10 research outputs found

    Armenia and the Ukrainian Crisis: Finding the Middle Ground

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    This article examines the political implications of the Ukrainian crisis for Armenia and Armenians. Specifically, it discusses the peculiarities of the political upheavals in Ukraine and their relevance to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh related issues. The questions of bilateral political and economic relations, as well as the state of the Armenian community in Ukraine are also addressed

    Track Two Diplomacy between Armenia and Turkey: Achievements and Limitations

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    The aim of this brief survey is to examine key aspects of Turkish-Armenian track two diplomacy and its major achievements and failures over the past 25 years. It argues that current problems in official Turkish-Armenian relations should not discourage donors and participants from further assisting civil society contacts between the two nations

    Problems of foreign service and diplomacy in the post-Soviet context: the case of Armenia

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    The institutional development of many post-Communist countries remains a daunting task. Since the early 1990s, some of them have managed to achieve visible results in eradicating corruption and enhancing the effectiveness and accountability of public institutions, while others still struggle with several systemic problems. Since regaining its independence Armenia has managed to transform some of its public institutions by carrying out large-scale reforms; however, much remains to be done. The present research examines the institutional features of Armenia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) before the 2015 constitutional amendments, which changed the semi-presidential system of government to parliamentary democracy. It particularly looks at the MFA’s effectiveness in policy planning and formulation, its relation to the presidential administration, its recruitment strategies and the promotional prospects of the diplomatic staff. The study argues that for the past decade or so the impact of the MFA on foreign policy decisions has been limited, whereas the evaluation of recruitment and career promotion policies reveals several significant systemic deficiencies. Existing research on post-Soviet states concentrates mainly on diverse foreign policy and geopolitical problems and rarely pays attention to institutional considerations. The present research aims to address this gap

    Cooperation paradigms in the South Caucasus

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the dynamics of Turkish-Georgian relations with a particular emphasis on the post-United National Movement era. The paper discusses the determinants which shape and define the essence of the deepening of relations between Turkey and Georgia. The paper also looks upon the manifestations of Turkish “soft power” politics in Georgia. Primarily, it discusses various projects that Turkey carried out in the cultural, educational and humanitarian spheres. It addresses some issues of mutual discontent, which pop up in the bilateral relations from time to time, and argues that, parallel to expanding relations between two nations, there is a growing opposition against Turkey in Georgia supported by some political forces and the Georgian Orthodox Church

    The South Caucasus and the Ukraine Crisis

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    Turkish Societal Actors in the Caucasus

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    Le présent numéro de varia reflète la dimension multidisciplinaire inhérente au projet fondateur d’EAC. L’article de Vazken Davidian interroge certaines œuvres et la biographie du peintre ottoman Simon Hagopian, porte d’entrée à la fois vers une micro-histoire des milieux artistiques arméniens d’Istanbul du début du xxe siècle et, beaucoup plus largement, vers une relecture critique de la manière dont s’écrit jusqu’à présent l’histoire de l’art, aussi bien en Turquie que dans l’Arménie contemporaine. À noter également l’étude du géographe Nicolas Ressler-Fessy sur l’importance locale de l’AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, parti actuellement au pouvoir en Turquie) à Kayseri, ainsi que, en fin de volume, l’essai de l'historien Sebouh Aslanian, plaidoyer pour une historiographie arménienne « désinsularisée » et pleinement intégrée à l’histoire globale