1,544 research outputs found

    Homeobox genes in normal and abnormal vasculogenesis

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    Homeobox containing genes are a family of transcription factors regulating normal development and controlling primary cellular processes (cell identity, cell division and differentiation) recently enriched by the discovery of their interaction with miRNAs and ncRNAs. Class I human homeobox genes (HOX genes) are characterized by a unique genomic network organization: four compact chromosomal loci where 39 sequence corresponding genes can be aligned with each other in 13 antero-posterior paralogous groups. The cardiovascular system is the first mesoderm organ-system to be generated during embryonic development; subsequently it generates the blood and lymphatic vascular systems. Cardiovascular remodelling is involved through homeobox gene regulation and deregulation in adult physiology (menstrual cycle and wound healing) and pathology (atherosclerosis, arterial restenosis, tumour angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis). Understanding the role played by homeobox genes in endothelial and smooth muscle cell phenotype determination will be crucial in identifying the molecular processes involved in vascular cell differentiation, as well as to support future therapeutic strategies. We report here on the current knowledge of the role played by homeobox genes in normal and abnormal vasculogenesis and postulate a common molecular mechanism accounting for the involvement of homeobox genes in the regulation of the nuclear export of specific transcripts potentially capable of generating endothelial phenotype modification involved in new vessel formation

    Hepatitis with Fibrin-Ring Granulomas

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    Abstract : We describe a 66-year-old woman hospitalized with fever, fatigue and hepatopathy. In her medical history arterial hypertension (treated with propranolol and lisinopril), diabetes mellitus type 2 (no treatment before admission) and a gout arthropathy were noted wherefore a therapy with allopurinol 300 mg per day has been started 4 months before. Liver biopsy revealed fibrin-ring granulomas, compatible with allopurinolinduced hepatitis. Because of persistence of high fever after stopping allopurinol, steroids (1 mg/kg) were started. Under this treatment, she developed pancytopenia and fever. The bone marrow aspiration revealed Leishmania infantum. A second liver biopsy showed amastigotes and a disappearance of the granulomas. The history revealed a travel to Malta 2 years earlier. Despite adequate treatment with liposomal amphotericin B the patient deteriorated and finally died in septic shoc

    The Influence of the Aspect Ratio on the Lateral Response of the Sheathed Cold Formed Steel Walls

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    The influence of the aspect ratio on the lateral response of cold formed steel walls is analyzed by three design methodologies. In particular the prediction provided by the AISI Lateral Design, that is at the moment the main document for the design of CFS buildings under horizontal loads, is compared with the results obtained by applying the principles of mechanics and with those provided by non-linear finite element models. This paper presents and discusses in terms of strength and stiffness the validity of the different design methodologies in case of non-conventional wall aspect ratios comparing the numerical results with available experimental data

    In-room test results at CNAO of an innovative PT treatments online monitor (Dose Profiler)

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    The use of C, He and O ions as projectiles in Particle Therapy (PT) treatments is getting more and more widespread as a consequence of their enhanced relative biological effectiveness and oxygen enhancement ratio, when compared to the protons one. The advantages related to the incoming radiation improved efficacy are requiring an accurate online monitor of the dose release spatial distribution. Such monitor is necessary to prevent unwanted damage to the tissues surrounding the tumour that can arise, for example, due to morphological changes occurred in the patient during the treatment with respect to the initial CT scan. PT treatments with ions can be monitored by detecting the secondary radiation produced by the primary beam interactions with the patient body along the path towards the target volume. Charged fragments produced in the nuclear process of projectile fragmentation can be emitted at large angles with respect to the incoming beam direction and can be detected with high efficiency in a nearly background-free environment. The Dose Profiler (DP) detector, developed within the INSIDE project, is a scintillating fibre tracker that allows an online reconstruction and backtracking of such secondary charged fragments. The construction and preliminary in-room tests performed on the DP, carried out using the 12C ions beam of the CNAO treatment centre using an anthropomorphic phantom as a target, will be reviewed in this contribution. The impact of the secondary fragments interactions with the patient body will be discussed in view of a clinical application. Furthermore, the results implications for a pre-clinical trial on CNAO patients, foreseen in 2019, will be discussed

