5,072 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Casimir piston in higher dimensional spacetimes

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    We consider the Casimir effect of the electromagnetic field in a higher dimensional spacetime of the form M×NM\times \mathcal{N}, where MM is the 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime and N\mathcal{N} is an nn-dimensional compact manifold. The Casimir force acting on a planar piston that can move freely inside a closed cylinder with the same cross section is investigated. Different combinations of perfectly conducting boundary conditions and infinitely permeable boundary conditions are imposed on the cylinder and the piston. It is verified that if the piston and the cylinder have the same boundary conditions, the piston is always going to be pulled towards the closer end of the cylinder. However, if the piston and the cylinder have different boundary conditions, the piston is always going to be pushed to the middle of the cylinder. By taking the limit where one end of the cylinder tends to infinity, one obtains the Casimir force acting between two parallel plates inside an infinitely long cylinder. The asymptotic behavior of this Casimir force in the high temperature regime and the low temperature regime are investigated for the case where the cross section of the cylinder in MM is large. It is found that if the separation between the plates is much smaller than the size of N\mathcal{N}, the leading term of the Casimir force is the same as the Casimir force on a pair of large parallel plates in the (4+n)(4+n)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. However, if the size of N\mathcal{N} is much smaller than the separation between the plates, the leading term of the Casimir force is 1+h/21+h/2 times the Casimir force on a pair of large parallel plates in the 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, where hh is the first Betti number of N\mathcal{N}. In the limit the manifold N\mathcal{N} vanishes, one does not obtain the Casimir force in the 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime if hh is nonzero.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    An Efficient Computational Approach to a Class of Minmax Optimal Control Problems with Applications

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    In this paper, an efficient computation method is developed for solving a general class of minmax optimal control problems, where the minimum deviation from the violation of the continuous state inequality constraints is maximized. The constraint transcription method is used to construct a smooth approximate function for each of the continuous state inequality constraints. We then obtain an approximate optimal control problem with the integral of the summation of these smooth approximate functions as its cost function. A necessary condition and a sufficient condition are derived showing the relationship between the original problem and the smooth approximate problem. We then construct a violation function from the solution of the smooth approximate optimal control problem and the original continuous state inequality constraints in such a way that the optimal control of the minmax problem is equivalent to the largest root of the violation function, and hence can be solved by the bisection search method. The control parametrization and a time scaling transform are applied to these optimal control problems. We then consider two practical problems: the obstacle avoidance optimal control problem and the abort landing of an aircraft in a windshear downburst

    Conformal Mappings and Dispersionless Toda hierarchy

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    Let D\mathfrak{D} be the space consists of pairs (f,g)(f,g), where ff is a univalent function on the unit disc with f(0)=0f(0)=0, gg is a univalent function on the exterior of the unit disc with g()=g(\infty)=\infty and f(0)g()=1f'(0)g'(\infty)=1. In this article, we define the time variables tn,nZt_n, n\in \Z, on D\mathfrak{D} which are holomorphic with respect to the natural complex structure on D\mathfrak{D} and can serve as local complex coordinates for D\mathfrak{D}. We show that the evolutions of the pair (f,g)(f,g) with respect to these time coordinates are governed by the dispersionless Toda hierarchy flows. An explicit tau function is constructed for the dispersionless Toda hierarchy. By restricting D\mathfrak{D} to the subspace Σ\Sigma consists of pairs where f(w)=1/g(1/wˉ)ˉf(w)=1/\bar{g(1/\bar{w})}, we obtain the integrable hierarchy of conformal mappings considered by Wiegmann and Zabrodin \cite{WZ}. Since every C1C^1 homeomorphism γ\gamma of the unit circle corresponds uniquely to an element (f,g)(f,g) of D\mathfrak{D} under the conformal welding γ=g1f\gamma=g^{-1}\circ f, the space HomeoC(S1)\text{Homeo}_{C}(S^1) can be naturally identified as a subspace of D\mathfrak{D} characterized by f(S1)=g(S1)f(S^1)=g(S^1). We show that we can naturally define complexified vector fields \pa_n, n\in \Z on HomeoC(S1)\text{Homeo}_{C}(S^1) so that the evolutions of (f,g)(f,g) on HomeoC(S1)\text{Homeo}_{C}(S^1) with respect to \pa_n satisfy the dispersionless Toda hierarchy. Finally, we show that there is a similar integrable structure for the Riemann mappings (f1,g1)(f^{-1}, g^{-1}). Moreover, in the latter case, the time variables are Fourier coefficients of γ\gamma and 1/γ11/\gamma^{-1}.Comment: 23 pages. This is to replace the previous preprint arXiv:0808.072

    Casimir effect of electromagnetic field in D-dimensional spherically symmetric cavities

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    Eigenmodes of electromagnetic field with perfectly conducting or infinitely permeable conditions on the boundary of a D-dimensional spherically symmetric cavity is derived explicitly. It is shown that there are (D-2) polarizations for TE modes and one polarization for TM modes, giving rise to a total of (D-1) polarizations. In case of a D-dimensional ball, the eigenfrequencies of electromagnetic field with perfectly conducting boundary condition coincides with the eigenfrequencies of gauge one-forms with relative boundary condition; whereas the eigenfrequencies of electromagnetic field with infinitely permeable boundary condition coincides with the eigenfrequencies of gauge one-forms with absolute boundary condition. Casimir energy for a D-dimensional spherical shell configuration is computed using both cut-off regularization and zeta regularization. For a double spherical shell configuration, it is shown that the Casimir energy can be written as a sum of the single spherical shell contributions and an interacting term, and the latter is free of divergence. The interacting term always gives rise to an attractive force between the two spherical shells. Its leading term is the Casimir force acting between two parallel plates of the same area, as expected by proximity force approximation.Comment: 28 page

