12 research outputs found

    Dynamical analysis of the Tsallis holographic dark energy models with event horizon as cut-off and interaction with matter

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    The model of generalized Tsallis holographic dark energy (which is known to be particular representative of Nojiri-Odintsov HDE) with event horizon as cut-off is investigated using methods of dynamical analysis. We take into consideration possible interaction with dark energy and matter in various forms. Critical points are determined. Cosmological evolution of the Universe depends from interaction parameters. If we use event horizon scale as cutoff quasi-de Sitter expansion is possible only for interaction of type H(αρde+βρm)\sim H(\alpha\rho_{de}+\beta\rho_{m}) (where HH is the Hubble parameter). For interactions ρmρde/H\sim \rho_m \rho_{de} /H and Hρmαρde1α\sim H \rho_{m}^{\alpha}\rho_{de}^{1-\alpha} Universe eventually stops (H0H\rightarrow 0) or ends its existence in final singularity (HH\rightarrow\infty). In first case fraction of dark energy tends to 11 or constant value lesser than 1 because dynamical equilibrium between matter and dark energy is established on late times.Comment: 23 pp., 9 figs., to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    The unified history of the viscous accelerating universe and phase transitions

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    We propose the unified description of the early acceleration (cosmological inflation) and the present epoch of so called “dark energy”. The inflation can be described by cosmic fluid with van der Waals equation of state and with viscosity term. Viscosity leads to slow-roll inflation with the parameters such as the spectral index, and the tensor-to-scalar ratio in concordance with observational data. Our next step is to modify this equation of state (EoS) to describe the present accelerated expansion. One can add the term into EoS so that the contribution of which is small for inflation but crucial for late-time acceleration. The key point of the model is possible phase transition which leads to decrease of the viscosity. We show that proposed model describes observational data about standard “candles” and correct dependence of Hubble parameter from redshift. Moreover, we propose the possible scenario to resolve dark matter problem.This work was supported by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Russia), project 075-02-2021-1748 (AVA, AST) and MINECO (Spain), project PID 2019-104397GB-I00 (SDO)

    Completely Chiral Optical Force for Enantioseparation

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    Fast and reliable separation of enantiomers of chiral nanoparticles requires elimination of all the forces that are independent of the nanoparticle handedness and creation of a sufficiently strong force that either pushes different enantiomers in opposite directions or delays the diffusion of one of them with respect to the other. Here we show how to construct such a completely chiral optical force using two counterpropagating circularly polarized plane waves of opposite helicities. We then explore capabilities of the related enantioseparation method by analytically solving the problem of the force-induced diffusion of chiral nanoparticles in a confined region, and reveal that it results in exponential spatial dependencies of the quantities measuring the purity of chiral substances. The proposed concept of a completely chiral optical force can potentially advance enantioseparation and enantiopurification techniques for all kinds of chiral nanoparticles that strongly interact with light

    Chiral nanoparticles in singular light fields

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    The studying of how twisted light interacts with chiral matter on the nanoscale is paramount for tackling the challenging task of optomechanical separation of nanoparticle enantiomers, whose solution can revolutionize the entire pharmaceutical industry. Here we calculate optical forces and torques exerted on chiral nanoparticles by Laguerre–Gaussian beams carrying a topological charge. We show that regardless of the beam polarization, the nanoparticles are exposed to both chiral and achiral forces with nonzero reactive and dissipative components. Longitudinally polarized beams are found to produce chirality densities that can be 10(9) times higher than those of transversely polarized beams and that are comparable to the chirality densities of beams polarized circularly. Our results and analytical expressions prove useful in designing new strategies for mechanical separation of chiral nanoobjects with the help of highly focussed beams