59 research outputs found

    Prospects For the Use of Loop Isothermal Amplification in the Diagnosis of Particularly Dangerous Infectious Diseases Caused by the Viruses of the Pathogenicity Group I

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    Dangerous viral infectious diseases pose a serious threat to human life and health, as their uncontrolled spread leads to the development of major outbreaks and epidemics. Rapid and accurate detection of the pathogen is an essential component of the fight against infectious diseases. This review is devoted to loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), which is one of the simplest and most reliable methods of molecular-genetic research that meets modern requirements. The simplicity of the analysis and registration of the obtained results, which is necessary under conditions with minimal laboratory capacities, makes it possible to consider this type of diagnostic technology as the most promising, which allows us to identify genetic markers (DNA or RNA) of pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases in the shortest possible time. Objective of the review is to summarize and systematize the data available to date on the use of LAMP for detecting RNA of dangerous infectious diseases caused by the Ebola,Marburg and Lassa viruses. The paper discusses the basic principles of the loop isothermal amplification reaction, the components that make up the reaction mixture and are used for the analysis, as well as methods for detecting the results obtained. When studying the information available in the literature sources about the advantages and disadvantages of LAMP, it is shown that in many cases, isothermal amplification is not inferior in sensitivity and specificity to the main molecular-genetic diagnostic methods currently used. Modifications that can be used for accelerated diagnostics of RNA-containing viruses are also considered

    Возможности современных методов лучевой диагностики в определении и предоперационном планировании коарктации аорты у детей до года и младшей возрастной группы

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    Objective. Evaluation of diagnostic value of modern imaging modalities: trans-thoracic echocardiography (TTE), CT-angiography (CTA) and cardio-MRI in diagnosis and preoperative planning of aortic coarctation correction (CoA) in in infants and young age group children.Materials and methods. 101 pediatric patients (aged 0 to 5 years) with CoA underwent TTE, 98 of them underwent CT, 30 – cardio MRI. On TTE, CTA and cardio-MRI aorta morphometry was performed. The most common anomalies associated with CoA (ventricular septal defect (VSD), patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA), hypoplastic arch and brachiocephalic vessels anomalies) were assessed.Results. The overall diagnostic accuracy of TTE, CT and cardiac-MRI in diagnosis of CoA were 89.1%, 95.9%, 86.7% respectively. There was no significant difference in the accuracy in detecting CoA between TTE, CT and MRI (p > 0.05). The accuracy of TTE in determining the brachiocephalic vessels anomalies, ARSA and arch hypoplasia was 84%, 93% and 85.3%, respectively. The accuracy of CT in determining the brachiocephalic vessels anomalies, ARSA and arch hypoplasia was 100%, 100% and 98% and cardio-MRI: 97.1%, 98.4% and 96.8%, respectively.Conclusion. TTE is a widely available and safe method, it has a high diagnostic value in determining CoA. Due to limitations in visualization of all parts of the aortic arch and the detection of concomitant anomalies, TTE cannot be the final method in planning the CoA correction. CT and MRI of the heart, as a TTE, are effective methods in the diagnosis of CoA, however, in the assessment of extracardiac anomalies, they equally show a significantly more accurate result.Taking into account the difficulties in conducting MRI of the heart in children under one year and younger age group, the need for a longer stay in anesthesia, the lack of additional diagnostically significant information in comparison with CT of the heart, cardio-MRI is not the method of choice in the primary diagnosis and preoperative planning of correction of CoA in children under one year and younger age group requiring the use of an anesthetic aid for the duration of the scan. Cardio-MRI may be the method of choice in preoperative planning of CoA in small children with absolute contraindications to the radiocontrast agent.Цель исследования: оценить диагностическую эффективность современных методов диагностики: ЭхоКГ, КТ и МРТ сердца в выявлении и хирургическом планировании коррекции коарктации аорты (КоАо) у детей до года и младшей возрастной группы.Материал и методы. В исследование включен 101 ребенок в возрасте от 0 до 5 лет. Всем детям проведено ЭхоКГ, 98 пациентам – КТ сердца, 30 – МРТ сердца. При интерпретации результатов ЭхоКГ, КТ и МРТ сердца осуществлялись анализ и морфометрия всех отделов аорты, проводилась оценка наличия сопутствующих аномалий: аберрантная правая подключичная артерия, септальные дефекты, открытый артериальный проток, патология брахиоцефальных сосудов (БЦС) и сопутствующая гипоплазия дуги аорты.Результаты. Диагностическая точность ЭхоКГ, КТ и МРТ сердца в определении КоАо у детей до года и младшей возрастной группы составили 89,1, 95,9, 86,7% соответственно. В определении патологии БЦС, аберрантной правой подключичной артерии и гипоплазии дуги точность ЭхоКГ составила 84, 93 и 85,3% соответственно. Информативность КТ в определении патологии БЦС, аберрантной правой подключичной артерии и гипоплазии дуги составила 100, 100 и 98% соответственно. Точность кардио-МРТ в определении патологии БЦС, аберрантной правой подключичной артерии и гипоплазии дуги составила 97,1, 98,4 и 96,8% соответственно.Заключение. ЭхоКГ, будучи широкодоступным и безопасным методом, имеет высокую диагностическую ценность в диагностике КоАо, однако ввиду ограничений в визуализации всех отделов дуги аорты и выявления сопутствующих экстракардиальных аномалий не может быть окончательным при планировании коррекции КоАо у маленьких детей. КТ и МРТ сердца наравне с ЭхоКГ являются эффективными методиками в диагностике локального сужения аорты, однако в оценке экстракардиальных аномалий одинаково показывают достоверно более точный результат.Проведение МРТ сердца у детей до года и младшей возрастной группы сопряжено с техническими сложностями и необходимостью более длительного пребывания в наркозе. Учитывая отсутствие дополнительной диагностически значимой информации в сравнении с КТ сердца, кардио-МРТ не является методом выбора в первичной диагностике и предоперационном планировании коррекции КоАо у детей до года и младшей возрастной группы, требующих применения анестезиологического пособия на время сканирования


