28 research outputs found

    Community College Growth Opportunities: Untapped Potential in America’s Heartland?

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    Over 1,100 two year public institutions have been established in the United States which enroll almost two-fifths of all students in post-secondary education. However, some parts of the country may not be adequately served by these educational institutions despite demand and supply indicators that indicate future growth potential in the sub-baccalaureate educational market. This paper examines the geographical, demographic, and economic characteristics of counties which host community colleges. It finds that community college access is uneven. A multiple regression analysis reveals several correlates with community college location and identifies counties where opportunities may exist to “seed†additional community colleges.community colleges; access; economic development

    Spatial Analysis in Veterans Cemetery Location

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    The National Cemetery Administration of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has funded a relatively large number of new national and state veterans cemeteries in recent years to meet the burial needs of a growing number of aging veterans. This paper examines the history of this agency and the evolving role that spatial analysis has played in identifying appropriate locations for new cemeteries. It also examines some of the spatial assumptions used in cemetery planning and tests these assumptions in Virginia. Data from two Virginia state veterans cemeteries are examined to determine appropriate veterans cemetery service area boundaries. Finally, a location-allocation model is used to determine the best locations for a new veterans cemetery in Virginia.cemetery; veterans; location

    Rental Housing and Crime: The Role of Property Ownership and Management

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    This paper examines how residential rental property ownership characteristics affect crime. It examines the incidence and frequency of disturbances, assaults, and drug possession and distribution using police incident report data for privately owned rental properties. Results show that a small percentage of rental properties generate incident reports. Count model regressions indicate that the distance that the owner resides from the rental property, size of rental property holdings, tenant Section 8 voucher use, and neighborhood owner-occupied housing rates are associated with reported violations. The paper concludes with recommendations about local government policies that could help to reduce crime in rental housing.crime; rental housing; management; count model

    The Economic Impact of Agriculture and Forestry on the Commonwealth of Virginia

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    This study describes the contribution of the agriculture and forestry industries to Virginia\'s economy. The study relies on both published and unpublished data as well as literature that address trends in the agriculture and forestry industries. It makes use of input-output analysis to identify agriculture and forestry backward and forward linkages to other industries and institutions. It also provides separate estimates of agriculture and forestry impacts, impacts by industry groupings arranged by level of dependency on raw materials originating within the state, and impacts by region.agriculture, forestry, impact, input-output

    Community Colleges and Local Economic Development

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    Community colleges are an important and growing segment of the U.S. higher education market. However, few ex post studies of their local economic development impacts are available. This paper presents a quasi-experimental control group analysis of a group of twenty-one counties where community colleges were established during the 1970s and 1980s. It shows that community college counties have a stimulating effect on the state and local government employment sector. However, it does not confirm the existence of more widespread earning and employment impacts.community colleges; economic development; quasi-experimental

    The Economic and Social Impacts of NIMBYs

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    This paper examines some of the issues and controversies that arise when facilities with perceived noxious environmental, social, and economic effects (NIMBYs) locate in communites. Five specific categories of NIMBYs are examined, including: (1) interstate highways, (2) large dams, (3) medium and maximum security prisons, (4) commercial nuclear power plants, and (5) gambling casinos. The paper uses quasi-experimental control group methods to assess the economic impacts of these facilities on U.S. counties during the period 1972-94. The paper shows that few actual negative effects can be attributed to NIMBYs. However, only interstate highways result in broad based effects that measurably stimulate aggregate employment

    Meeting the Memorial Needs of Virginia Veterans: An Analysis of Existing and Proposed Cemetery Sites

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    This report evaluates the burial needs of Virginia's veterans. It describes the locations and capacities of cemeteries that serve veterans who reside in Virginia, evaluates the need for additional burial capacity, identifies an optimal location for a new state cemetery, and examines the issues to consider in procuring additional property for cemetery expansion. It also investigates the role of cost and marketing/outreach efforts in shaping veteran burial choices and the potential effect of expanding interment eligibility to out-of-state residents.cemetery; location; veterans

    The Economic Impact of the Horse Industry in Virginia

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    This paper examines the economic impact of Virginia\'s horse industry using input-output analysis. Statewide impacts are further disaggregated into three categories: (1) expenditures on horse maintenance and support by horse owners and operations, (2) expenditures on horse shows and competitions, and (3) expenditures associated with pari-mutuel racing activities. Results indicate a total economic impact of 16,091 jobs and $670 million in value-added impact.horse, racing, economic impact, input-output

    Explaining Property Values: Quantitative evidence from Sweden

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    Abstract: This paper describes progress in developing a property value module for a dynamic spatial microsimulation model called SVERIGE (System for Visualising Economic and Regional Influences Governing the Environment). It suggests using a hedonic price framework for estimating the value of residential property at different locations. The paper discusses the rationale for developing a property value module and problems encountered in specifying its equation(s). Determinants of property value are divided into several categories, including: (1) dwelling features, (2) land attributes, (3) neighbourhood characteristics, (4) regional or residential market features, and (5) public policy. The paper reports preliminary estimates of hedonic price equations for Sweden, with particular attention to geographical sources of variation in property values. It concludes with a discussion of ways the property value module might interact with other modules within the microsimulation model