103 research outputs found

    Microscopic changes of ovaries in relation to inflammatory mediators of blood plasma in superovulated rats

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the microscopic changes that occur within the ovary and to assess the level of inflammatory mediators in blood plasma in rats that are superovulated. Eighteen female 12 weeks old Sprague Dawley rats were used in this study whereby histological sections of ovaries were examined to study the morphology of the ovary and blood analysis was carried out to analyse the inflammatory mediators in the blood plasma. The number of large follicles and healthy follicles were significantly increased (P0.05) when compared to control rats. The levels of Interleukin 8 (IL-8) was up regulated (P0.05) from control rats. It can be concluded from this study that IL-8 indicates increased level of inflammation in superovulated rats. The finding of this study in the increased level of IL-8 in superovulated rats is useful in further studies addressing problems in the superovulation treatment

    Normal and pathologic compact bone repair with bone tissue engineering in rabbits

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    Restoration of skeletal integrity especially in cases with osteogenic inhibitory underlying diseases is still a challenging issue. The aim the current study was to investigate the effects of bone tissue engineering comprising of a combination of autologous osteoblasts and corticocancellous bone graft in repairing compact bone critical sized defect in normal and osteoporotic models. Implant of corticocancellous bone graft alone served as group one. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell of 6 rabbits were cultured, differentiated into osteoblasts and seeded into scaffold of corticocancellous bone graft and implanted in the normal and osteoporotic rabbits as second and third groups respectively. Up to eight weeks radiographs were taken to evaluate the level of osteogenicity. Rabbits were euthanized on week eight postoperative and the implants were harvested for gross, histological and scanning electron microscope observation. In the implant of bone graft alone, the major bone formation pattern was creeping substitution. New bone formation at margin and osteogenesis at the centre of the defect were observed in the implant of tissue engineering bone in normal model, and bone formation pattern included osteogenesis, osteoconduction, and osteoinduction. New bone formation with very thin bone trabecullae penetrating through the entire defect in third group was the result in the last group; however, the new bone formation pattern was completely osteoporotic. As a conclusion, tissue engineering bone, constructed by corticocancellous bone graft and autogenous marrow-derived osteoblasts was more efficient than graft alone in bone formation capability. New bone regeneration and complete bone healing in normal and pathologic bone was possible only in eight weeks which implies it might be an ideal graft for bone defect repair

    Bone marrow seeded bone graft versus bone graft; compact bone critical sized defect healing pattern in rabbit

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    The main aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of combination of bone marrow as the primary origin of osteoblast and at the same time as the seed cell and corticocancellous bone graft as the natural scaffold in repair of compact bone full thickness segmental critical sized defect in rabbits. Twelve rabbits had been divided into two groups; In Group one, fresh autogenous bone marrow aspirate has been seeded into the scaffold of autogenous corticocancellous bone graft which was utilized to repair critical size compact bone defect in mid shaft of radius. Corticocancellous bone graft alone was used as the Group 2 or control group. Up to 8 weeks, radiographs were taken to evaluate the level of osteogenicity in both groups. Rabbits were euthanized on week eight postoperative and the implants were harvested for gross, histological and scanning electron microscope observations. New bone formation and osteogenesis was observed at the margins and centre of the Group 1. Combination of mature and immature trabecullae covered the defect and bone formation pattern included osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteocunduction. In the implant of corticocancellous bone graft alone or group 2, the major new bone formation was at the margins of the defect and osteogenesis was not observed at the centre of the defect and the major bone formation pattern was creeping substitution. As the conclusion, combination of bone marrow and corticocancellous bone graft had better results than corticocancellous bone graft alone in osteogenesis potential. Bone formation capability and critical sized defect repair was faster and more efficient and successful in Group 2 defect

    Bone grafting and bone graft substitutes

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    Restoring skeletal integrity and bone tissue regeneration is still a significant challenging issue. In this regard, bone grafting have been used to augment orthopedic repairs in human and veterinary surgery for several decades and still being under many investigation to hunt for new approaches to improve bone healing following incidences of bone complications. Bone graft is bone transplant and is categorized into autogenous and allogenic grafts as well as synthetic bone graft which are bone graft substitutes. Each of these classified grafts have some advantageous as well as a range of drawbacks, which researchers are still looking to remove those disadvantageous. Finding new instruments and new sites for graft harvests are the major concerns of researchers to diminish the morbidities of donor site in autografts. Looking for agents boosting inductivity of the allografts is the main worries of these kinds of grafting materials and finally new fabrication techniques by new pore sizes are the significant bothering for synthetic bone graft substitutes. This review would consider all grafting methods and materials that would open new windows to the bone grafting techniques

    Study on coccidia infection and species in Cyprus Shami goat population.

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    A survey was undertaken to determine the prevalence of coccidian and helminth infections in the Cyprus Syami goats in two goat farms in the states of Pahang and Negeri Sembilan. The burden of coccidiaoocysts and helminth eggs were determined by the McMaster technique. Identification of Eimeria species was carried out following oocyst sporulation in 2.5% Potassium dichromate solution. The burden of helminthes and coccidia in terms of egg and oocyst counts per gram of faeces was high especially in young animals under the extensive management system. Eimeriaoocysts were found in all faecal samples examined. The species of coccidia identified were E. ninaekohlyakimovae, E. arloingi, E. christenseni, E. hirci, E. alijevi, E. jolchijevi, E. caprina, E. caproving and E. pallida. The most prevalent species identified was E. arloingi, found in 71% of the samples followed by E. Ninakohlyakimovae (67%), e. christenseni (63%) and E. alijevi (61%). Other species present were E. hirci, E. jolchijevi, E. caprovina, E. caprina and E. pallida in 34, 22, 12, 9 and 4% of the faecal samples examined respectively. Oocyst counts were significantly higher in animals below 8 months and in animals kept under extensive management system (P<0.05). High oocyst counts were mainly of non-pathogenic species. High coccidial infection was found to be directly related ot poor hygienic conditions in the management system. Morbidity rates in kids could not be related to the intensity of coccidial infections

