7 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Inclination towards Agro-food Entrepreneurship among Kelantan Youth

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    The National Agro-food Policy is an opportunity for agro-entrepreneurs to increase their revenue and it also provides job opportunities for unemployed youth. However, the agricultural sector is not attractive to convince the youth and young generations to engage in the agro-food sector because of the perception. This study was aimed at identifying the factors influencing inclination towards agro-food entrepreneurship among Kelantan youth. The study used a non-probability sampling technique and 100 questionnaires were distributed to youth in Kelantan. In order to achieve the aim of study, a descriptive analysis was employed to analyse the data. The findings demonstrated that attitude was the most significant factor influencing the inclination of youth towards agro-food entrepreneurship. Future research should focus on respondents who have a background in agriculture, such as agricultural students or people who are involved in the agro-food sector in order to acquire a greater understanding of factors that influence the inclination towards agro-food entrepreneurship

    Effect of bean sprout on in vitro multiplication of Musa acuminata

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    Musa acuminata or Pisang Berangan is popular in Kelantan, but due to a lack of knowledge on modern farming technologies, many Musa acuminata are affected by diseases and are of low quality. Plant tissue culture has numerous advantages, including a rapid rate of multiplication, and the prevention of disease. Plant growth regulator such as Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) is commonly used in media to grow banana explants, however, Murashige and Skoog (MS) media production with BAP hormone is expensive for low-income farmers. Therefore, this research had been done by substituting the BAP hormone by using bean sprout extract as an organic supplement for banana culture. The additives that were used in this project were non-centrifuged and centrifuged bean sprout extracts at different concentrations, which were 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% applied in the MS media. Data were collected based on number of leaves, length of leaves and length of roots. In this study, the positive control treatment with MS + 5 mg/L BAP media recorded the highest mean value in the number of leaves, length of leaves, and length of roots with values of 12.5 ± 0.59, 5.69 ± 0.13cm, and 6.45 ± 0.36cm respectively followed by MS media with centrifuged bean sprout extract. From the observation, the bean sprout has the potential to use as an additive for Musa acuminata media to substitute synthetic hormones such as BAP

    The Growth Performance of Pineapple Seedlings Planted with Mycorrhizae and Different Rates of Phosphorus Fertiliser

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    Pineapple stands as a promising crop with potential for widespread cultivation across Malaysia. Nevertheless, factors like the elevated cost of fertilisers and certain environmental challenges have acted as obstacles to pineapple production within the country. The application of mycorrhiza presents an opportunity to curtail fertilisers usage and thereby mitigate environmental strain. This study seeks to assess the impact of mycorrhiza on pineapple growth and determine an optimal Phosphorus (P) fertilisers rate that complements mycorrhizal activity, all while enhancing pineapple growth. A randomised block design with six replications was employed. The study maintained a consistent mycorrhiza application rate of 5 g/plant but varied the Phosphorus fertilisers rate. Data on leaf length, plant height, fresh weight, and dry weight were collected and subjected to analysis. The study, conducted over a four-month period at UiTM Jengka, Pahang, culminated in results analysed through Microsoft Excel and MINITAB. Notably, Treatment 3 displayed the most robust growth performance across leaf length, plant height, and fresh weight. However, Treatment 5 emerged as the optimal choice for enhancing dry plant weight

    Youths Participation on Development of Entrepreneurship Agricultural Fresh Produce Preservation Skill Training Module

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    Agriculture product preservation can prevent the dumping of waste of fresh produce and also can increase the agriculture entrepreneurship for country development. Most of youth have unemployment problems especially after completing their studies because lack of skills and experience. Through this skill training module, it helps youth to build another career that can help them in future which is involving in agriculture entrepreneurship. This study was developed skill training module to attract youth that want to venture into agriculture product preservation business. A total of 30 respondents in University Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus were joined the training where a developed questionnaire was used to gain the data at the end of the training. For analysis, the descriptive analysis was employed by using SPSS software. Based on the results, all of the respondents gave positive feedback towards this training and many of them interested to join this field of business to improve the quality of life in the future.

    Phytochemical Screening and Chemical Analysis of Freeze-dried Lawsonia inermis Leaves Extract

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    Lawsonia inermis or Henna is proven to give a natural dye to skin and hair. However, there is still a lack of studies evaluating the properties of Henna in terms of its phytochemical composition. Thus, this study aims to extract henna leaves using the freeze-dried method before testing the phytochemicals in the extract. This study also seeks to analyze the presence of chemicals in the plant extract. The Thin Layer Chromatography, TLC method was used to test the extract's antioxidant, phenolic and polyphenol compounds. Gas Chromatography was applied to analyze the presence of chemicals in the plant extract. This study found that the extract of henna leaves contained antioxidants, phenolic, and polyphenol compounds. There are four chemicals found in the plant sample that show antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties. This study proves that Henna leaves are composed of dye and other valuable compounds that could benefit the body. Hence, the application for this leave could be extended not only for dye purposes but also for others

    Effect of bean sprout on i

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    Musa acuminata or Pisang Berangan is popular in Kelantan, but due to a lack of knowledge on modern farming technologies, many Musa acuminata are affected by diseases and are of low quality. Plant tissue culture has numerous advantages, including a rapid rate of multiplication, and the prevention of disease. Plant growth regulator such as Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) is commonly used in media to grow banana explants, however, Murashige and Skoog (MS) media production with BAP hormone is expensive for low-income farmers. Therefore, this research had been done by substituting the BAP hormone by using bean sprout extract as an organic supplement for banana culture. The additives that were used in this project were non-centrifuged and centrifuged bean sprout extracts at different concentrations, which were 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% applied in the MS media. Data were collected based on number of leaves, length of leaves and length of roots. In this study, the positive control treatment with MS + 5 mg/L BAP media recorded the highest mean value in the number of leaves, length of leaves, and length of roots with values of 12.5 ± 0.59, 5.69 ± 0.13cm, and 6.45 ± 0.36cm respectively followed by MS media with centrifuged bean sprout extract. From the observation, the bean sprout has the potential to use as an additive for Musa acuminata media to substitute synthetic hormones such as BAP

    The Growth Performance of Pineapple Seedlings Planted with Mycorrhizae and Different Rates of Phosphorus Fertiliser

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    Pineapple stands as a promising crop with potential for widespread cultivation across Malaysia. Nevertheless, factors like the elevated cost of fertilisers and certain environmental challenges have acted as obstacles to pineapple production within the country. The application of mycorrhiza presents an opportunity to curtail fertilisers usage and thereby mitigate environmental strain. This study seeks to assess the impact of mycorrhiza on pineapple growth and determine an optimal Phosphorus (P) fertilisers rate that complements mycorrhizal activity, all while enhancing pineapple growth. A randomised block design with six replications was employed. The study maintained a consistent mycorrhiza application rate of 5 g/plant but varied the Phosphorus fertilisers rate. Data on leaf length, plant height, fresh weight, and dry weight were collected and subjected to analysis. The study, conducted over a four-month period at UiTM Jengka, Pahang, culminated in results analysed through Microsoft Excel and MINITAB. Notably, Treatment 3 displayed the most robust growth performance across leaf length, plant height, and fresh weight. However, Treatment 5 emerged as the optimal choice for enhancing dry plant weight