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    The principles and approach to ontologies application in billing and other OSS/BSS systems, advantages of such an approach are described. Ontology of billing system is designed, classes and relations are described. Designed model was implemented using Protégé, and was verified on the correctness and consistency.Рассмотрены принципы и подход к применению онтологий в биллинговых системах и других системах OSS/BSS, выделены преимущества такого подхода. Построена онтология системы биллинга, выделены классы и отношения. Разработанная модель онтологии реализована средствами Protégé. Осуществлена проверка разработанной онтологии на корректность и непротиворечивость

    Methodology for knowledge portals development: background, foundations, experience of application, problems and prospects

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    The paper discusses an experience of using the methodology for the development of knowledge portals which provide systematization and integration of scientific and engineering knowledge and information resources as well as the content-based access to them. To provide a sufficiently complete and consistent representation of knowledge and information resources, their systematization and integration are performed on the basis of ontology. The suggested methodology has been successfully applied to the development of knowledge Internet portals on archaeology, computational linguistics, strength of materials and Antarctic data

    Ultrasound examination with contrast in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. The results of the pilot study

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    Aim. Assessment of diagnostic significance of informativeness and security of ultrasonography with contrast enhancement drug SonoVue in the diagnosis of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Materials and methods. The pilot conducted a prospective study which involved 15 patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). All patients gave written consent to participate in the study and processing of personal data. The study included adult patients with an established diagnosis of UC and CD, with proven clinical activity of the disease. Activity was evaluated based on clinical and laboratory data on the scale of best (CDAI >150) for patients with CD and on a scale of Trulove-Witts (2-3 stage) and the Mayo index (DAI) for patients with UC. All the patients underwent colonoscopy with biopsy, ultrasound examination of abdominal cavity organs with the study of the vascularization of the intestinal wall (color Doppler, power Doppler, contrast study). Results. The use of contrast showed additional features in the instrumental evaluation of activity of inflammatory process, identification of complications and assessment of prognosis. Conclusion. The results of ultrasound of the bowel with contrast can be used to assess the activity and stage of disease in patients with UC or CD

