27 research outputs found

    Non-starch polysaccharides on nutrient digestibility of diets for different production stages of pigs

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    O milho e a soja são os maiores constituintes das rações para suínos, entretanto, há uma constante busca pela utilização de alimentos com fonte de polissacarídeos não amiláceos (PNAs) para suínos nas diferentes fases de produção. O objetivo desta revisão é fornecer subsídios para melhorar o conhecimento sobre os PNAs, em relação a sua influência sobre a digestibilidade e disponibilidade dos nutrientes das dietas para suínos em diferentes fases de criação. Sua inclusão na nutrição de suínos têm demonstrado efeitos positivos na produtividade, pela redução dos custos, por atuar positivamente na fisiologia ao melhorar a secreção enzimática e a digestibilidade na fase inicial, por atuar como fonte energética na fase de crescimento, pelos efeitos positivos sobre a qualidade da carcaça ou ainda por controlar possíveis problemas decorrentes da excessiva ingestão de alimentos e o estresse oriundo do confinamento nas fases reprodutivas. Os PNAs são macromoléculas de polímeros de açúcares simples resistentes à hidrólise enzimática no trato gastrintestinal de suínos, devido ao tipo de ligações entre as unidades existentes de açúcares serem do tipo beta, mas passíveis de hidrólise no intestino grosso através da fermentação microbiana. Estes carboidratos estão presentes na parede celular dos vegetais, desta forma participam da constituição da fibra dietética. Quando solúveis os PNAs, são altamente fermentáveis e podem aumentar a viscosidade da digesta formando um gel afetando o esvaziamento gástrico, aumentando a viscosidade do quimo, levando à redução da taxa de difusão das partículas na digesta e diminuindo o contato enzima-substrato. Os estudos com inclusão de ingredientes contendo PNAs na alimentação de suínos apresentaram significativos avanços em termos de identificação das fontes e as diversas funções exercidas no organismo animal nas diferentes fases de produção. Contudo, existe uma enorme variação na composição dos PNAs nas diversas fontes, e os experimentos realizados na maioria das vezes não são conclusivos. Desta forma, novas pesquisas com a utilização de PNAs, tanto solúveis como insolúveis, serão importantes, pois, podem potencializar o uso das diversas fontes nas dietas de suínos sem atuar de forma negativa na digestibilidade e disponibilidade dos nutrientes.  The corn and soybean are the major constituents in pigs diets, however, there is a constant search for non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) food sources to feed pigs at different production stages. This review objective is to provide grants to improve the NSPs knowledge, in relation to their influence on the nutrients digestibility and availability in diets for pigs in different production stages. NSPs are macromolecules simple sugar polymers (monosaccharides) resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis in pigs’ gastrointestinal tract due to the connections type between the existing units of low molecular weight carbohydrates, but subject to hydrolysis in the large intestine through microbial fermentation. Its inclusion in pig nutrition have shown positive effects on productivity, by reducing costs, by acting positively on physiology to improve enzyme secretion and digestibility in the initial phase, by acting as an energy source in the growth phase, the positive effects on carcass quality or to control possible problems associated with excessive food intake and stress arising from confinement in the reproductive stages. When soluble NSPs are highly fermentable they may increase the digesta viscosity forming a gel, affecting gastric emptying, increasing the chyme viscosity, leading to particles reduction in the diffusion rate and reducing the digesta enzyme-substrate contact. The studies with ingredients containing NSPs inclusion to feed pigs showed significant advances in identifying the sources and the many roles in the animal body at different production stages. However, there is a huge variation in the composition of NSPs in the various sources, and the experiments carried out in most cases are not conclusive. Thus, further research with the NSPs use, both soluble and insoluble, will be important, therefore, may potentiate the various sources use in pig diets without acting negatively

    Physicochemical and microbiological parameters of dried salted pork meat with different sodium chloride levels

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    Anderson; da Silva ARAÚJO, Íris Braz; Oliveira do NASCIMENTO, Márcia Cristina Physicochemical and microbiological parameters of dried salted pork meat with different sodium chloride levels Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos


