5 research outputs found

    The relationship between organizational culture and public relations in business organizations

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    The study presents the results of the impact of organizational culture on public relations in business organizations. The data were obtained from a survey of 415 respondents from 93 companies in Serbia. The following statistical methods were used: descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. Some of the most important conclusions of the research follow: In most cases, the organizational culture dimensions have a statistically significant and positive influence on the communication models of public relations (CMPR) dimensions and the organization ā€“ public relations (OPR) dimensions; A favorable organizational culture (represented through the favorable values of the organizational culture dimensions) has a positive impact on two-way models of communication, especially the symmetrical model, as well as on most of the OPR dimensions. On the other hand, an unfavorable organizational culture encourages one-way communication and the organizationā€™s orientation solely for its own benefit; The Power Distance dimension acts in contrast to the other dimensions of organizational culture: high power distance impedes two-way communication and promotes the utility of the company, all of which causes public distrust and dissatisfaction

    The role of innovation capital in developing youth entrepreneurship

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    The current global economic climate conditions brought challenges to enterprises and entrepreneurs. Uncertainty, higher risk, and intensified competition negatively affect the way business is conducted. Enterprises and entrepreneurs have to adapt to these changes. For economic relief and economic growth, youth entrepreneurship should be developed in a decisive manner. In this paper, youth entrepreneurship development through innovation capital is analysed. The main goal was to identify and discuss main factors that affect youth entrepreneurship development. In addition, entrepreneurship and innovation as two main concepts are also addressed. The result is a theoretical, circular model that provides a significant and concise overview on how innovation capital derives from entrepreneurship and innovation. The paper provides a solid base for future studies

    Effects of gender, age, and education on entrepreneurial orientation and intentions among freelancers

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    The topic of this paper are the values of the individual entrepreneurial orientation and the Theory of planned behavior dimensions, among freelancers in the Western Balkan countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia). The effects of four control variables: gender, age, education level, and previous entrepreneurial experience were also examined. Freelancers best perceive support for an entrepreneurial venture as well as their proactivity. Entrepreneurial intentions were assessed as the worst. The greatest impact on the observed dimensions occurs in the division of the sample into freelancers who have/do not have previous experience in entrepreneurship. As for the other control variables, statistically significant differences occur in only three other cases: dimensions RT - Risk-taking and PBC - Perceived behavioral control on the side of male freelancers, and dimension IN - Innovativeness on the side of younger freelancers. A comparison was made with a similar study, where the respondents were conventional employees. In general, freelancers have greater entrepreneurial intentions than conventional employees. Freelancers are more consistent in terms of entrepreneurial intentions: there are no differences in these intentions if the sample is divided according to the gender and age of freelancers. These results are discussed in the paper

    Big five, narcissism and entrepreneurial intentions: Serbian students case

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    The paper examines the influence of the dimensions of Big Five and Narcissism on dimensions of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Entrepreneurial intentions. The moderating effect of the item Student success (the perception of the students on their success) in studying on these relationships was also examined. The research was carried out in Serbia, and the respondents were students. The sample included 400 respondents. Extroversion, Openness to experience and Narcissism have the strongest positive influence on the Theory of Planned Behavior dimensions and Entrepreneurial intention dimension. The influence of Conscientiousness is positive, but somewhat weaker and concentrated on the Subjective norm dimension. Neuroticism has a weak negative influence, while the correlation analysis showed that there is a statistically significant negative influence on the Theory of Planned Behavior dimensions. Agreeableness has no influence, with the exception of one statistically significant and positive correlation with the Subjective norm dimension. In the case of Low Student success, Extroversion and Narcissism has a stronger positive effect on the Theory of Planned Behavior dimensions and Entrepreneurial intention dimension than in the case of High Student success. In general, narcissistic persons have a high opinion of themselves, are full of self-confidence, and are highly motivated to be successful, rich, and admired by other people. They see entrepreneurship as an opportunity to achieve what they think they deserve. Suggestions are made regarding the use of these potentials and the translation of a negative phenomenon, such as narcissism, into something useful for society

    Knowledge management and financial performance in transitional economies: the case of Serbian enterprises

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    In this paper the impact and predictive effects of knowledge management on financial performance are analysed. The research also includes an analysis of the moderating effects of two moderators (National Origin and Enterprise Size) and their relationship. The data was gathered by interviewing 520 managers from manufacturing companies operating in Serbia. The most important conclusions of the research are: 1. High levels of knowledge management positively influence business performance, quality and competitiveness. 2. Financial performance is mainly influenced by the dimensions connected to the effects of knowledge management regarding its implementation and protection and the acquisition of competitive advantages. 3. Knowledge management strongly influences the market aspects of business, but also the increase of fixed assets. 4. Knowledge management has a slightly greater impact on financial performance in foreign enterprises (operating in Serbia) compared to domestic (Serbian) enterprises. The situation is similar when comparing medium and large enterprises (a higher impact) with small enterprises (a smaller impact). 5. The greatest effects are achieved when an effective organizational structure is in place, when the organization protects its knowledge, when it manages to materialize the knowledge gathered in the form of the efficient application of knowledge