    Development of DNA-Biochip for Identification of Influenza A Virus Subtypes

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    Developed was the DNA-biochip to identify subtypes of influenza A virus, pathogenic for humans. Microchip was capable of detecting H1, H3, H5-subtypes of hemagglutinin (including H1-subtype of pandemic A/H1N1(2009) influenza virus ) and neuraminidase subtypes N1,N2 of influenza virus. This microchip was successfully tested on the strains of A/H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, A/H1N1(2009) pandemic influenza virus, A/H1N1 and A/H3N2 seasonal influenza viruses


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    Purpose. To determine the possibilities of coronary CT-angiography (CTA) in evaluation of qualitative and qualitative parameters of coronary plaques in comparison with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS).Matherials and methods. 37 patients (29 men, 8 women) with symptoms of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) were included in the study. Unstable angina was detected in 24 patients, acute myocardial infarction (AMI) – in 13 patients. Averageage was 58 [44; 65] years. CTA had been performed as the first method of beam diagnostics in all cases if it was not necessary to use the emergency selective coronary angiography (CAG). IVUS was performed in one, two or three coronary arteries of every patient. Total, 60 coronary lesionsin 55 arteries were examined with IVUS. IVUS data was compared with CTA data.Results. Methods well correlated in detection of plaque burden (r = 0.823; p < 0.0001), plaque length (r = 0.932, p < 0.0001), remodeling index(RI) (r = 0.906; p < 0.0001). Sensitivity and specificity of CTA in detection of irregular contour was 96.1% and 88.9% (area under ROC-curve 0.925), positive remodeling – 100% and 97.4% (area under ROC-curve 0.974). CTA and IVUS in evaluation of spotty calcinates was not coincide in 9 plaques, sensitivity and specificity of CTA in detection of 71% and 100% (area under ROC-curve 0.855).Discussion. Comparison of CTA and IVUS was performed in evaluation of plaques features in patients with ACS. This analysis showed high comparability of methods for evaluation of coronary stenosis degree, RI, plaque burden, length and contour. Thus, the characteristics of plaques according to CTA data can be used to stratify the risk of development of ACS.Conclusion. CTA – fast non-invasive method of coronary plaques evaluation. CTA correlates well with IVUS.Цель исследования: определить возможности КТ-ангиографии (КТА) в оценке количественных и качественных характеристик атеросклеротических бляшек (АСБ) в коронарных артериях по сравнению с данными внутрисосудистого ультразвукового исследования (ВСУЗИ).Материал и методы. В исследование было включено 37 пациентов (29 мужчин, 8 женщин), поступивших в отделение неотложной кардиологии с клинической картиной острого коронарного синдрома (ОКС), из которых у 24 диагностирована нестабильная стенокардия, у 13 – острый инфаркт миокарда. Средний возраст больных составил 58 [44; 65] лет. Всем пациентам первым из лучевых методов исследования была выполнена КТА коронарных артерий при отсутствии необходимости экстренного проведения инвазивной коронарной ангиографии. Каждому из 37 пациентов ВСУЗИ было выполнено в одной, двух или трех коронарных артериях. Всего с помощью ВСУЗИ обследовано 60 измененных участков в 55 коронарных артериях. Данные ВСУЗИ сравнивались с результатами КТА.Результаты. Корреляционный анализ показал высокую сопоставимость методов в определении бремени бляшки (r = 0,823; p < 0,0001), протяженности бляшки (r = 0,932; p < 0,0001), индекса ремоделирования (ИР) (r = 0,906; p < 0,0001). Чувствительность и специфичность метода в выявлении неровности контура составили 96,1 и 88,9% (площадь под кривой 0,925), положительного ремоделирования – 100 и 97,4% (площадь под кривой 0,974) соответственно. При оценке точечных кальцинатов в 9 мягких бляшках данные КТА не совпадали с данными ВСУЗИ. а чувствительность и специфичность метода составили 71 и 100% (площадь под кривой 0,855) соответственно.Обсуждение. В представленной работе впервые в нашей стране проведен сравнительный анализ состояния бляшек в коронарных артериях по данным КТА и ВСУЗИ у больных с ОКС, который показал высокую сопоставимость методов для определения степени стенозирования просвета коронарных артерий, ИР, бремени, протяженности и контуров бляшки. Таким образом, характеристики АСБ по данным КТА можно использовать для стратификации риска развития ОКС.Заключение. КТА является быстрым неинвазивным методом оценки состояния АСБ. Результаты КТА хорошо коррелируют с данными ВСУЗИ

