269 research outputs found

    A Patient with Crohn’s Disease Who Gave Birth Despite Sigmoid Volvulus, Venous Thrombosis, Nontraumatic Fracture of the Rib, and Sepsis during Pregnancy

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    The patient was a woman in her 40s who was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease (CD) of the large and small intestines in 1996. In 2005, she was referred to our hospital for treatment. We treated her for 17 years with corticosteroids, biologics, immunosuppressive agents, 5-aminosalicylic acid, and nutrition care. However, her Crohn’s Disease Activity Index remained between 200 and 250, indicating refractory CD. During her medical treatment, the patient also underwent 3 operations. One year ago, the patient became pregnant through in vitro fertilization. Even after pregnancy was confirmed, the patient continued her treatment for refractory CD with ustekinumab, granulocyte apheresis, and budesonide. Nonetheless, her CD was highly active during pregnancy, and she experienced various complications: sigmoid volvulus at gestational week 15, venous thrombosis at gestational week 17, nontraumatic rib fracture due to fetal movement at gestational week 32, and sepsis from central venous catheter infection at gestational week 37. At gestational week 38, the patient gave birth by emergency cesarian delivery. This paper reports details of the case in which delivery was achieved after various complications were overcome and discusses previous relevant reports

    Amphiphilic peptide-tagged N-cadherin forms radial glial-like fibers that enhance neuronal migration in injured brain and promote sensorimotor recovery

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    The mammalian brain has very limited ability to regenerate lost neurons and recover function after injury. Promoting the migration of young neurons (neuroblasts) derived from endogenous neural stem cells using biomaterials is a new and promising approach to aid recovery of the brain after injury. However, the delivery of sufficient neuroblasts to distant injured sites is a major challenge because of the limited number of scaffold cells that are available to guide neuroblast migration. To address this issue, we have developed an amphiphilic peptide [(RADA)3-(RADG)] (mRADA)-tagged N-cadherin extracellular domain (Ncad-mRADA), which can remain in mRADA hydrogels and be injected into deep brain tissue to facilitate neuroblast migration. Migrating neuroblasts directly contacted the fiber-like Ncad-mRADA hydrogel and efficiently migrated toward an injured site in the striatum, a deep brain area. Furthermore, application of Ncad-mRADA to neonatal cortical brain injury efficiently promoted neuronal regeneration and functional recovery. These results demonstrate that self- assembling Ncad-mRADA peptides mimic both the function and structure of endogenous scaffold cells and provide a novel strategy for regenerative therapy
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