    Comparison between a new thyroglobulin assay with the well-established Beckman Access immunoassay: A preliminary report

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    Objectives: Measurement of serum thyroglobulin (Tg) plays a key role in the post-thyroidectomy management of differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). In this context, the performance of new-generation thyroglobulin assay has clinical implications in the follow-up of DTC patients. Aim of this study was to compare the new highly sensitive Liaison Tg II (Tg-L) with the well-established Tg Access assay (Tg-A). Materials and methods: A total of 91 residual serum samples (23 positive and 68 negatives for Tg auto-antibodies) were tested by the Beckman Access and Diasorin Liaison assays. Study samples were from 21 patients with pathologically proven DTC and control samples from 70 (16 patients with benign thyroid disease and 54 apparently healthy subjects). Results: Our results showed that Tg-L was highly correlated with Tg-A for both values ranging between 0.2 and 50 ng/mL (Pearson's r = 0.933 [95%CI 0.894-0.958], P <.001) and higher than 50 ng/mL (Pearson's r = 0.849 [95%CI 0.609-0.946], P <.001). For Tg values lower than 0.2 ng/mL, the overall concordance rate was 92%. Moreover, we tested 7 fine-needle aspiration washout fluids (FNA), showing an overall concordance rate in discriminating negative and positive of 100%. Finally, we found no interference by Tg auto-antibodies (TgAbs) for both Tg-L and Tg-A. Conversely, rheumatoid factor (RF) interferes with Tg-A, but not with Tg-L in one patient with no relapsing thyroid carcinoma. Conclusions: Liaison Tg II demonstrated a good correlation with Access Tg assay both for sera and FNAs. Further studies on larger population are needed to evaluate Tg-L clinical impact on DTC patient's follow-up

    Scintillating fiber devices for particle therapy applications

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    Particle Therapy (PT) is a radiation therapy technique in which solid tumors are treated with charged ions and exploits the achievable highly localized dose delivery, allowing to spare healthy tissues and organs at risk. The development of a range monitoring technique to be used on-line, during the treatment, capable to reach millimetric precision is considered one of the important steps towards an optimization of the PT efficacy and of the treatment quality. To this aim, charged secondary particles produced in the nuclear interactions between the beam particles and the patient tissues can be exploited. Besides charged secondaries, also neutrons are produced in nuclear interactions. The secondary neutron component might cause an undesired and not negligible dose deposition far away from the tumor region, enhancing the risk of secondary malignant neoplasms that can develop even years after the treatment. An accurate neutron characterization (flux, energy and emission profile) is hence needed for a better evaluation of long-term complications. In this contribution two tracker detectors, both based on scintillating fibers, are presented. The first one, named Dose Profiler (DP), is planned to be used as a beam range monitor in PT treatments with heavy ion beams, exploiting the charged secondary fragments production. The DP is currently under development within the INSIDE (Innovative Solutions for In-beam DosimEtry in hadrontherapy) project. The second one is dedicated to the measurement of the fast and ultrafast neutron component produced in PT treatments, in the framework of the MONDO (MOnitor for Neutron Dose in hadrOntherapy) project. Results of the first calibration tests performed at the Trento Protontherapy center and at CNAO (Italy) are reported, as well as simulation studies

    p16 expression in oropharyngeal cancer: its impact on staging and prognosis compared with the conventional clinical staging parameters