    Reproductive and growth performance of Friesian crossbred bulls

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    This study investigates the growth and reproductive performance which includes the onset of spermatogenesis and puberty of Friesian crossbred bulls, the results of which may become useful in the evaluation of bulls for breeding soundness. At 36 months of age, the bulls attained a mean body weight (BW) of 493.44 kg with mean height at withers (BH), body length (BL) and scrotal circumference (SC) of 133.68 cm, 160.33 cm and 35.28 cm, respectively. The results showed that age was significantly correlated with BW (r = 92, p <0.01), BH (r = 90, p <0.01), BL (r = 90, p <0.01) and SC (r = 0.89, p <0.01). The SC was also found to significantly correlate with BW (r = 93, p <0.01) and BH (r = 91, p <0.01). The BW, BH, BL and SC norms distributed with age in this study would be useful in the evaluation of the Friesian crossbred bulls for breeding soundness. Within the limits of this study for age, BW, BH and breed, from the quadratic equations shown in this paper, it is also possible to predict the SC, which is highly related to fertility, if the age, BW or BH of a bull is known. The GnRH-induced plasma testosterone level was found to increase as the bulls grew older from 4–24 months, then it plateaued up to 36 months. Though spermatogenesis began at the age of 9 months in this breed type, the bull calves were found to reach puberty only at the age of 11 months

    Isolation, density purification, and invitro culture maintenance of functional caprine islets of Langerhans as an alternative islet source for diabetes study

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    Background : Insufficient availability of human donors makes the search for alternative source of islet cells mandatory for future developments in pancreatic transplantation. The present study investigates the potential of caprine as an alternative source of pancreatic islets. The objectives of the study were to optimize techniques for caprine islet isolation and purification for culture establishment, and to subsequently assess their viable and functional potential. Methods:  Caprine pancreatic tissues were collected from a local slaughterhouse and prior transported to the laboratory by maintaining the cold chain. Islets were obtained by a collagenase-based digestion and optimized isolation technique. Islet cell purity and viability were determined by dithizone and trypan blue staining, respectively. Islet clusters of different sizes were positively identified by staining methods and demonstrated 90% viability in the culture system. Following static incubation, an in vitro insulin secretion assay was carried out and analyzed by ELISA. Results:  The islets remained satisfactorily viable for 5 days in the culture system following regular media changes. The current study has successfully optimized the isolation, purification and culture maintenance of caprine islets. Conclusion:  The successful yield, viability and functionality of islets isolated from the optimized protocol provide promising potential as an alternative source of islets for diabetes and transplantation researches

    Effects of omental pedicle transposition on regeneration of neurotmesis sciatic nerve in rabbit

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    The present study was aimed at providing an understanding of the role of omental pedicle transposition in peripheral nerve regeneration by utilizing an established rabbit sciatic nerve regeneration model. Twelve adult New Zealand White rabbits (2-2.3kg) were divided into two groups (n=6) and acclimatized for 3 weeks. Complete blood examination, liver and kidney function tests were carried out during this period. In Group A, an end-to-end of sciatic nerve segment anastomosis was done, while that of Group B, the nerve anastomosis wrapped with omental pedicle was performed. The nerve specimens were collected from both groups for histopathological and ultrastructural evaluation after 16 weeks post surgery. Results showed that omental pedicle transpositioned (Group B) had more newly developed nerve fibres and less scar tissue. Ultrastructural examinations showed neuronal sprouting, whereas directions of regenerative nerve fibres were intraneural, but in the end-to-end anastomosis of group B showed that some of nerve fibres had extraneural

    Caprine pancreatic islet xenotransplantation into diabetic immunosuppressed BALB/c mice

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    Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a devastating disease for which there is currently no cure, but only lifetime management. Islet xenotransplantation is a promising technique for the restoration of blood glucose control in patients with diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this study was to explore the potential use of caprine (goat) islet cells as xenogeneic grafts in the treatment for diabetes in a mouse model. Methods: Caprine pancreases were harvested and transported to the laboratory under conditions optimized to prevent ischemia. Islets were isolated, purified, and tested for functionality. Caprine islets (2000 islet equivalent) were transplanted beneath the kidney capsules of diabetic BALB/c mice under thalidomide-induced immunosuppression. Blood glucose and insulin levels of grafted mice were evaluated by glucometer and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit, respectively. The functionality and quality of caprine pancreatic islet grafts were assessed by intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests. Results: The viability of purified islet cells exceeded 90%. Recipient mice exhibited normoglycemia (<11 mm glucose) for 30 days. In addition, weight gain negatively correlated with blood glucose level. The findings verified diabetes reversal in caprine islet recipient mice. A significant drop in non-fasting blood glucose level (from 23.3 ± 5.4 to 8.04 ± 0.44 mm) and simultaneous increase in serum insulin level (from 0.01 ± 0.001 to 0.56 ± 0.17 μg/l) and body weights (from 23.64 ± 0.31 to 25.85 ± 0.34 g) were observed (P < 0.05). Immunohistochemical analysis verified insulin production in the transplanted islets. Conclusions: Purified caprine islets were demonstrated to successfully sustain viability and functionality for controlling blood glucose levels in an immunosuppressed mouse model of diabetes. These results suggest the use of caprine islets as an addition to the supply of xenogeneic islets for diabetes research