2 research outputs found

    Corporate governance and performance of pension funds in Ghana : a mixed-method study

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    This paper assesses the relationship between corporate governance practices and the performance of pension funds in Ghana, which is an emerging market. Data for this study came from two sources: surveys of pension fund managers and annual financial reports of pension funds. Data analysis techniques include mean score ranking and panel regression. The results showed that corporate governance practices such as upholding the rights of shareholders to know the capital structure of the pension funds, equitable treatment of all shareholders, effective internal controls, and timely supervisory functions of audit committees influence the performance of pensions funds. In addition, ensuring proper board composition, the ethnic and gender diversity of board members affect the success of pension funds in the country. The study indicates that the current challenges facing pension funds in the country include poor investment decisions and market volatilities in the investment market. This study provides insight into the governance practices of pension funds. It is relevant for policies and corporate practices to be strengthened to enhance the performance of the firms

    [In Press] A review of studies on green finance of banks, research gaps and future directions

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    With growing global concern for environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development, policymakers and researchers have recently focused on green finance. In this study, existing studies on green finance in the context of the banking sector have been reviewed with considerations on products and determinants of green finance. The content analysis approach has been used to critically analyse and summarize forty-six (46) relevant studies. The results found green securities, green investments, climate finance, carbon finance, green insurance, green credit and green infrastructural bonds as part of key green finance products of banks. Pertinent determinants the study found to be influencing green finance policies from banks include environmental and climate change policies, interest rates, religion, risks, social inclusion and social justice as well as banking regulations. In theory, this study provides a guide for further studies. The results of the study will assist banks on the key issues to consider in adopting, developing and granting green finance