4 research outputs found

    For the Rights of "Nobodies": the Globalising Tension between Human Rights and Democracy

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    In this article, the author suggests that democracy should not be accepted as a wholly positive ideal without question, examining in particular the assumption that democracy always ensures the protection of human rights. To highlight this concern, the author focuses on the creation of “Nobodies” – individuals within democratic states that are expelled and, as a result, are deprived of human rights, including those who are deprived of nationality and those who are expelled by the operation of law, concluding that blind efforts to reduce “democratic deficit” may in fact aggravate the violation of Nobodies’ rights

    内戦化する世界と国際法の展開 : 国際法はテロリズムを認識できるか。いかに認識するか(<特集>テロのグローバル化と法規制の新展開)

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    9・11テロを初めとするテロ-しばしば「新しい戦争」と呼称される-に国際法はどのように対処できるだろうか.あるいは,国際法はこれによってどのような変化を被っているのだろうか.本稿では,戦時/平時の二元論および国際/国内の二元論の崩壊過程,更にこれに拍車を掛ける世界的な統一権力の不在といった特徴を9・11以前からの連続において把握し,その延長にある今日の世界を「内戦化」と位置づける.そして,この状況に対する国際法の対処について,伝統的な条約体制による対処から,国連安保理の「立法」とも呼べる現象,更には米国による「帝国」の国際法までを通覧し,それらを総体として把握することを試みる.How does international law respond to terrorism, often called as ""New War""? In what way are international law subject to be changed by terrorism? These questions are triggered especially by 9/11. This paper characterizes the contemporary world as a state of ""internalized war"" in the line with the fact that dualism of war/peace and international/internal does not provide sufficient explanation and that the lack of central power remains the main feature in the world. This paper also overviews the transitional international law which covers both traditional treaty-based manner and more progressive ""international legislation"" by the United Nations Security Council, with considering the relevance of ""Hegemonic International Law"" provoked by the United States unilateral acts

    Honour Killings As Multiple Violation of Woman's Human Rights

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