    Sequelae of COVID-19 at long-term follow-up after hospitalization

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    Aim. To assess long-term sequelae of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients at 3 to 7 months after discharge.Material and Methods. The whole of 700 patients hospitalized to the temporary COVID-19 treatment center hosted by the FSBI “National Medical Research Center of Cardiology” of the Ministry of Health of Russia from April to June 2020 were invited to participate in a follow-up study. At 3-7 months after the index hospitalization, patients or their proxies were contacted via telephone in order to obtain information on their vital status, cardiovascular and other conditions or their complications, and new hospitalizations. In addition, patients were invited to an outpatient visit under the "COVID-19-follow-up" program, encompassing physical examination and a comprehensive battery of laboratory and instrumental tests, including spirometry, chest computed tomography (CT) and the six minute walk test (6MWT). Further, dyspnea was assessed using the mMRC (Modified Medical Research Council) Dyspnea Scale. Results: We were able to contact 87.4% (612/700) of patients or their proxies. At follow-up, 4.4% (27) patients died, of which 96.3% (26) had cardiovascular diseases (CVD). A total of 213 patients aged 19 to 94 years old (mean age 56.8±12.5, median 57 years [49.0; 64.0]; men, 55.4%) agreed come for an outpatient visit and to participate in the “COVID-19-follow-up” program. Since discharge, 8% (17) of patients required new hospitalizations, and more than a half of these patients (58.8%; 10/17) had CVD-related hospitalizations. A total of 8.4% (18) patients experienced worsening of hypertension, 9 (4.2%) patients had newly diagnosed hypertension, 2 (0.9%) – coronary artery disease patients experienced new/recurrent angina symptoms. 4 (1.9%) patients had newly diagnosed coronary artery disease, and one patient had an ischemic stroke. At the outpatient visit, 114 (53.5%) patients had some symptoms, most frequently, shortness of breath (33%), fatigue (27.4%), chest pain (11.3%), and abnormal heartbeats (8.5%). Based on the mMRC Scale, 59% of patients had dyspnea of varying severity. Most patients had a normal vital capacity (VC), which was moderately reduced in 3.3% and severely reduced in 0.5% of patients. Chest CT scans were obtained in 78 (36.6%) patients, whose worst lung damage scores during hospitalization were CT3 or CT4. One in ten patients (10.8%) with severe lung damage during acute infection had persisting ground glass opacities, 35.9% developed fibrotic changes, 79.6% of patients had linear or fine focal opacities. According to the 6MWT data, 12.3% of patients walked less than 70% of the predicted distance, 67% walked 71 to 99% of the predicted distance, and 20.7% of patients were able to walk 100% of their predicted distance.Conclusion. These data suggest long-term negative sequelae of COVID-19 in more than half of hospitalized patients

    Prerequisites for the creation of an atlas of postcovid inflammation as a way of personalized pharmacotherapy, as well as predicting and preventing organ and systemic dysfunctions