    Casimir effect of electromagnetic field in Randall-Sundrum spacetime

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    We study the finite temperature Casimir effect on a pair of parallel perfectly conducting plates in Randall-Sundrum model without using scalar field analogy. Two different ways of interpreting perfectly conducting conditions are discussed. The conventional way that uses perfectly conducting condition induced from 5D leads to three discrete mode corrections. This is very different from the result obtained from imposing 4D perfectly conducting conditions on the 4D massless and massive vector fields obtained by decomposing the 5D electromagnetic field. The latter only contains two discrete mode corrections, but it has a continuum mode correction that depends on the thicknesses of the plates. It is shown that under both boundary conditions, the corrections to the Casimir force make the Casimir force more attractive. The correction under 4D perfectly conducting condition is always smaller than the correction under the 5D induced perfectly conducting condition. These statements are true at any temperature.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Design of interpolative sigma-delta modulators via semi-indefinite programming

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    This correspondence considers the optimized design of interpolative sigma delta modulators (SDMs). The first optimization problem is to determine the denominator coefficients. The objective of the optimization problem is to minimize the passband energy of the denominator of the loop filter transfer function (excluding the dc poles) subject to the continuous constraint of this function defined in the frequency domain. The second optimization problem is to determine the numerator coefficients in which the cost function is to minimize the stopband ripple energy of the loop filter subject to the stability condition of the noise transfer function (NTF) and signal transfer function (STF). These two optimization problems are actually quadratic semi-infinite programming (SIP) problems. By employing the dual-parameterization method, global optimal solutions that satisfy the corresponding continuous constraints are guaranteed if the filter length is long enough. The advantages of this formulation are the guarantee of the stability of the transfer functions, applicability to design of rational infinite-impulse-response (IIR) filters without imposing specific filter structures, and the avoidance of iterative design of numerator and denominator coefficients. Our simulation results show that this design yields a significant improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and have a larger stability range, compared with the existing designs

    Relationship between macroscopic physical properties and local distortions of low doping La{1-x}Ca{x}MnO3: an EXAFS study

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    A temperature-dependent EXAFS investigation of La{1-x}Ca{x}MnO3 is presented for the concentration range that spans the ferromagnetic-insulator (FMI) to ferromagnetic-metal (FMM) transition region, x = 0.16-0.22. The samples are insulating for x = 0.16-0.2 and show a metal/insulator transition for x = 0.22. All samples are ferromagnetic although the saturation magnetization for the 16% Ca sample is only ~ 70% of the expected value at 0.4T. We find that the FMI samples have similar correlations between changes in the local Mn-O distortions and the magnetization as observed previously for the colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) samples (0.2 < x < 0.5) - except that the FMI samples never become fully magnetized. The data show that there are at least two distinct types of distortions. The initial distortions removed as the insulating sample becomes magnetized are small and provides direct evidence that roughly 50% of the Mn sites have a small distortion/site and are magnetized first. The large remaining Mn-O distortions at low T are attributed to a small fraction of Jahn-Teller-distorted Mn sites that are either antiferromagnetically ordered or unmagnetized. Thus the insulating samples are very similar to the behavior of the CMR samples up to the point at which the M/I transition occurs for the CMR materials. The lack of metallic conductivity for x <= 0.2, when 50% or more of the sample is magnetic, implies that there must be preferred magnetized Mn sites and that such sites do not percolate at these concentrations.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Optimal design of magnitude responses of rational infinite impulse response filters

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    This correspondence considers a design of magnitude responses of optimal rational infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. The design problem is formulated as an optimization problem in which a total weighted absolute error in the passband and stopband of the filters (the error function reflects a ripple square magnitude) is minimized subject to the specification on this weighted absolute error function defined in the corresponding passband and stopband, as well as the stability condition. Since the cost function is nonsmooth and nonconvex, while the constraints are continuous, this kind of optimization problem is a nonsmooth nonconvex continuous functional constrained problem. To address this issue, our previous proposed constraint transcription method is applied to transform the continuous functional constraints to equality constraints. Then the nonsmooth problem is approximated by a sequence of smooth problems and solved via a hybrid global optimization method. The solutions obtained from these smooth problems converge to the global optimal solution of the original optimization problem. Hence, small transition bandwidth filters can be obtained

    Solutions for real dispersionless Veselov-Novikov hierarchy

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    We investigate the dispersionless Veselov-Novikov (dVN) equation based on the framework of dispersionless two-component BKP hierarchy. Symmetry constraints for real dVN system are considered. It is shown that under symmetry reductions, the conserved densities are therefore related to the associated Faber polynomials and can be solved recursively. Moreover, the method of hodograph transformation as well as the expressions of Faber polynomials are used to find exact real solutions of the dVN hierarchy.Comment: 14 page