15 research outputs found

    Growth Hormone Deficiency, Short Stature, and Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Patient with Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome Type 1: Case Report and Brief Review of the Literature

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    Autoimmune polyglandular syndromes (APSs) include a cluster of autoimmune and nonautoimmune conditions which have been classified into subtypes. APSs type 1 is characterized by at least two of the following: chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, chronic hypoparathyroidism, and autoimmune Addison's disease (AD). We report the chronological history of a female patient who presented with features most consistent with APS type 1, along with growth hormone deficiency and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). In terms of her autoimmune diagnoses, she first presented with JRA at three years of age, then hypocalcemia and hypoparathyroidism at five years of age, type 1 diabetes (DM 1) at age eleven years, adrenal insufficiency at age fourteen years, recurrent mucocutaneous candidiasis as a teenager, growth hormone deficiency at age fourteen years leading to significant short stature, primary amenorrhoea, and hypogonadism, and finally alopecia at age twenty-six years. In addition to this, she has suffered other nonautoimmune medical problems including a Tetralogy of Fallot with a surgical repair at age six years. On review of the medical literature, we found no other previously reported case with this unique combination of medical problems

    Total factor productivity measures for Hong Kong telephone

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    Since the early 1960s, the Hong Kong Telephone Company (HKTC)--the dominant firm in Hong Kong's local telephone market--has undergone several regulatory reforms. The company has been subject to price control, rate-of-return regulation and price-cap regulation. This paper estimates the total factor productivity (TFP) growth of HKTC. The empirical results show that the estimated TFP growth of HKTC was 2.31-3.56% per year between 1964 and 1998. TFP growth varied substantially under different regulatory regimes, and the importance of the scale effect relative to the technological effect diminished over time.Hong Kong telephone company Total factor productivity (TFP) Scheme of control

    Práctica Médica Sist. Nervioso y Tegumentario - ME139 201900

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    Curso de especialidad, de la carrera de medicina, de carácter teórico- práctico del ciclo 2, en el que los estudiantes al establecer una buena relación con el paciente y/o familiar realizan la anamnesis, que es una entrevista dirigida al problema de salud que presenta el paciente, realizan el examen físico e integran conocimientos que servirán para establecer el diagnostico por síndromes o problemas del sistema nervioso y tegumentario. El curso de Práctica Médica Sistema Nervioso y tegumentario busca desarrollar la competencia general de ciudadanía (nivel 1) y las competencias específicas de práctica clínica-diagnóstico (nivel 1) y profesionalismosentido ético y legal y responsabilidad profesional (nivel 1). La elaboración de una historia clínica orientada por problemas permitirá al estudiante en el futuro, plantear un adecuado plan de trabajo y terapéutico para su paciente

    491 Immunotherapy (IT) Training in Canada

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    490 Immunotherapy (IT) Training in Canada

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