278 research outputs found

    Benefit Transfer over Time of Ecosystem Values: the Case of Forest Recreation

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    We conduct a functional benefit transfer over 20 years of total willingness to pay based on car-borne forest recreation in 52 forests, using a mixed specification of a random utility model and geographic information systems to allow heterogeneous preferences across the population and for heterogeneity over space. Results show that some preferences of forest attributes, such as species diversity and age, as well as transport mode have changed significantly over the period. Updating the transfer model with present demand for recreation improves the error margins by an average of 182%. However, average errors of the best transfer model remain 145%.random utility model, value transfer over time, recreation, GIS

    Planter til Skygge

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    Skandinavisk designkultur medieret på Instagram

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    Med fremkomsten af smartphones og sociale medier bruger vi mere og mere medier i vores hverdag og oplever, hvordan vi påvirkes af indholdet på disse. Forbrugerne er også selv med til at generere indhold til og interagere med hinanden igennem medier. Herunder er design noget af det indhold, som især medieres af forbrugere, men i lige så høj grad af designvirksomheder. Skillelinjen mellem hvilken mediering, der er forbrugerskabt eller producentskabt, er blevet mindre, men er det mediets betingelser eller brugerne til indholdet, der er årsag til disse sammenlignelige medieringer? I opgavens undersøges hvordan det ”skandinaviske” medieres i designprodukter på det sociale medie Instagram. Opgavens tese er, at medieringerne af design hos virksomhederne og hos forbrugerne ligger tæt op ad hinanden, da Instagram som medie har brudt grænsen mellem produktion og forbrug, og der dermed er en kollektiv identifikation tilstede

    Three papers laying the foundation for regional CGE models with agglomeration characteristics

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    The paper analyses the effects of introducing taxes and regional transfers on the equilibrium properties in a standard Core-Periphery model. A central government levies taxes on production factors and redistributes the revenue to all agents regardless of their location. In the case of Core-Periphery economy this is in effect a re-allocation of agglomeration rents. Simulations show that taxes and transfers alter the Core-Periphery model’s properties by moving the Break and Sustain points. The range of freeness of trade with Core-Periphery outcomes is reduced for transfers to the periphery, and increased for transfers to the core. The width of the overlap where the models exhibit hysteresis effects remains the same regardless of the transfers. The analysis reveals that in the Core-Periphery outcome the agglomeration rents can be taxed without exhausting the core’s scale effects. The tax revenues can then be redistributed such that periphery regions and the central government have incentives in promoting core regions, which function as industrial locomotives for the whole economy

    Nogle optegnelser om slægten Termansen fra Vejen mølle

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    St. Klemens Kirke i Ribe

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