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    Este trabalho objetiva avaliar a influência dos fatores ambientais sobre o tamanho da leitegada ao nascer e a taxa de mortalidade à desmama de leitões no Brejo Paraibano. Para isso, utilizaram-se dados provenientes de fichas zootécnicas do rebanho da Granja SUPASA no município de Guarabira, Estado da Paraíba, e procedeu-se à análise das fichas zootécnicas do plantel de suínos puros das raças Landrace e Large White e dos animais mestiços (Landrace x Large White), nascidos no período de 1995 a 1996. Foram estudadas as seguintes características: o número de leitões nascidos por leitegada (tamanho da leitegada ao nascer) e a taxa de mortalidade dos leitões pré-desmame, em relação à raça da mãe, mês e ano de parição e sexo dos leitões. Após o estudo dos dados coletados, verificaram-se diferenças significativas entre raças para o tamanho da leitegada, a saber: a raça Landrace e os mestiços apresentaram um maior número de leitões nascidos por leitegada do que a Large White; o ano e o mês de parição exerceram efeito significativo sobre o tamanho da leitegada ao nascer, assim como a taxa de mortalidade à desmama. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Eficiência produtiva, mortalidade, raças, reprodução, suíno

    Fiber sources in pigs feeding

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    The trend observed in the meatpacking industry is the heavier pigs slaughter, this practice is operational cost savings such as logistics, infrastructure and manpower. With heavier pigs slaughter the industry achieve greater meat quantity, dilute the company costs and at the same time, enhance the noble meats value. This review aims to demonstrate the dietary fiber effects on quantitative and qualitative pig carcass characteristics and the factors that can affect these parameters. Corn and soybeans are the major contents for pigs feed; however, these grains are used in human food. The biggest challenge is maintain the livestock production efficiency using alternative foods, improving carcass characteristics and reducing costs. Studies on these foods potential in pigs production also is linked to the consumer market desires, pork with low fat. The fiber fraction in the ingredients can affect important nutritional characteristics in pigs. The nutritional and physiological fiber effects depend not only on the cell wall constituents incorporated into the diet, but also its chemical and structural composition and the way it is associated with other nutrients. Studies with soluble and insoluble dietary fiber use in pig feed have significant advances in identifying fiber sources terms and the functions exercised on the carcass qualities.The trend in the industry is the slaughter of heavier pigs, where slaughterhouses obtain more meat per hour worked, dilute fixed costs, and intensify the value added of prime meat. This allows the operational costs of logistics, infrastructure and labor reduction. The objective of this review was to demonstrate the effects of dietary fiber on aspects related to the pigs’ carcass quantitative and qualitative characteristics and the factors that affect these parameters. Corn and soybeans are the pig feed major constituents; however, they are used in human food. The biggest challenge is to maintain the animal production efficiency, using alternative foods that do not compete directly with human food. The nutritional and physiological effects of fiber depend not only on the amount of cell wall constituents incorporated into the diet, but on its chemical and structural composition and the way it is physically associated with other nutrients. Studies using soluble and insoluble dietary fiber in pig diets have significant advances in the identification of fiber sources and their functions on meat quality


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    Thirty-six females (of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and ¿ 4th partum order) were used, and evaluated at four stages of lactation (equalization, 7th and 14th day of lactation, and at weaning) to verify the effects that partum order and lactation stage had on the performance of hybrid swine sows maintained in a hot environment (room temperature at 28.5ºC; black globe temperature at 29.3ºC; relative air humidity at 75.7% and ITGU calculated at 78.9). Interaction among the factors was observed for food consumption, and the primiparas consumed less. The sows presented differences (P<0,05) in performance (corporal weight, bacon thickness, visual corporal score, corporal composition and tissue) according to partum order, without effect on the weaning-estrus interval or the duration of the estrus. The lactation stage had a negative influence on weight and estimated corporal protein. This study concluded that hybrid swine sows maintained satisfactory performance, and that primiparous sows were more sensitive to hot environments


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2008v21n4p137O comportamento de matrizes suínas lactantes mantidas em ambiente quente foi determinado em 23 fêmeas de 1ª, 2ª, 3ª e ≥ 4ª ordem de parição (OP), avaliadas em quatro períodos do dia – 06 às 12h (P1); 12 às 18h (P2); 18 às 24h (P3), 24 às 06h (P4). Foram detectadas a freqüência (nº) e a duração (min) em que as matrizes ficavam sentadas (SE), em decúbito lateral (DL) e decúbito ventral (DV), em pé em ócio (OEP), ou em pé em atividade no comedouro ou bebedouro (PACB). Quanto ao comportamento lactacional foi avaliada a freqüência, o tipo e a duração da amamentação terminada pela porca (ATPOR) ou pelos leitões (ATLEI) ou concluída com sucesso (ACS). A OP influenciou o tempo usado em DL e em PACB. Com exceção da OEP, houve efeito (P&lt;0,05) do período do dia para as demais variáveis. Conclui-se que matrizes suínas ficaram inquietas e reduziram a freqüência da postura em decúbito lateral e o número de amamentações terminadas pelos leitões nos períodos mais quentes do dia.Posture and behavior of sows in lactating maintained under conditions of high environmental temperature. The behavior of twenty-three hybrid lactating sows from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th parity orders maintained in a warm environment was evaluated during the four periods of Day 17 of lactation (6 to 12 a.m. (P1), 12 a.m. to 6 p.m. (P2), 6 p.m. to 12 p.m. (P3), and 12 p.m. to 6 a.m. (P4)). The frequency (n) and duration(min) in which the sows remained lying down (SE), in lateral (DL) or ventral (DV) decubitus, standing up, but idle (OEP) or in activity at the feeder or drinker (PACB) was detected. Evaluations in relation to behavior during lactation included the frequency, type and duration of sucking terminated by the sow (ATPOR), terminated by the piglets (ATLEI) or successfully concluded. Parity order (OP) infl uenced the time used in DL and in PACB. There was a signifi cant effect (P&lt;0.05) of the period of the day for all variables except OEP. In connection withthis, it can be concluded that all sows became more restless during the warmest periods of the day, reducing the frequency of posture in DL and the number of suckings by the piglets