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    SARS-CoV-2 is a novel coronavirus that has been identified as the cause of the 2019 coronavirus infection (COVID-19), which originated at Wuhan city of PRC in late 2019 and widespread worldwide. As the number of patients recovering from COVID-19 continue to grow, it’s very important to understand what health issues they may keep experiencing. COVID-19 is now recognized as an infectious disease that can cause multiple organ diseases of various localization. It is against this background that a new term was introduced: post-acute post-COVID-19 syndrome characterized by several persistent symptoms inherent in the acute phase of the disease, as well as the occurrence of delayed and (or) long-term complications beyond 4 weeks from the onset of the disease. The work reflected in this article revealed a portrait of a patient with post-COVID-19 syndrome, the most common complications of this period, as well as the mechanisms of their development and the resulting metabolic, cellular, tissue disorders leading to the tissue and organ dysfunctions. A comprehensive biochemical and immunological screening was carried out using the example of three clinical cases to identify the most significant disorders in these patients and to correlate with their clinical status over time. In point of fact, such patients were diagnosed with vascular dysfunction factors (development of endothelial dysfunction), metabolic dysfunction factors (metabolic acidosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, carbohydrate metabolism disorder, insulin resistance, altered branched-chain and aromatic amino acid metabolism), neurological disorder factors (neurotoxicity of the resulting metabolites), immunological disorder factors (decreased efficiency of detoxification systems, secondary immunodeficiency, risk of secondary bacterial infection)


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    Purpose. To assess the state of the vascular bed and perfusion of the lungs in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) by the method of subtraction computed tomography (CT).Materials and methods. Between November 2015 and May 2018, 65 patients with diagnosis of CTEPH were examined. All patients were examined on a computer tomograph Aquilion ONE 640 VISION Edition (Toshiba Medical Systems) with 320 rows of detectors, slice thickness – 0,5 mm. Assessment of perfusion disorders was carried out using new software, which allows combining contrast and noncontrast images by subtraction. Were analyzed parameters of the parenchyma, blood supply and perfusion status with the calculation of indices of obstruction and perfusion disorders. The obstruction index was compared with the index of perfusion abnormalities, a 6-minute walk test, and mean pulmonary artery pressure according to the right heart catheterization data. Results. The significant correlation was found between the obstruction index and the index of perfusion disorders in patients with CTEPH (r = 0.605; p = 0.000001). Interrelations between vascular-perfusion indices (an obstruction index and an index of perfusion disorders), mean pulmonary artery pressure and distance in a 6-minute walk test were not revealed.Conclusion. Subtraction CT pulmonary angiography allows to assess the severity of vascular lesion and perfusion disorders within a single study, also determine the effectiveness of treatment in patients with CTEPH.Цель исследования: оценить состояние сосудистого русла и перфузии легких у больных хронической тромбоэмболической легочной гипертензией (ХТЭЛГ) методом субтракционной компьютерной томографии (КТ).Материал и методы. В период с ноября 2015 г. по май 2018 г. было обследовано 65 пациентов с диагнозом ХТЭЛГ. Все пациенты были обследованы на компьютер-ном томографе Aquilion ONE 640 VISION Edition (Toshiba Medical Systems) с 320 рядами детекторов, толщина томографического среза 0,5 мм. Оценка перфузионных нарушений выполнялась с помощью нового программного обеспечения, которое позволяет совмещать контрастные и бесконтрастные изображения методом субтракции. Анализировались параметры состояния паренхимы, кровоснабжения и перфузии легких с расчетом индексов обструкции и перфузионных нарушений. Индекс обструкции был сопоставлен с индексом перфузионных нарушений, тестом 6-минутной ходьбы (Т6МХ) и средним давлением в легочной артерии (ср. ДЛА) по данным катетеризации правых отделов сердца.Результаты. Между индексом обструкции и индексом перфузионных нарушений у больных ХТЭЛГ была обнаружена статистически значимая корреляция (r = 0,605; p = 0,000001). Взаимосвязей между сосудисто-перфузионными показателями (индексом обструкции и индексом перфузионных нарушений), ср.ДЛА и пройденной дистанцией в Т6МХ выявлено не было.Заключение. Использование субтракционной КТ-ангиопульмонографии позволяет оценить выраженность сосудистого поражения и перфузионных нарушений в рамках одного исследования, а также определить эффективность лечения у пациентов с ХТЭЛГ