9 research outputs found

    Ocorrência de doenças autoimunes tireoidianas em pacientes com doenças reumáticas

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    Anormalidades na função tireoidiana e presença de autoanticorpos da tireoide têm sido frequentemente descritas em pacientes com doenças reumatológicas autoimunes, como síndrome de Sjögren, artrite reumatoide, lúpus eritematoso sistêmico e esclerodermia. São limitados os dados sobre prevalência e características clínicas de tireoidite autoimune em outras doenças reumatológicas, tais como febre reumática e lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil. Os autores revisaram as associações de doenças autoimunes endócrinas e reumáticas, avaliando as diversas faixas etárias e condições clínicas. O levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado por meio de busca por artigos científicos indexados em bancos de dados de ciências da saúde em geral, como Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medline/PubMed e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO). Utilizaram-se os seguintes descritores: "rheumatic autoimmune diseases and autoimmune thyroid diseases", "thyroid disorders and rheumatic diseases", "thyroiditis and rheumatic diseases", "autoimmune diseases and thyroid", e "pediatric rheumatic diseases and autoimmune thyroid diseases". Este estudo mostrou que, apesar de resultados contraditórios na literatura, há maior prevalência da associação entre doenças autoimunes da tireoide e doenças reumáticas, destacando-se a possibilidade de mecanismos patogênicos comuns entre as doenças

    Biological therapy and development of neoplastic disease in patients with juvenile rheumatic disease: a systematic review

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    Abstract Juvenile rheumatic diseases affect the musculoskeletal system and begin before the age of 18. These conditions have varied, identifiable or unknown etiologies, but those of an autoimmune inflammatory nature have been associated with an increased risk of development of cancer, regardless of treatment. This study aims to assess, through a systematic review of the literature according to Prisma (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) quality criteria, the risk of cancer in patients with juvenile rheumatic disease, and its association with biological agents. The criteria described by the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology initiative were used in order to assess the methodological quality of those individual items selected in this study. We analyzed nine publications, from a total of 251 papers initially selected. There was an increase in cancer risk in the population with juvenile rheumatic disease versus the general population. Most specified cancers were of a lymphoproliferative nature. Seven studies did not specify the treatment or not defined an association between treatment and cancer risk. Only one study has suggested this association; in it, their authors observed high risk in patients diagnosed in the last 20 years, a period of the advent of new therapies. One study found an increased risk in a population not treated with biological agents, suggesting a disease in its natural course, and not an adverse effect of therapy. Studies have shown an increased risk of malignancy associated with juvenile rheumatic disease, and this may be related to disease activity and not specifically to the treatment with biological agents

    Un caso de afectación cutánea severa en la presentación clínica inicial de una dermatomiositis juvenil

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    La dermatomiositis juvenil es una colagenopatía que afecta a niños y adolescentes, princi-palmente entre las edades de 4 y 16 años. Sus principales manifestaciones clínicas son la debilidad simétrica de músculos proximales, enzimas musculares elevadas y la presencia de lesiones cutáneas, como el heliotropo y las pápulas de Gottron. Aquí describimos un caso de dermatomiositis juvenil con un inicio precoz a los 18 meses de edad, presentando lesiones cutáneas ulcerativas severas y vasculopatía probablemente debido a la afectación gastroin-testinal, que requirió tratamiento inmediato con inmunosupresores

    Treatment of latent tuberculosis in patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases: a systematic review

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Children and adolescents with rheumatic diseases receiving TNF blockers are at risk for the activation of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Although LTBI treatment is indicated in this group, there are different therapeutic regimens in the literature, without a definite consensus. Objectives: To review in the literature therapeutic schemes used and indicated for the treatment of LTBI in these patients. Methods: Systematic review of the literature, using health databases, selecting studies that addressed the treatment of LTBI in patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases using TNF blockers, from 1990 to 2015. All study designs were considered. Results: A total of 162 studies were identified through the electronic databases and one was found through a manual search by the author, totaling 163 articles. We excluded studies that did not meet the mentioned inclusion criteria, and included a retrospective cohort study and two prospective cohort studies. The three studies addressed treatment with isoniazid (INH) for 9 months and one of them also addressed INH treatment associated with rifampicin for 3 months. Conclusions: Only one case of LTBI activation was observed; there was good treatment adherence and absence of complications during follow-up. More studies are necessary to evaluate the response to the other available therapeutic regimens, with better tolerability assessment and a larger sample. However, the results showed that INH therapy for 9 months and INH therapy plus rifampicin for 3 months had a low rate of LTBI activation and complications