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    With The effect of replacing conventional corn-soybean based diet by maniçoba hay on the performance and carcass quality of colonial broiler chicken was evaluated. The economical viability of the diet with maniçoba hay was also evaluated. It was used 160 naked-neck chickens with 28 days of age that were distributed according to a completely randomized design, with four treatments, four repetitions and 10 broilres in each experimental unit (five females and five males). The treatments consisted of substituting 0, 5, 10 and 15% of the basal diet for maniçoba hay. It was evaluated feed intake, final weight, weight gain, feed:gain ratio, absolute and relative weigth of the nobles cuts, abdominal fat pad and visceras eatable (heart, gizzard and liver) and relative gross margin (MBR) in relation to the prices of maniçoba hay, prices of others ingredients and those related to chicken live weight. Two males and two females per repetition were slaughtered at 70 days of age. The feed intake with Maniçoba hay diets had no significant effects on the final weight, weight gain, feed:gain ratio, abdominal fat, absolute and relative weight of the noble cuts, while the substitution levels had influenced the feed intake, the absolute and relative weight of gizzard. The MBR reduced when 15% of replacement was used. Utilization of 10% of replacement can be viable, mainly when ingredients prices are elevated or colonial broiler market price is low

    Pork sausage market: marketing, labeling and consumer characterization Mercado de embutidos de suínos: comercialização, rotulagem e caracterização do consumidor

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    This work aimed to evaluate the sanitary-hygienic conditions of establishments selling pork sausage, the labeling of such products aiming the compliance of existing legislation, and the characterization of the consumer profile. The study was conducted in 17 commercial establishments of Solânea-PB, using pre-established sanitary inspection sequence. Labels of 25 pork sausages samples (weenie sausages, pork sausages, ham sausages and bologna) were recorded and evaluated. In order to characterize the profile of consumers, 71 individuals were randomly interviewed at the time of purchasing the sausage products. It was found that the establishments surveyed had inadequate sanitary-hygienic conditions. The products had labels and nutritional information, however, they still have to meet the norms of National Agency of Sanitary Vigilance. Consumers have few information about nutritional qualities of meat and sausages of pork, but when purchasing those products they are concerned about quality, appearance, cleanliness and hygiene. Thus, it is suggested the establishment of municipal specific norms, labor training and more effective controls to ensure food safety for consumers.<br>Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias dos estabelecimentos que comercializam embutidos de suínos, a rotulagem destes produtos, visando constatar o cumprimento da legislação vigente, e a caracterização do perfil dos consumidores. O estudo foi conduzido em 17 estabelecimentos comerciais de Solânea-PB com base na inspeção sanitária por meio de roteiro pré-estabelecido. Os rótulos de 25 amostras de embutidos de carne suína (salsichas, lingüiças, apresuntado e mortadela) foram anotados e avaliados. Para caracterizar o perfil dos consumidores, 71 indivíduos foram abordados aleatoriamente no momento da compra e entrevistados. Constatou-se que os estabelecimentos pesquisados apresentaram condições higiênico-sanitárias inadequadas à comercialização. Os produtos avaliados apresentaram rótulos e informação nutricional, porém necessitam atender às normas da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Os consumidores locais são poucos informados sobre as qualidades nutricionais da carne e embutidos suínos, mas na hora da compra estão preocupados com a qualidade, a aparência, a limpeza e higiene dos produtos. Desta forma, sugere-se o estabelecimento de regras municipais específicas, treinamento de mão-de-obra e controles mais efetivos, visando garantir a segurança alimentar dos consumidores