9 research outputs found

    Low Temperature Formation of Ruddlesden–Popper-Type Layered La<sub>2</sub>CoO<sub>4±δ</sub> Perovskite Monitored via In Situ X-ray Powder Diffraction

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    In this contribution low temperature formation of Ruddlesden–Popper (RP)-type layered La2CoO4±δ perovskite was optimized via in situ X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). Starting from LaCoO3 a stoichiometric transformation to La2CoO4±δ and CoO can be achieved by controlled reduction with H2. The challenge of this reaction is the use of appropriate amounts of H2 in a defined temperature region. If the amount of H2 is too high, complete reduction of the perovskite occurs. If temperatures are not appropriate, intermediate phases seem to hinder the transformation La2CoO4±δ or lead to a complete decomposition to simple oxides. Based on in situ XRPD experiments, the temperature window and required amount of H2 for the transformation of LaCoO3 to La2CoO4±δ were determined. Systematic experiments reveal that 650 °C is the optimal temperature for the complete transformation of LaCoO3 into La2CoO4±δ and CoO/Co0. The information was then transferred to realize bulk synthesis of La2CoO4±δ at 650 °C in a tube furnace without extended heat treatments at elevated temperatures

    Promoting effect of solvent on Cu/CoO catalyst for selective glycerol oxidation under alkaline conditions

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    Cu/CoO catalysts were employed for the selective oxidation of glycerol in the aqueous phase under basic conditions. The effect of the solvent on the catalytic performance was investigated and the impact on the catalyst was thoroughly elucidated. Detailed characterization of the catalysts by HR-TEM, XRD, and XPS analysis before and after the reaction revealed that the addition of co-solvents (ethanol, n-propanol, or tert-butanol) drastically altered the catalyst properties. In particular, the amount of the catalytically active CoO(OH) phase generated during the reaction depends on the co-solvent used. Generally, the co-solvent has a beneficial effect on the catalytic activity and improves the glycerol conversion by a factor of up to 1.8, which could be linearly correlated to the ET(30) solvent polarity

    An in situ powder diffraction cell for high-pressure hydrogenation experiments using laboratory X-ray diffractometers

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    An in situ diffraction cell is presented which has been designed and constructed for in-house powder diffraction experiments under high gas pressures up to 30 MPa. For a proof of principle, the in situ cell has been tested for several hydrogenation experiments under elevated pressures and temperatures. LaNi5 was chosen as an example for hydrogenation, applying simultaneously 5.5 MPa H2 pressure at a temperature of 423 K. For testing the high-pressure-temperature suitability of the in situ cell, pressure-temperature experiments up to 14 MPa at 373 K were performed, studying the rehydrogenation of NaH and Al to NaAlH4. The experimental setup enables recording of in situ X-ray diffraction data on laboratory instruments with short data acquisition times at elevated hydrogen pressures and temperatures

    Direct Dry Synthesis of Supported Bimetallic Catalysts: A Study on Comminution and Alloying of Metal Nanoparticles

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    Ball milling is growing increasingly important as an alternative synthetic tool to prepare catalytic materials. It was recently observed that supported metal catalysts could be directly obtained upon ball milling from the coarse powders of metal and oxide support. Moreover, when two compatible metal sources are simultaneously subjected to the mechanochemical treatment, bimetallic nanoparticles are obtained. A systematic investigation was extended to different metals and supports to understand better the mechanisms involved in the comminution and alloying of metal nanoparticles. Based on this, a model describing the role of metal-support interactions in the synthesis was developed. The findings will be helpful for the future rational design of supported metal catalysts via dry ball milling

    Tracking the Active Catalyst for Iron-Based Ammonia Decomposition by In Situ Synchrotron Diffraction Studies

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    Iron-based catalysts for NH3 decomposition have been studied by a combination of catalytic tests and in situ synchrotron diffraction experiments performed in an inert sapphire plug-flow cell. In contrast to steel-based reaction cells, sapphire or quartz glass cells show no blind activity. Starting from iron oxide precursors, iron nitrides form during the activation cycle. Nitrides remain as main crystalline phases and govern the conversion of NH3 decomposition in the subsequent cycles. In this work structural and compositional changes of the nitrides were monitored in situ during heating and cooling cycles. The state of the catalyst under reaction conditions was analyzed by high resolution in situ synchrotron diffraction experiments. The analyses enable establishing reaction pathways and correlation of structural features with catalytic conversions. The most active phases are iron nitrides with high mobility and solubility for nitrogen atoms, such as Fe3Nx. Phase changes from Fe3Nx to γ-FeNx were observed above 700°C. The formation of γ-FeNx seems to suppress the catalytic conversion. Moreover, the positive influence of a mesostructured support/catalyst composite on the catalytic conversion and catalyst stability were studied in detail

    In-situ Investigations of Co@Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Ammonia Decomposition Catalysts: The Interaction between Support and Catalyst

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    Cracking of ammonia, a hydrogen carrier with high storage capacity, gains increasing attention for fuel cell systems for heavy load transportation. In this work, we studied the influence of metal loading and synthesis temperatures on the properties of Co@Al2O3 catalysts. The combination of in situ bulk characterization methods with in situ surface spectroscopy provides insights into the structure-property relation of the Co catalyst on the γ-Al2O3 support. At too high temperatures, the formation of CoAl2O4 during synthesis or during the catalytic reaction itself results in inactive mixed metal aluminium spinels which do not contribute to the catalytic reaction. The amount of ‘active’ Co catalyst thus varies significantly as well as its catalytic activity. The latter is correlated to the size of the reduced Co particles on the alumina support. The experiments also highlight that the state of the catalyst changes after reaction which strongly emphasizes the necessity of in situ studies

    Journal of the American Chemical Society

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    Aluminum oxides, oxyhydroxides, and hydroxides are important in different fields of application due to their many attractive properties. However, among these materials, tohdite (5Al2O3·H2O) is probably the least known because of the harsh conditions required for its synthesis. Herein, we report a straightforward methodology to synthesize tohdite nanopowders (particle diameter ∼13 nm, specific surface area ∼102 m2 g–1) via the mechanochemically induced dehydration of boehmite (γ-AlOOH). High tohdite content (about 80%) is achieved upon mild ball milling (400 rpm for 48 h in a planetary ball mill) without process control agents. The addition of AlF3 can promote the crystallization of tohdite by preventing the formation of the most stable α-Al2O3, resulting in the formation of almost phase-pure tohdite. The availability of easily accessible tohdite samples allowed comprehensive characterization by powder X-ray diffraction, total scattering analysis, solid-state NMR (1H and 27Al), N2-sorption, electron microscopy, and simultaneous thermal analysis (TG-DSC). Thermal stability evaluation of the samples combined with structural characterization evidenced a low-temperature transformation sequence: 5Al2O3·H2O → κ-Al2O3 → α-Al2O3. Surface characterization via DRIFTS, ATR-FTIR, D/H exchange experiments, pyridine-FTIR, and NH3-TPD provided further insights into the material properties