripeptide models, our NMR and Molecular Dynamics (MD) studies have shown that, when properly arranged, these residues meet the structural requirements for triple helix assembly. A host-guest CMP could be synthesized and its NMR analysis in solution confirmed the presence of structured homotrimers that we interpret as triple helices. MD calculations showed that the triple helix model remained stable throughout the simulation, with all six trifluoromethyl groups pointing outwards from the triple helix. Pseudoprolines substituted at the C(5) positions appeared as valuable tools for the design of new fluorinated collagen mimicking peptides

    Regards croisés sur des guerres contemporaines‎

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    The photograph chosen to illustrate the homepage of this Revue LISA/LISA e-journal number gives a foretaste of the reflection underlying this collection of contributions chosen for their multiplicity of approaches, of visions, of testimonies and of points of view, all intertwined in the subtle intricacies of the various narratives of History. Published after the end of hostilities in the Second World War, but apparently dating from some three weeks earlier, before the unconditional surrender, it offers a vision of victory and defeat deliberately intended to appeal to the readers of The War Illustrated, allowing them to contrast their satisfaction at the outcome of the war with the humiliation suffered by their enemies, and thus to feel justifiably proud at this supreme moment of national achievement. The caption plays its part in capturing this joyous mood, reinforcing the message of what was, of course, hardly a casual snapshot taken on the spur of the moment but rather a carefully composed presentation to celebrate Victory.On closer examination, however, certain grey areas emerge, attributable no doubt to the confusion which may reign in the “fog of war”. The street seems surprisingly clean and tidy ina city which had suffered concentrated bombardment, although this may be due to (carefully omitted) German efficiency, and it is frankly astonishing that aerial observation had been unable to detect that some strategic sites in Hamburg had been left relatively unscathed. The photograph may thus lead us to the conclusion that in war no events are ever quite as unambiguous as they seem, and, more generally, that the consequences and implications of conflict are frequently hard to unravel, which is one of the themes of the articles in this collection