135 research outputs found

    Physical activity, number of medical conditions, and falls in community-dwelling older adults

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    The study examined relationships between concern for falling, number of medical conditions, physical activity (PA), and one-year fall rate in 60 community-dwelling older adults (24 male, 36 female; 74.8 + 3.5 years old). Falls rate was self-report. The Modified Baecke Questionnaire for Older Adults was used to code the amount of PA the subjects participated in over the same year as the fall history recall. The questionnaire categorized PA into household PA, leisure PA, and sport PA. A total PA score was calculated from the sum of the scores obtained for each of the three PA categories. Simple linear regression revealed an inverse, significant relationship between the total PA score and one-year fall rate (r = -0.273, R2 = 0.074, p = 0.036). No other significant relationships were found. Future research should focus on further exploring relationships between types of physical activity and falls

    Fungi Associated with Decay in Treated Southern Pine Utility Poles in the Eastern United States

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    Approximately 1,320 fungi were isolated and studied from 246 creosote- or pentachlorophenol-treated southern pine poles in service in the eastern United States. The fungi identified were Basidiomycete decayers, soft rotters, and microfungi. White rot fungi predominated in the 262 Basidiomycete decayers isolated from 180 poles. The major Basidiomycetes isolated by radial position from poles of varying service ages appeared to develop initially in the outer treated zones and were often associated with seasoning checks. Some decay origins, however, appeared to be cases of preinvasion and escapes of preservative treatment. Five species of soft rot fungi comprised nearly 85% of 211 isolates obtained from 131 poles. They were isolated primarily from creosote-treated poles in outer treated zones at the groundline. Dissection analysis of 92 poles indicated that six developmental decay patterns and certain fungi were associated commonly with a pattern. The pole mycoflora isolated was relatively uniform in distribution in the eastern United States. The soft rotters and white rot group of Basidiomycete decayers appear to be a more important component of the treated southern pine pole mycoflora than has been recognized previously

    Antibiotic use in departments of internal medicine of Lazio

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    Antimicrobial therapy is inappropriate in 9 to 64% of the patients hospitalized. We evaluated the antibiotic use in Internal Medicine wards of an Italian region (Lazio) by a prospective multicenter, observational study. One thousand and nine patients were evaluated. Patients under antimicrobial treatment (PUAT) were 588 (58.2%), patients without treatment (PWT) 421 (41.8%). Infections were classified as community acquired (47.8%), hospital acquired (10.3%) or healthcare-associated (11.4%); the remaining 30.5% of infections did not receive any epidemiological classification. Samples for microbiological examination were collected in 41.6% of PUAT. The antibiotic choice was empiric in 94.8% of the cases and protected penicillins were selected in 48% of the cases. The mean duration of treatment was 9.5±6 standard deviation (SD) days. Only 6% of the patients switched from intravenous to oral therapy. Age, length of hospital stay and mortality were higher for PUAT than for PWT (mean age: 75.9±15 SD vs 74.2±15 SD years, P<0.02; length of hospital stay: 13.7±10.4 SD vs 10±8.4 SD days, P<0.01; mortality: 15.9% vs 3.1%). Antibiotic stewardship needs to be implemented all over the hospitals of Lazio region

    Experimental Evidence For Self-Similar Structures In The Aggregation Of Porphyrins In Aqueous Solutions

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    We have studied the aggregation of the porphyrin t-H₂Pagg in aqueous solution by light scattering. The intensity profile of the elastically scattered light, studied in the exchanged wave-vector range 0.2 ≀ q ≀ 31.4 ÎŒ m⁻Âč, indicates that the aggregation produces large monodisperse clusters having a fractal structure, and is driven by diffusion-limited aggregation kinetics. Additional measurements performed at different q values confirm such a picture giving a hydrodynamic radius R(H) consistent with the radius of gyration R(g) measured by elastic scattering. This is explained taking into account the qÂČ dependence observed in the mean decay rate of the intensity-intensity correlation function and the effect on this latter dynamical quantity of anisotropies in the cluster structure

    ABCC11 (ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 11)

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    Review on ABCC11, with data on DNA/RNA, on the protein encoded and where the gene is implicated

    Expression and Function of Neurotrophins and Their Receptors in Cultured Human Keratinocytes

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    Whereas nerve growth factor has been extensively studied in human keratinocytes, little is known on the role of other members of the neurotrophin family. We investigated the expression and function of neurotrophins and neurotrophin receptors in cultured human keratinocytes. We demonstrated by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction that keratinocytes synthesize neurotrophin-3, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and neurotrophin-4/5. These cells also express tyrosinase kinase A and C, the nerve growth factor and neuro-trophin-3 high-affinity receptors, respectively. On the other hand, only the truncated extracellular isoform of tyrosinase kinase B, the high-affinity brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-4/5 receptor, is detected in keratinocytes. Moreover, neurotrophin-3, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and neurotrophin-4/5 proteins are secreted by human keratinocytes at low levels. Keratinocyte stem cells synthesize the highest amounts of nerve growth factor, while they secrete higher levels of nerve growth factor as compared with transit amplifying cells. Neurotrophin-3 stimulates keratinocyte proliferation, where brain-derived neurotrophic factor or neurotrophin-4/5 does not exert any effect on keratinocyte proliferation. Addition of neurotrophin-3 slightly upregulates the secretion of nerve growth factor, whereas nerve growth factor strongly augments neurotrophin-3 release. Ultraviolet B irradiation downregulates nerve growth factor, whereas it augments neurotrophin-3 and neurotrophin-4/5 protein levels. Ultraviolet A irradiation increases the level of neurotrophin-3, whereas it does not exert any effect on the other neurotrophins. Finally, neurotrophins other than nerve growth factor fail to protect human keratinocytes from ultraviolet B-induced apoptosis. This work delineates a functional neurotrophin network, which may contribute to epidermal homeostasis