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    Background: Currently, staging of head neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is on the basis of primary tumor extension (cT), lymph node involvement (cN) and distant metastasis (cM). The aim of cancer staging was to improve diagnosis, prognosis and to compare outcome results. A new subgroup of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) induced by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is reported to show an increasing incidence. These HPV-positive OPSCC show distinct molecular differences, specific p16 overexpression and a significantly better prognosis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic influence of p16 expression in OPSCC and compare its relevance with the established prognostic markers cT and cN classification and the clinical stages I-IV. Patients and methods: Immunohistochemistry for p16 was carried out on the basis of a tissue microarray including 102 OPSCC patients with corresponding retrospective clinicopathological and follow-up data. Results: p16 is the strongest independent prognostic marker in OPSCC, surpassing the significance of cT and cN classification as well as the clinical stages I-IV. Prognosis of p16-positive OPSCC of an advanced stage reached or even exceeded prognosis of the next clinically smaller conventionally staged group of tumors. Conclusion: p16 is the most relevant prognostic marker in OPSCC and should be considered for inclusion into the official staging system of HNSC

    EGFR-Mutationsanalyse beim nichtkleinzelligen Lungenkarzinom: Erfahrungen aus der Routinediagnostik

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Einige Patienten mit einem nichtkleinzelligem Lungenkarzinom (NSCLC) sprechen hervorragend auf Tyrosinkinase-Hemmer (TKI) an. Eine somatische Mutation im epidermalen Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor (EGFR) gilt dabei als wichtiger prädikativer Faktor. Patienten und Methode: Wir untersuchten 307 NCSLC auf EGFR-Mutationen (Exone 18-21) und überprüften deren Assoziation mit klinisch-pathologischen Parametern. Ergebnisse: Unter 178 histologischen und 129 zytologischen Tumorproben fanden sich 25 (8,1%) relevante EGFR-Mutationen. Am häufigsten waren Deletionen in Exon19 (50%), gefolgt von der Punktmutation L858R in Exon21 (12,5%). EGFR-Mutationen waren bei Frauen im Vergleich zu Männern (16,8% vs. 2,7%; p<0,001) und in Adenokarzinomen im Vergleich zu den übrigen Karzinomen (11,4% vs. 3,8%; p=0,017) gehäuft. Mutierte NSCLC waren zu 96% TTF-1-positiv. Schlussfolgerung: Therapierelevante EGFR-Mutationen kommen in <10% der mitteleuropäischen NSCLC-Patienten vor und sind gehäuft bei Frauen und TTF-1-positiven Adenokarzinomen. Histologische und zytologische Proben aus der Routinediagnostik sind in gleichem Maße für eine Mutationsanalyse geeigne

    First Ex-Vivo Validation of a Radioguided Surgery Technique with beta- Radiation

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    Purpose: A radio-guided surgery technique with beta- -emitting radio-tracers was suggested to overcome the effect of the large penetration of gamma radiation. The feasibility studies in the case of brain tumors and abdominal neuro-endocrine tumors were based on simulations starting from PET images with several underlying assumptions. This paper reports, as proof-of-principle of this technique, an ex-vivo test on a meningioma patient. This test allowed to validate the whole chain, from the evaluation of the SUV of the tumor, to the assumptions on the bio-distribution and the signal detection. Methods: A patient affected by meningioma was administered 300 MBq of 90Y-DOTATOC. Several samples extracted from the meningioma and the nearby Dura Mater were analyzed with a beta- probe designed specifically for this radio-guided surgery technique. The observed signals were compared both with the evaluation from the histology and with the Monte Carlo simulation. Results: we obtained a large signal on the bulk tumor (105 cps) and a significant signal on residuals of ∼\sim0.2 ml (28 cps). We also show that simulations predict correctly the observed yields and this allows us to estimate that the healthy tissues would return negligible signals (~1 cps). This test also demonstrated that the exposure of the medical staff is negligible and that among the biological wastes only urine has a significant activity. Conclusions: This proof-of-principle test on a patient assessed that the technique is feasible with negligible background to medical personnel and confirmed that the expectations obtained with Monte Carlo simulations starting from diagnostic PET images are correct.Comment: 17 pages, 4 Figs, Accepted by Physica Medic
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