9 research outputs found

    Populational susceptibility to triclosan of different pathogens:

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    <p>To analyze the overall susceptibility to triclosan, the MICs and MBCs (MFCs in the case of Candida) of several independent isolates were established. Blue bars MICs, green bars MBCs/MFCs. ECOFFs are shown with arrows of the corresponding colour.</p

    Populational susceptibility to hypochloride of different pathogens:

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    <p>To analyze the overall susceptibility to hypochloride, the MICs and MBCs (MFCs in the case of Candida) of several independent isolates were established. Blue bars MICs, green bars MBCs/MFCs. ECOFFs are shown with arrows of the corresponding colour. Concentration of NaOCl is expressed as active chlorine.</p

    Populational susceptibility to biocides of different pathogens:

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    <p>To analyze the overall susceptibility to the studied biocides, the MICs and MBCs (MFCs in the case of Candida) of several independent isolates were established. The name of the studied biocide is displayed in each panel. In all cases the upper graph shows the MICs distributions and the lower one the MBCs distributions. TRI, CHX and BZC, concentration as expressed in mg/L. For Nalco concentration is expressed as g/L of active chlorine.</p

    MIC and MBC ECOFFs of four common biocides for 3327 microbial isolates.

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    *<p>N: number of strains.</p>**<p>TRI, CHX and BZC, concentration as expressed in mg/L. For NaOCl concentration is expressed as g/L of active chlorine.</p

    MIC50 and MIC90 of four common biocides for 3327 microbial isolates.

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    a<p>N: number of strains.</p>b<p>TRI, CHX and BZC, concentration as expressed in mg/L. For NaOCl concentration is expressed as g/L of active chlorine.</p>c<p>Range of tested concentrations. TRI, CHX and BZC, concentration as expressed in mg/L. For NaOCl concentration is expressed as g/L of active chlorine.</p

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Multiple adaptive routes of Salmonella enterica Typhimurium to biocide and antibiotic exposure

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    MIC distributions to triclosan, chlorhexidine and benzalkonium chloride for 62 natural Salmonella isolates. The number of Salmonella isolates with reduced susceptibility to biocides analysed for gene expression are indicated above the arrows and MIC susceptibility values. Colors are according biocide distributions. (*) an isolate showed simultaneously reduced susceptibility to CHX and BKC. Other 6 isolates more susceptible for biocides were analysed for control (TRIS/CHXS/BKCS: 0.06-0.12/2-8/32-64 mg/L). Figure S2. XbaI digested-chromosomal DNA PFGE of several Salmonella mutants and its parental strain (5-35 s for 21 h). Figure S3. Growth curves of Salmonella mutants and the parental strain in plain LB at 37 °C with shaking. (DOCX 446 kb

    Additional file 6: of In-depth resistome analysis by targeted metagenomics

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    MGC abundance comparison of biocide resistance between swine and human samples. Gene abundance was extracted from original count data after normalization. Some sets of genes make complex MGCs. In this representation, MGC quantification was discarded in order to increase the biological information. Genes were classified by compound susceptibility. Because some biocide resistance genes can confer different phenotypes (resistance to more than one compound), genes are not constricted to one category. Genetic abundance is expressed as reads per kilobase per million reads (RPKM). The right panel shows the results of MSS and the left panel shows the results of ResCap. (PDF 933 kb