18 research outputs found

    Postscanning behavioral results.

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    <p>Scatter plot showing the negative correlation between BOLD response within the left VL thalamic differential activity during neutral grasping in joyful and angry runs (joy > anger runs) and the mean difference between joy and anger intensity ratings (joy > anger ratings) (r = -0.54 p < 0.016).</p

    Interaction and PPI analyses between Grasping and Neutral Grasping across emotional contexts.

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    <p>BOLD response in terms of % signal change in the two emotional contexts: fMRI result for the 2-way interaction analyses in: <b>a</b>) the left SMA (peak coordinates x= -7, y= 27, z= 65, P<0.05 FWE corrected); the left VL thalamus (peak coordinates x= -14, y= -11, z= 10, P<0.05 FWE corrected). <b>b</b>) the right cerebellar lobule HV (peak coordinates x= 18, y= -38, z= -21, P<0.05 FWE corrected) (Mean±0.95 confidence intervals). <b>c</b>) PPI analysis: seed region in the left SMA (peak coordinates x= -7, y= 27, z= 65, P<0.05 FWE corrected); left parahippocampal gyrus/BA19 (peak coordinates x= -33, y= -41, z= -5, P<0.05 FWE corrected). Bars depict variance loadings and 90% confidence intervals.</p

    3D rendering (image threshold at p<0.05 FWE corrected) of the BOLD response of the main effects of group factor.

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    <p>Significant activation: INWARD: left posterior insula BA13, and the right parietal lobe SII BA40; OUTWARD: bilateral DLPFC BA9, bilateral precuneus BA7. 2-D overlay with multiple slices of insular activation in each group.</p

    Left insula with significantly greater activation in the inward group, obtained with the the 3-way interaction analyses, identified at p<0.001 uncorrected, Ke = 8 voxels.

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    <p><b>a</b>) the left posterior insula (peak coordinates x = −41, y = −4, z = 10; p<0.01 uncorrected, Ke = 8 voxels); <b>b</b>) the left precuneus (peak coordinates x = −26, y = −71, z = 35); <b>c</b>) the right medial PFC (peak coordinates x = 11, y = 60, z = −5). PPF (partner's painful faces), PNF (partner's neutral faces), UPF (unfamiliar painful faces), UNF (unfamiliar neutral faces). Bars depict variance loadings and 90% confidence intervals.</p